Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
why don't black people just move to more rural location where there are woods and basements and rooftops around?
stupid black people!
or better yet, why not smoke weed on the roof of their low rent high rises, or in the alleys behind the projects, or in among the burned out cars in a nearby vacant lot?
stereotype much BucKKKY?
even in rural areas, "Black Culture" dictates that when smoking weed you MUST do it in a wide open well traveled area, and you must be as loud and obnoxious as possible. i do not know why they think this is the brilliant plan, or why they always look so surprised when the cops bust them, but apparently it's inn the rules.
those individuals not subsumed into the BucKKKy/BET/MTV version of what it means to be black in america do not seem to have nearly as much trouble with the cops as the run of the mill hoodrat.
but expecting dumbasses to work out that dizzying chain of logic is "Too White" and thus forbidden, by "Black Culture" and the lily white self hating racist assholes like yourself who blame "whiteness" and White Culture" for the criminal actions of every stupid, moronic, buffleheaded, low rent, brainless, dumbass fuckwit who thinks Scarface is a self improvement video.
but yeah. lowering the standard of behavior for blacks, because you JUST KNOW they cannot adhere to the standard you expect of "white people" is not racist at all.