Oops Conservative Pundits guilty of race baiting

wow, i was wrong, the cop did arrest him for being an obnoxious prick, but the charges were dropped, so yeah you "win" on that score dimwit.

sadly your "win" is surmounted by your FAIL since your own "citation" (lol wikipedia) clearly demonstrates that your sainted "Black Harvard Professor" started the bullshit, continued the bullshit and should have been charge for being a dick-breathed asshole.

cops in my town would have given that asshole a "station correction" (thats tuning him up BTW) and fired him down the stairs for being a dumbass prick.

but all that clearly escapes your notice when the opportunity to chant "racism" pops up.

i guess from now on if i wannna burglarize a hous all i gotta do is wear blackface and claim im a professor, shout about how "You Be Racist" and throw out a few "Yo Mamma" snaps and the cops wont dare bust me.

you are so fucking retarded. even being right makes you motherfucking WRONG!

why are you putting black harvard professor in quotes? the dude is an actual harvard professor, and is black.

we all have no doubts that you'd like to throw black people down staircases, even after they have proved that they are lawfully in their own homes.

you'd probably blame him for taking your place in junior college right after, since you clearly can't handle or take responsibility for your own failings in life.

you have only yourself to blame for being a rotten, unwanted piece of shit in life. all the false, prejudiced, and racist stereotypes you can muster won't change that.
Every person who is not white should take it on themselves to commit to a "Knock A Honkey Out Day". The all live n fear so there is no reason not to give them what for.

El Tib, you should go out and do as you suggest. Just do it. Don't be an internet pussy writing about it. Get out there and give those Honkeys what they deserve.
Every person who is not white should take it on themselves to commit to a "Knock A Honkey Out Day". The all live n fear so there is no reason not to give them what for.
Every person who is not white should take it on themselves to commit to a "Knock A Honkey Out Day". The all live n fear so there is no reason not to give them what for.
I had a nice conversation with a Columbian dude this weekend. I couldn't get all of my questions answered since I was short on time, so I gave him my claim ticket and he brought my car around.
Not too many of your people here in Cali. They are too cowardly to visit Valle del Cauca and your race is too stupid to learn a second language.

Come on up to the real Cali, California. There's lots of every color person imaginable for you to assault.
...some guy crawling through his window in the dark.


by the way, it was light out and he went through the door.

but good job on "blacking it up" a bit. maybe next time, throw in a few "you got a problem homeys" and "you gonna die tonights" for good measure.

you can never black it up too much for fellow racists like yourself. they'll believe whatever nonsense you mouth vomit at them.
Unfortunately, the people you are running into are the poor who have no choice but to come to the US to try to make a little more money. Wealthy Colombians look down on gringos as poor, uneducated, uncultured rednecks. 99% of you here fit right into that category. People from Estrata 5 and 6 families have no desire whatsoever to come to the US. They would live a lower quality of life if they did. We send our children to the best schools in your country that even you can not afford. Membership has it's privileges. Get back to work slave and flip those burgers before they burn.
you're the last person to talk about facts right now after you just got done lying through your teeth.

just because i don't begrudge others for the color of their skin and base my world view in racist, prejudiced stereotypes does not mean i am suffering from white guilt, nor does it make me a "trembling leftist pansy".

maybe in your twisted mind, being a deluded, racist fuckwit makes you feel like a big strong man, but in reality it only shows what a pathetic, sniveling, scared little girl you are.

and for the record, i've never felt guilty about being white, only privileged.

being white is pretty great and has its advantages, so i don't really get this feeling of persecution that you seem to cling to and blame all your failures in life on.

you can't geet a job because them illegal immigrant mexicans have them all, you can't get into college because all them negroes got all the scholarships, yadda yadda yadda. you poor fucking thing.

why don't you man up and take responsibility for your own failures in life.

Stop lying. Even the white guilt crowd knows you're a racist mudscuttle. Indians aren't "dot heads," bro. No matter what your hero Biden says.
Come on up to the real Cali, California. There's lots of every color person imaginable for you to assault.

