Bikers ride anyway.....right on...


Well-Known Member
hmm so, a hezzbollah money bundler and terrorist funding scam artist founded the organization American Moslem Aliance, then when he PLED GUILTY to a charity fraud used to trick gullible mush-heads, who were told they were donating for compassionate relief for the pallies, the money was funneled (through CAIR BTW) to hamas and hezzbollah, after he went to prison, they changed their name.

they kinda=Sorta changed their name, they still use the old name too, just to keep everybody guessing.

aww, poor bucky, he thinks i didnt back up my statement. how sad.

so their link to terror is that there is a link on their website to another organization completely distinct and separate from their own whose only "crime" (it's not actually a crime) was to help defend someone in court?


you are fucking lame. some terror organization they are.

no, only third Way "Democratic Socialists" believe in that version of marxism
yes, keep grasping desperately at straws.

can't actually call the other guy a commie because you're a retarded old coot who's still fighting the cold war in between stints at your minimum wage job as a 45 year old man?

no worries, just stick some retarded and obscure label that floats around in the right wing, john birch, stormfront "think" tanks (they don't really do much thinking) on him instead!

you really are a joke, and being stuck at minimum wage as a 45 year old man is the proof of it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
yes, keep grasping desperately at straws.

can't actually call the other guy a commie because you're a retarded old coot who's still fighting the cold war in between stints at your minimum wage job as a 45 year old man?

no worries, just stick some retarded and obscure label that floats around in the right wing, john birch, stormfront "think" tanks (they don't really do much thinking) on him instead!

you really are a joke, and being stuck at minimum wage as a 45 year old man is the proof of it.
Third way is the government take over of the bourgeois. But the government is too stupid to know how to run the show. Look at what happened with the USSR and Berlin Wall Germany. That's because government "did it wrong," not that because Marxism is bullshit. No way! So with the next revolt, government slowly gets rid of the bourgeois. In reality, the evil faction of the bourgeois takes over government.

Why do you play dumb and act like you don't know what's in your religion's holy book?


Well-Known Member
Third way is the government take over of the bourgeois. But the government is too stupid to know how to run the show. Look at what happened with the USSR and Berlin Wall Germany. That's because government "did it wrong," not that because Marxism is bullshit. No way! So with the next revolt, government slowly gets rid of the bourgeois. In reality, the evil faction of the bourgeois takes over government.

Why do you play dumb and act like you don't know what's in your religion's holy book?
third way is an invention of the far right to describe capitalists that they don't like as commies and socialists instead.

what little publicly available knowledge about this invented form of non-socialism does say is that it's capitalism, just not the type of unregulated, laissez faire capitalism advocated by only the most batshit insane right wing retards.

third way socialism is an invented label for "capitalism that i don't like" thought up by retards with three teeth.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

so their link to terror is that there is a link on their website to another organization completely distinct and separate from their own whose only "crime" (it's not actually a crime) was to help defend someone in court?


you are fucking lame. some terror organization they are.
no, the Amercan Moslem Aliance did not just "defend somebody in court" their founder and head of their steering committee (until he went to prison) WENT TO PRISON, after pleading guilty to fraud, a frauds designed to funnel money to hezzbollah and hamas.

the Amercan Moslem Alliance is also part of the Cair umbrella of sub groups. everything they touch is tainted by their presence, because they too, were founded by militant moslem fundamantalists, and led by those self-same fundamentalists and HELPED WITH THE FRAUD mentioned earlier, achieving the title of "Un-indicted Co-Conspirators"

maybe youre not catching this, THEY FUND Hamas and Hezzbollah!

yes, keep grasping desperately at straws.

can't actually call the other guy a commie because you're a retarded old coot who's still fighting the cold war in between stints at your minimum wage job as a 45 year old man?

no worries, just stick some retarded and obscure label that floats around in the right wing, john birch, stormfront "think" tanks (they don't really do much thinking) on him instead!

you really are a joke, and being stuck at minimum wage as a 45 year old man is the proof of it.
ad hominem, doesnt really deflect the criticism, nor does it alter the facts.

we have been round and round on this and you still pretend it's not FACT, communists are harmless marxists, socialists are dangerous violent marxists, and "democratic socialists" are dangerous violent marxists with a longer game-plan.

you should examine the overall track record of "Democratic Socialism"

the Highlights:

Francisco Franco
Saddam Hussein
Bashar Assad
The Young Turks (the turkish political party, not the pumpkinheaded dipshit who argues with video recordings and pretends he won a debate)
The Sandinistas
Hugo Chavez
and YOU.


