Oops Conservative Pundits guilty of race baiting

why don't black people just move to more rural location where there are woods and basements and rooftops around?

stupid black people!

or better yet, why not smoke weed on the roof of their low rent high rises, or in the alleys behind the projects, or in among the burned out cars in a nearby vacant lot?

stereotype much BucKKKY?

even in rural areas, "Black Culture" dictates that when smoking weed you MUST do it in a wide open well traveled area, and you must be as loud and obnoxious as possible. i do not know why they think this is the brilliant plan, or why they always look so surprised when the cops bust them, but apparently it's inn the rules.

those individuals not subsumed into the BucKKKy/BET/MTV version of what it means to be black in america do not seem to have nearly as much trouble with the cops as the run of the mill hoodrat.

but expecting dumbasses to work out that dizzying chain of logic is "Too White" and thus forbidden, by "Black Culture" and the lily white self hating racist assholes like yourself who blame "whiteness" and White Culture" for the criminal actions of every stupid, moronic, buffleheaded, low rent, brainless, dumbass fuckwit who thinks Scarface is a self improvement video.

but yeah. lowering the standard of behavior for blacks, because you JUST KNOW they cannot adhere to the standard you expect of "white people" is not racist at all.
or better yet, why not smoke weed on the roof of their low rent high rises, or in the alleys behind the projects, or in among the burned out cars in a nearby vacant lot?

needs citation.

stereotype much BucKKKY?

needs citation.

even in rural areas, "Black Culture" dictates that when smoking weed you MUST do it in a wide open well traveled area, and you must be as loud and obnoxious as possible. i do not know why they think this is the brilliant plan, or why they always look so surprised when the cops bust them, but apparently it's inn the rules.

needs citation.

those individuals not subsumed into the BucKKKy/BET/MTV version of what it means to be black in america do not seem to have nearly as much trouble with the cops as the run of the mill hoodrat.

needs citation.

but expecting dumbasses to work out that dizzying chain of logic is "Too White" and thus forbidden, by "Black Culture" and the lily white self hating racist assholes like yourself who blame "whiteness" and White Culture" for the criminal actions of every stupid, moronic, buffleheaded, low rent, brainless, dumbass fuckwit who thinks Scarface is a self improvement video.

needs citation.

but yeah. lowering the standard of behavior for blacks, because you JUST KNOW they cannot adhere to the standard you expect of "white people" is not racist at all.

needs citation.

i'm not interested in your anecdotal, prejudiced, very racist perceptions of the world.

your racism and prejudice does not explain why even in similar socioeconomic conditions, blacks are STILL more likely to be arrested for simple possession despite similar rates of usage.

watching you try to pigeonhole and race bait your way out of a straightforward question is tiresome.

watching you try to pinpoint the issue as a simple matter of blacks not acting white enough is pretty disgusting.

watching you then accuse me of being racist for not buying into your racist prejudices is just LOL.

you are a joke, kkkynes.
those individuals not subsumed into the BucKKKy/BET/MTV version of what it means to be black in america do not seem to have nearly as much trouble with the cops as the run of the mill hoodrat.

like black harvard professors who get locked out of their homes?

or possibly a future black POTUS who wants to go shopping in a department store without being tailed by security?

they must have been acting too black and "hoodrat", eh kkkynes?

your racist stereotypes and prejudices can only explain away so little, moron.
Obama and Eric Holder are at the end of the responsibility chain for the high number of blacks arrested for weed. Are they racists?
(mindless drivel snipped, due to lack of citation)

there is nothing racist about the FBI stats, but you interpret them through the most racist lens possible.

you ignore that crime is correlated to poverty and SES factors across all races without fail, and you ignore that centuries of unequal access to opportunity has left one group with about three times the rate of poverty as another.

after you purposely overlook this, you pull out your bag of prejudiced, anecdotal, and racist tales to try to explain it away.

you still can't answer a straightforward question about why even in similar SES conditions, blacks are STILL more likely to be arrested for simple possession than whites are.

instead, you simply cite "hoodrats" and "da streetz" and "BET".

you even ignore everything that destroys your silly, racist worldview entirely, such as even black HARVARD PROFESSORS not being exempt from being arrested in their own homes after presenting ID, or the future black president being tailed in department stores. are harvard professors and future president also suffering from your "hoodrat" syndrome, you dumb racist shit?

just shut the fuck up and stick to making dick jokes, kkkynes.

yep. 11% of the population committing 49.7% of the murders. yep, must be POVERTY!!!

