Oops Conservative Pundits guilty of race baiting

i wonder why the righties haven't been screaming about this yet.

normally, this forum adopts the childish, ghetto attitude of "snitches get stitches end up in ditches", but they have been oddly silent about a white kid snitching on his two black friends.

Your display regarding trayvon was quite enough you pathetic bigoted fetishist... You and cheesedick should just exchange dog meat recipes...
The first two days this story was out I never heard race mentioned. I was guilty of assuming they must be white guys or the press would have mentioned it. I pictured three drunk rednecks. I might have been guilty of stereotyping Texans, sorry bout that. Now that I look at what the story's become, the way it was reported in the beginning was the correct way. It was never about race and shouldn't be presented that way.

It really is apples to oranges, but it's clear our press doesn't handle all fruit the same. Right OR left press. All about ratings I guess.
yeah, your specialty is in holocaust denial and joining "like minded" groups of white supremacists.

Holocaust denial? LOL can you point me to those? Your bullshit claim is nearly as laughable as the implication your wife is not a burden on the health system...:dunce:
So if I understand Buck's argument correctly, it is as follows. "Those niggers can't be racist, they have a white friend."
Rush Limbaugh used his radio show Wednesday to insist that Lane's killing was "Trayvon Martin in reverse." Limbaugh insisted that the "mainstream media's" failure to cover the racial dimensions of the crime was clear evidence of complicity in "the destruction of American culture and society." He said one of the accused shooters "worships rappers" and celebrates "thug culture.".

A similar message was put forward by Fox News, with more embarrassing results. On Wednesday morning, "Fox & Friends" falsely reported that all three of the suspects were black, during a segment in which host Steve Doocy, like Limbaugh, brought up Trayvon Martin.

The Daily Caller made the same factual error, and compounded it by showing what it claimed to be photos of each of the suspects. The person identified by the website as Michael Jones, who is white, was a black man entirely uninvolved to the shooting.

The Drudge Report, meanwhile, dedicated a portion of its left-hand column on Wednesday to the shooting -- in the process playing up race, and Trayvon Martin, in its own appraisal of the crime.

Mediaite's Noah Rothman elaborated on this argument on Wednesday: "A media that arguably fostered the creation of a racial angle in the killing of Trayvon Martin … has contorted itself in tortured ways to avoid describing the suspects in Lane's murder."

One of the suspects is white!

You need to turn off the left spin news. By the way I do not watch fox. Anyway, the truth is once one of the three confesses who did ( most likely a black guy, we shall see soon) I DO hope the left wing wacko news gets as outrage. This is SO MUCH WORSE than trayvon. Trayvon was in a neighborhood plagued by breakins. A half hispanic security guard was looking out for his neighborhood and over responded after getting attacked. This is so much worse. It was done for "boredom". Once it is confirmed that a black man shot a white man because he was board. This should be a MUCH BIGGER news subject. Reverse racism IS the biggest issue but the left continues to be in left field as our country continues to go down due to liberal choices.
move to canada? leave your baggage at the door along with your weapons please. bring some good seeds and have an open mind in regards to maple syrup, free health care, lower murder rates, newfies, and political parties that are too pussy to make a stand in regards to anything other then milking alberta for oil. ..... on second thought, bring the guns and lets remove their current thinking of milking alberta for oil.... before the usa invades on rumours of wmds and chem weapons....
you're missing the whole point of the thread, smarty.

the point is that conservative media is making an effort to identify the race of the killers, to the point where they even misidentify them as all black.

one is black, one is white, one is biracial. they were stopped when their killing spree went on to target a black kid after they killed a white guy.

that fox news is crying "hate crime!" and misidentifying the races of the murderers is the whole point.

you are so dumb.

That might, or might not, be the point of the thread; with Cheesy you never know exactly what is going on behind his paint-spattered forehead.

My point, though, was that the point made by the story at the included link (http://www.mediaite.com/online/medi...-avoids-describing-christopher-lanes-killers/ ) is inarguable. Every news story about the Trayvon incident highlighted the race of everybody involved, they even invented a new (to me anyway) term: "white-hispanic". There has been ringing silence about the racial identities in this latest atrocity. It is not without merit to ask why.
I have no problem with the term "white-Hispanic" as I have traveled a lot through Latin America and occasionally you run across people who are as white as the Average person walking down the street in Minnesota. Latin America was colonized by the Spain, Portugal and the British, French and Dutch to a lesser extent. However, this term does not appear to fit GZ because he was pretty dark and had a lot of the much more common brown-Hispanic features. The media kept trying to get that square peg into the round hole on that one. It was comical at times.
I have no problem with the term "white-Hispanic" as I have traveled a lot through Latin America and occasionally you run across people who are as white as the Average person walking down the street in Minnesota. Latin America was colonized by the Spain, Portugal and the British, French and Dutch to a lesser extent. However, this term does not appear to fit GZ because he was pretty dark and had a lot of the much more common brown-Hispanic features. The media kept trying to get that square peg into the round hole on that one. It was comical at times.

try reading the title of this thread, moron. it gives you a hint.

Read the story that was linked to. It does not support your notion of what this thread is about. In fact, it makes a very good case that the media carpet-bombed the American psyche with racial innuendo about the Trayvon shooting and is deafeningly silent over the latest atrocity. I can't help it that Cheesy linked to a story that does not support his narrative; maybe he got paint in his eye and could not read it. What do you have in your eye that makes you incapable of seeing the contradiction?

The Christian Science Monitor has a similar story about the deafening silence in MSM about violent criminal incidents perpetrated by blacks that are clearly racial in nature.


Black mob attacks on whites in recent years in Chicago, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and other cities have helped to sow suspicion among some whites that police are unwilling to file hate-crime charges against black defendants, even in the face of indications that racism is involved.
Read the story that was linked to. It does not support your notion of what this thread is about. In fact, it makes a very good case that the media carpet-bombed the American psyche with racial innuendo about the Trayvon shooting and is deafeningly silent over the latest atrocity. I can't help it that Cheesy linked to a story that does not support his narrative; maybe he got paint in his eye and could not read it. What do you have in your eye that makes you incapable of seeing the contradiction?

The Christian Science Monitor has a similar story about the deafening silence in MSM about violent criminal incidents perpetrated by blacks that are clearly racial in nature.


Black mob attacks on whites in recent years in Chicago, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and other cities have helped to sow suspicion among some whites that police are unwilling to file hate-crime charges against black defendants, even in the face of indications that racism is involved.

That's what you got out of it?

Guess you didnt read the article then
Try this
Look!!! Two more white kids murdered an old war vet.


And even more white kids who savagely murdered that young white couple in TN. No question about it, there is definitely a white guy in the photo, so race can't possibly have anything to do with it.


WTF is going on? Three more white teens who murdered a young, white male nurse in Memphis a few weeks ago.


And lest we forget, the two white guys who doused a dude with gasoline and set him on fire. What is going on with all these redneck southerners in TN, are they losing their minds?