Well-Known Member
no, the Amercan Moslem Aliance did not just "defend somebody in court" their founder and head of their steering committee (until he went to prison) WENT TO PRISON, after pleading guilty to fraud, a frauds designed to funnel money to hezzbollah and hamas.

the Amercan Moslem Alliance is also part of the Cair umbrella of sub groups. everything they touch is tainted by their presence, because they too, were founded by militant moslem fundamantalists, and led by those self-same fundamentalists and HELPED WITH THE FRAUD mentioned earlier, achieving the title of "Un-indicted Co-Conspirators"

maybe youre not catching this, THEY FUND Hamas and Hezzbollah!
and there was a link on a website!*

did they also crawl in through the window in the dark and totally not get arrested, even though they did get arrested for going through the door in the light of day?

just have to ask due to usage of caps.

ad hominem, doesnt really deflect the criticism, nor does it alter the facts.

we have been round and round on this and you still pretend it's not FACT, communists are harmless marxists, socialists are dangerous violent marxists, and "democratic socialists" are dangerous violent marxists with a longer game-plan.

you should examine the overall track record of "Democratic Socialism"

the Highlights:

Francisco Franco
Saddam Hussein
Bashar Assad
The Young Turks (the turkish political party, not the pumpkinheaded dipshit who argues with video recordings and pretends he won a debate)
The Sandinistas
Hugo Chavez
and YOU.
oh, look. more caps.

i am thus hitler, mussolini, and hussein for favoring private ownership of means of production.

thus spake KKKynes, the 45 year old guy who is not worth more than minimum wage.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
third way is an invention of the far right to describe capitalists that they don't like as commies and socialists instead.

what little publicly available knowledge about this invented form of non-socialism does say is that it's capitalism, just not the type of unregulated, laissez faire capitalism advocated by only the most batshit insane right wing retards.

third way socialism is an invented label for "capitalism that i don't like" thought up by retards with three teeth.
You're so far left, you think Bill Clinton was a far right Nazi! :dunce:

This is what a very liberal rag has to say about this fictitious invention, " More than this though, like so many ideologies the Third Way runs the risk of overstating the capacity of government to deliver, to change the way people are, the ways they choose to live their lives." For such a Nazi righty delusion, it sure has a lot of supporters in Europe. When government "delivers" it's called socialism. Government's job is watchdog and mediator, not some magical god who sends you medical students to give out free hand jobs.

What is the Third Way?

Even the lefties know Third Way is just fancy speak for communism in sheep's clothing.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
third way is an invention of the far right to describe capitalists that they don't like as commies and socialists instead.

what little publicly available knowledge about this invented form of non-socialism does say is that it's capitalism, just not the type of unregulated, laissez faire capitalism advocated by only the most batshit insane right wing retards.

third way socialism is an invented label for "capitalism that i don't like" thought up by retards with three teeth.
if you bothered to read any of the works i cited previously, the Third Way was invented by Mussolini as an alternative to violent marxist revolution in nations where that shit just didnt sell to the target market

the phrase "The Third Way" was coined by mussolini to describe his Re-Branding of traditional "Intellectual Vanguard" Marxism, as a more populist and palatable option in nations like italy and spain where the proles just didnt see the percentage in hurling their bodies at the barricades.

instead, "Third Way Marxism" exploits free elections and the desire of the Lumpen Proletariat for "Sumpfin Fer Nuffink" then, once ensconced within the political macheinery, uses unions, corporations and government together to ease the country into a socialist system, as a first little baby step on the road towards "Communist Utopia".

uhh ohh is that some verifiable history?

but by all means dont Google "Third Way Socialism", lest your comfortable assumptions be dashed into a thousand pieces.


Well-Known Member
you should examine the overall track record of "Democratic Socialism"

the Highlights:

Francisco Franco
Saddam Hussein
Bashar Assad
The Young Turks (the turkish political party, not the pumpkinheaded dipshit who argues with video recordings and pretends he won a debate)
The Sandinistas
Hugo Chavez
and YOU.
Excuse me, but your definition of Social-Democracy is rather perverse. Are you familiar with the concept of the Political Compass? It's a tool that can be used to teach people basics of Poli Sci.


The NDP are considered Social-Democrats (albeit, they have really watered down the socialism part of their ideology). Hitler, Mussolini, and all the autocratic regimes you conflate with SD is either a blatant attempt to deceive others, or a reflection of ignorance.
America has practically no perspective on what SD means since most of its political life in the 20th (and now 21st) century has been involved in the upper right of the 1st quadrant.