11% of the population committing 55.6% of robberies, Must be their Socio Economic Status!

no. i grew up pooor as dirt, and shockinmgly i havent murdered anybody, robbed anybody, raped anybody, or held up any liquor stores.

and neither have any of my 4 brothers, amazing. neither have any of my circle of friends who are white black mexican and asian, but are all metalheads and aggies like me, wow.

meanwhile 1 out of 3 black males wind up in the joint, yet ZERO out of nearly 100 cats in my immediate circle have prison records, despite all growing up piss poor, and being of a variety of races,, and having generally shitty Socio-Economic Status.

your entire rant about poverty= crime, and thus crime should be forgiven is POINTLESS RETARDED and lacking citation to boot.

shove off you racist pile of shit.

i hold everyone to the same standaard regardless of the excuses you think are so important.

edit: and yeah, "black harvard professor" is not what the cops saw, what they saw was a guy climbing in a window in a swanky neighborhood.
unless that putz had "Black Harvard Professor" tattooed on his ass,, he should be expected to answer some pointed questions about why he is climbing in a motherfucking window.

thats why we have cops in the first place you dipshit!

he just got all butthurt because they didnt recognize him and immediately drop to their knees in supplication.

if somebody had climbed in his window, stolen all his shit, and maybe murdered his old lady and the cops DIDNT check out the guy they saw climbing through the window he would be suing them for that too.
There is nothing racist about acknowledging that African Americans have been systematically and institutionally oppressed by whites. White nationalist groups continue to occupy the internet, including www.rollitup.org/politics/ and this thread may or may not be a debate between such a group and it's detractors, who acknowledge racial inequality.

Certainly not everyone who has commented is partisan to either side of it, but on the bright side, things are getting better for African Americans and I hope the progress continues. There is no denying that ethnic lines were very recently parallel with socioeconomic lines. They have not changed nearly enough.

It is not necessarily racist to want to preserve socioeconomic stratification, but it is definitely counter productive to any progress.
Obama and Eric Holder are at the end of the responsibility chain for the high number of blacks arrested for weed. Are they racists?

Obama and Holder are responsible for state and city police departments?

Most of the offenders jailed under federal violations for marijuana arent black
There is nothing racist about acknowledging that African Americans have been systematically and institutionally oppressed by whites. White nationalist groups continue to occupy the internet, including www.rollitup.org/politics/ and this thread may or may not be a debate between such a group and it's detractors, who acknowledge racial inequality.

Certainly not everyone who has commented is partisan to either side of it, but on the bright side, things are getting better for African Americans and I hope the progress continues. There is no denying that ethnic lines were very recently parallel with socioeconomic lines. They have not changed nearly enough.

It is not necessarily racist to want to preserve socioeconomic stratification, but it is definitely counter productive to any progress.

amazingly enough i agree wholeheartedly, with the bolded portion, however, bucKKKy's solution to the problems of america's racial past is to endlessly regurgitate the same old tired memes, and declare that those ethnic groups who were oppressed in the past should get a free pass on current criminality, or be forgiven their current BULLSHIT (yes, im talking about two bit minstrel show coons like lil wayne, sean "puffy" combs and 2 chainz) and their self-imposed cultural degradation. (kanye, im looking at you)

if one chooses to dress like a homeless bum, on e should not be surprisewd if one is TREATED like a bum, if one dresses like a street gang member, one should expect to be TREATED like a street gang member, which includes being shaken down by the cops periodically, and yes, being frisked as a potential suspect.

funny how "Black Harvard Professors" bitch like Malcolm X about being "Hassled by The Man" when they are climbing through windows in harvard yard, but have sweet FA to say about getting stop 'n' frisked, since they DONT GET STOPPED due to the remarkably low correlation between street crime and Tweed Jackets with leather patches on the elbows.

hey, look who else doesnt get stop 'n' frisked:


but look who DOES get stopped 'n' frisked:


do the math.
amazingly enough i agree wholeheartedly, with the bolded portion, however, bucKKKy's solution to the problems of america's racial past is to endlessly regurgitate the same old tired memes, and declare that those ethnic groups who were oppressed in the past should get a free pass on current criminality, or be forgiven their current BULLSHIT (yes, im talking about two bit minstrel show coons like lil wayne, sean "puffy" combs and 2 chainz) and their self-imposed cultural degradation. (kanye, im looking at you)

if one chooses to dress like a homeless bum, on e should not be surprisewd if one is TREATED like a bum, if one dresses like a street gang member, one should expect to be TREATED like a street gang member, which includes being shaken down by the cops periodically, and yes, being frisked as a potential suspect.

funny how "Black Harvard Professors" bitch like Malcolm X about being "Hassled by The Man" when they are climbing through windows in harvard yard, but have sweet FA to say about getting stop 'n' frisked, since they DONT GET STOPPED due to the remarkably low correlation between street crime and Tweed Jackets with leather patches on the elbows.