We people of color only want to see the white man exterminated like the dog he is and die the death of a dog in the street. Spit upon and stepped on by all who pass.

Cali was founded in 1536. When did the Mexicans create California?
Stop lying. Even the white guilt crowd knows you're a racist mudscuttle. Indians aren't "dot heads," bro. No matter what your hero Biden says.

why am i racist? and when have i felt guilty about being white?

like i said, i have only ever felt privileged. being white is great, it opens all kinds of doors. why some dumbasses feel like they are being persecuted for being white is beyond me, but they are almost always the same crowd who see things as a zero sum game.

they think if any other race gets any of the privileges and benefits that us white folks do, it will take their benefits and privileges away. i don't see it that way. there's plenty for all in this garden of eden.

don't these talking monkeys know that eden has enough to go around?
Stop lying. Even the white guilt crowd knows you're a racist mudscuttle. Indians aren't "dot heads," bro. No matter what your hero Biden says.

The fact you know and use that word says to me who you are. No holding back now.

♪ ♫"If your crazy and you know it, Shake your meds"♪ ♫
We people of color only want to see the white man exterminated like the dog he is and die the death of a dog in the street. Spit upon and stepped on by all who pass.

Cali was founded in 1536. When did the Mexicans create California?

Actually, Cali Colombia is one of the best places on earth for a white man to get laid. He only needs basic conversational Spanish and can approach ladies out of his bracket with ease. I was pulling 8s and 9s with no problem there and scored one night stands 4 out of 6 nights.

Colombian women love white men, and I never met anyone that was even impolite. I even felt very safe at night in the middle class neighborhood where I stayed. I would appreciate it if you would cease misrepresenting the great people of Colombia, they are not all fucktards like you.
Actually, Cali Colombia is one of the best places on earth for a white man to get laid. He only needs basic conversational Spanish and can approach ladies out of his bracket with ease. I was pulling 8s and 9s with no problem there and scored one night stands 4 out of 6 nights.

Colombian women love white men, and I never met anyone that was even impolite. I even felt very safe at night in the middle class neighborhood where I stayed. I would appreciate it if you would cease misrepresenting the great people of Colombia, they are not all fucktards like you.

Yo are very confused. No father from the higher estratas would allow his daughter to date or marry a gringo. You were simply finding poor barrio girls (interesadas, or girls who want to live in the US and will even fuck an ugly gringo to get there) who happened to be pretty. This is very common in Colombia because our women are considered the most beautiful in the world. The fat potato sack women in your country are hideous to look at and from what I have seen, most are on mood controlling medications just like most gringos. Colombia women do not love white men. The poor girls will fuck a white man but the rich look down their noses at you. You are too poor for them.
Yo are very confused. No father from the higher estratas would allow his daughter to date or marry a gringo. You were simply finding poor barrio girls (interesadas, or girls who want to live in the US and will even fuck an ugly gringo to get there) who happened to be pretty. This is very common in Colombia because our women are considered the most beautiful in the world. The fat potato sack women in your country are hideous to look at and from what I have seen, most are on mood controlling medications just like most gringos. Colombia women do not love white men. The poor girls will fuck a white man but the rich look down their noses at you. You are too poor for them.

If there is one thing women love, it is to fuck someone their father does not approve of. Brazilian women are preferable to Colombian women though.
Yo are very confused. No father from the higher estratas would allow his daughter to date or marry a gringo. You were simply finding poor barrio girls (interesadas, or girls who want to live in the US and will even fuck an ugly gringo to get there) who happened to be pretty. This is very common in Colombia because our women are considered the most beautiful in the world. The fat potato sack women in your country are hideous to look at and from what I have seen, most are on mood controlling medications just like most gringos. Colombia women do not love white men. The poor girls will fuck a white man but the rich look down their noses at you. You are too poor for them.

So you're saying the rich won't let their daughters hang around you... Doesn't surprise me good people don't want to be associated with FARC wannabes...