Take a look at the compass for the US 2012 election.
Tell me again WHO is closer to Hitler? Jill Stein? :lol:
Or the classic, fake dichotomy of Redemopublicrats :?:


Well-Known Member
if you bothered to read any of the works i cited previously, the Third Way was invented by Mussolini as an alternative to violent marxist revolution in nations where that shit just didnt sell to the target market

the phrase "The Third Way" was coined by mussolini to describe his Re-Branding of traditional "Intellectual Vanguard" Marxism, as a more populist and palatable option in nations like italy and spain where the proles just didnt see the percentage in hurling their bodies at the barricades.

instead, "Third Way Marxism" exploits free elections and the desire of the Lumpen Proletariat for "Sumpfin Fer Nuffink" then, once ensconced within the political macheinery, uses unions, corporations and government together to ease the country into a socialist system, as a first little baby step on the road towards "Communist Utopia".

uhh ohh is that some verifiable history?

but by all means dont Google "Third Way Socialism", lest your comfortable assumptions be dashed into a thousand pieces.
all i have stated is that i believe in private ownership of means of production.

thus i am MUSSOLINI.

got it, kkkynes.

take your third way capitalism and blow it straight out your ass.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
all i have stated is that i believe in private ownership of means of production.

thus i am MUSSOLINI.

got it, kkkynes.

take your third way capitalism and blow it straight out your ass.
you ARE a liberal progressive, yet you sill believe in private ownership of the "Means of Production, thus you share many of the same policies of Democratic Socialists, which in fact means you are part of the Third Way movement, which is in fact Marxist in origin.

Example:Bill Clinton used the phrase "The Third Way" many times, in exactly the same context as Mussolin, as a Third option in economic planning, in direct relation to an option halfway between Lassiez Faire Capitalism, and Socialist State Control of Capital and the "Means of Production".

"The Third Way" is based upon Marx's economic and political theories, and all the assumptions Marx made about society, history and forms of governance. "The Third Way" is viewed as heresy by most schools of Marxist Thought, thus they attempt to associate it with Capitalism, but the fact remains, it is part of the Marxist Rainbow, and it's developer (Benito Mussolini) was a member in good standing of the Communist International Association, untill he became an apostate by appealing to the "Petty Bourgeois" instead of the proletarians. "The Third Way's" ultimate and stated aim is in fact, to slowly intoduce more and more socialism into a primarily capitalist society, until eventually everyone discovers the joys of Marxist Thought, and willingly embraces "Scientific Marxism" which would lead inevitably (according to Marxist Thought) into Utopian Communism.

and now you know. Again.

the Critical Levels Of Butthurt you feel when being associated with the very political ideology you have repeatedly espoused (flawed though it may be), despite the lack of any venom, is entirely a result of your personal issues, and not any disparagement on my part.

i still dont hate Marxists in general, i just despise militant socialists and their Neo-Feudal Plutocracy which is still just Hereditary Monarchy with different titles


Well-Known Member
you ARE a liberal progressive, yet you sill believe in private ownership of the "Means of Production, thus you share many of the same policies of Democratic Socialists, which in fact means you are part of the Third Way movement, which is in fact Marxist in origin.

Example:Bill Clinton used the phrase "The Third Way" many times, in exactly the same context as Mussolin, as a Third option in economic planning, in direct relation to an option halfway between Lassiez Faire Capitalism, and Socialist State Control of Capital and the "Means of Production".

"The Third Way" is based upon Marx's economic and political theories, and all the assumptions Marx made about society, history and forms of governance. "The Third Way" is viewed as heresy by most schools of Marxist Thought, thus they attempt to associate it with Capitalism, but the fact remains, it is part of the Marxist Rainbow, and it's developer (Benito Mussolini) was a member in good standing of the Communist International Association, untill he became an apostate by appealing to the "Petty Bourgeois" instead of the proletarians. "The Third Way's" ultimate and stated aim is in fact, to slowly intoduce more and more socialism into a primarily capitalist society, until eventually everyone discovers the joys of Marxist Thought, and willingly embraces "Scientific Marxism" which would lead inevitably (according to Marxist Thought) into Utopian Communism.

and now you know. Again.

the Critical Levels Of Butthurt you feel when being associated with the very political ideology you have repeatedly espoused (flawed though it may be), despite the lack of any venom, is entirely a result of your personal issues, and not any disparagement on my part.

i still dont hate Marxists in general, i just despise militant socialists and their Neo-Feudal Plutocracy which is still just Hereditary Monarchy with different titles
and we all know what bad news clinton was.

how did we ever survive those lean years?

hell, how did you guys even manage to defend yourselves from the tyrannical government under the assault weapons ban?

third way capitalism seems pretty OK if ol' willy was slinging it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
and we all know what bad news clinton was.

how did we ever survive those lean years?

hell, how did you guys even manage to defend yourselves from the tyrannical government under the assault weapons ban?

third way capitalism seems pretty OK if ol' willy was slinging it.

it is not the individual steps which cause the problem, each one is carefully crafted to seem like a delightful "reform" and the beginning of a glorious new chapter in (insert ideology/country here)'s history.

it is the eventual goal which is the problem, because once you get deep enough into the Socialist Swamp, finding your way out again becomes incredibly difficult.


Well-Known Member

it is not the individual steps which cause the problem, each one is carefully crafted to seem like a delightful "reform" and the beginning of a glorious new chapter in (insert ideology/country here)'s history.

it is the eventual goal which is the problem, because once you get deep enough into the Socialist Swamp, finding your way out again becomes incredibly difficult.
tell me more about the evils of capitalism.