hey, look who else doesnt get stop 'n' frisked:


but look who DOES get stopped 'n' frisked:


do the math.

we get it.

even if they are not doing any of the things you would label as stereotypically black, they should be hassled for not dressing enough like some conservative white male.

otherwise, some dumb, racist, fearful pile of shit like you might suspect they are up to no good based on the clothing choices that surround their skin color.

why don't more black people just be white? that would solve all their problems.

same misguided and racist sentiment as in my sig.
since kynes resorted to pictures to illustrate, so will i.

this man was arrested in his own home after presenting ID, he is a harvard professor who should have acted more white to appease racists like kkkynes.

this man was tailed in department stores for looking too suspicious:


no amount of tweed will ever be enough for the kkkynes' of the world. no amount of clothing could ever change his mind about some "hoodrats".
Obama and Holder are responsible for state and city police departments?

Most of the offenders jailed under federal violations for marijuana arent black

In some cases, Obama and Holder's minions have strong ties to state and local cops.

However my point was either bozo could end the drug war tomorrow if they had the balls. Schedule I, etc.

Why call a person jailed for pot an "offender"....that terminology is offensive.
since kynes resorted to pictures to illustrate, so will i.

this man was arrested in his own home after presenting ID, he is a harvard professor who should have acted more white to appease racists like kkkynes.


never arrested, never booked, he was QUESTIONED by the cops to ascertain that he was in fact not a burglar, the questioning took a moment longer than he thought appropriate so he threw a tantrum. even then he was not arrested, not booked, and not charged with anything, despite being a petulant whiney bitch to the cops who were simply investigating some guy crawling through his window in the dark.

this man was tailed in department stores for looking too suspicious:


no amount of tweed will ever be enough for the kkkynes' of the world. no amount of clothing could ever change his mind about some "hoodrats".

so he claims!

but his paranoia and hair-trigger butthurt is not proof of anything except his mental instability.

guess what, now this prick is followed by security EVERYWHERE HE GOES, does that also prove everything is racist?

Bwana Obama is a proven liar, he is an incorrigible liar even by the impossibly low standards of a politician, taking his word on anything is just stupid.
we get it.

even if they are not doing any of the things you would label as stereotypically black, they should be hassled for not dressing enough like some conservative white male.

otherwise, some dumb, racist, fearful pile of shit like you might suspect they are up to no good based on the clothing choices that surround their skin color.

why don't more black people just be white? that would solve all their problems.

same misguided and racist sentiment as in my sig.

so now wearing clothing which is not the uniform of street gangs is "dressing white"

you have your head shoved so far up your own ass you cant even accept the facts.

if i dress an an orange jumpsuit with Dept of Corrections stenciled on the back, wear broken handcuffs and walk around the cops wont say shit to me cuz im "white" and thus protected?

if they DO stop me and question me i get to cry RACISM!! because they are stifling my freedom of speech and my freedom of expression?

i should be able to wear blood soaked coveralls, a hockey mask and carry an axe dripping with gore, and if anybody has a problem with that, they are RACIST!!!!

ohh wait im not black so i cant do any of those things, cuz im racist too!

i wish i had enough white guilt to turn me into a trembling leftist pansy like you bucKKKy, then i could whine and piss and moan about the plight of my black brothers, and insist anyone who disagrees with me is trying to bring back the shackles, or restart the slave trade.
so he claims!

but his paranoia and hair-trigger butthurt is not proof of anything except his mental instability.

guess what, now this prick is followed by security EVERYWHERE HE GOES, does that also prove everything is racist?

Bwana Obama is a proven liar, he is an incorrigible liar even by the impossibly low standards of a politician, taking his word on anything is just stupid.

and your claims are supposed to be credible? after you just got done lying about henry louis gates jr in the last post?


good job on proving yourself not racist with the bwana reference there, kkkynes.
you dumb racist fuck.

he was indeed arrested in his own home after showing them ID.


you are entitled to your racism, no one can take that away from you. but your own facts? nope.

you blithering fucktard.

From your wiki link:

An independent panel with experts from across the nation published a report on June 30, 2010, which states that "Sergeant Crowley and Professor Gates each missed opportunities to 'ratchet down' the situation and end it peacefully" and share responsibility for the controversial July 16 arrest. Crowley could have better explained how uncertain and potentially dangerous it is to respond to a serious crime-in-progress call and why this can result in a seemingly rude tone. Gates could have tried to understand Crowley's view of the situation and could have spoken respectfully to Crowley. The report cites research that shows people's feelings about a police encounter depend significantly on whether they feel the officer displays respect and courtesy.[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP]

Gates was charged with disorderly conduct after throwing a tantrum just as Kynes pointed out.