meth and shadow ppl...have u seen them...what are they?...experiences

Ive been sitting on the couch lookin across the room thru a crack in the blinds across the street on top of an apt building two of em were layin there w binoculars lookin rite at me thu the crack in the blinds...for hours it seemed like...I was too scared to move.
All right man, lets get to the nitty gritty then. That is some wild shit. Because I have seen things..... fuck I could talk to you for hours over bowls of weed about the shadow people and what that means.... lol b

I was in Jail drunk tank years ago and I saw this 'pisa' mexican dude trippin BALLZ on Meth. He kept saying he sees 'HOWELY' . " I SEE FUCKING HOWELY MAN" he kept yelling. He kept banging and yelling for the guards telling them there are ghosts everywhere. Evil spirits all over the fucking Jail. The guards are usually the biggest assholes on Earth and would usually rather tune you up and let your face meet wall but they were genuinely freaked out by this guy. He was seeing so something we could not see and staring through everyone. It was creepy as hell until he got put into his own cell

I was in a hospital for a little while and this fella, super nice, just light coming off of him or something...crazy shit....we're standing there, I've given him a cigarette and suddenly he starts talking about Jesus and how he was Jesus and he was here to talk to God. He literally got up on the picnic table outside and started...witnessing on top of this table lol crazy as hell freaked me to the bone...everybody stopped talking and just watched him....he got quiet and ran away from us...weird as fuck shit man
I was followed by this shadowy figure, dressed in weird shaggy clothing... I could almost SMELL his animal-like musk wafting upwind. I decided to confront this apparition, better to face it than to ignore it.
'What do you want from me, Demon?!' I said it in my mind first and then out loud. He fixed two fiery eyes on me, madness glinting in his pupils. He took a few steps closer and I really could smell him now, almost acrid, made my stomach turn into a knot.
And he raised a hand slowly, turning it palm up and opening it.
So I gave him 5 bucks. Fuckin beggars. I mean, what am I supposed to do. Glad I didn't touch that one. Looked a bit gypsy-ish and you KNOW there's no cure for gypsy bite.
I was followed by this shadowy figure, dressed in weird shaggy clothing... I could almost SMELL his animal-like musk wafting upwind. I decided to confront this apparition, better to face it than to ignore it.
'What do you want from me, Demon?!' I said it in my mind first and then out loud. He fixed two fiery eyes on me, madness glinting in his pupils. He took a few steps closer and I really could smell him now, almost acrid, made my stomach turn into a knot.
And he raised a hand slowly, turning it palm up and opening it.
So I gave him 5 bucks. Fuckin beggars. I mean, what am I supposed to do. Glad I didn't touch that one. Looked a bit gypsy-ish and you KNOW there's no cure for gypsy bite.
gypsies like caravans n bare knuckle fighting
A better question than shadow people is why do tweakers believe they are jesus or satan after a few days...or,why don't thay see 'shadow jesus'...
gypsies like caravans n bare knuckle fighting

Do NOT confuse the Pikey with the common Gypsy. They're a fun bunch in comparison. At least Pikeys don't steal children and don't bite. An over-abundance of Gypsies is a real problem, if they bite you you turn into a gypsy as well. You can tell it's happening when you become allergic to soap, and find yourself strangely attracted to shiny objects, forks, bottle caps, shopping trolleys etc.

Fear not! I have the solution! What you do, right, is you dig a hole, a big hole, next to a tree or lamp post. You then suspend, hanging from the tree or lamp-post, a small scarecrow decorated with spoons (children + shiny stuff = best gypsy bait EVER). You cover the hole you dug with a rug, some branches, whatever. So the gypsy is thinking to itself ' Oh hell yes, a child glittering in the sun, I must go steal it and bite it and make it my own and play with it's shiny things' right, but then as it approaches it will fall into your pit of doom.

So overpoweringly potent is this gypsy bait, that the next gypsy along will not falter at the sight of the hole and fall in also. The reason for this, is the gypsy will hear the first one in the hole and think 'AHA I must run with all caution to the winds, before the other one gets it and bites it' and his jealous rage shall be his downfall.

There is no cure for it, but what you can do is throw some soap and an education at them, which will cause the gypsy virus to go into remission. At this point you may remove the gypsy from the hole, and safely re-locate to another town before it reverts to its former self.
Theyre there ive seen them and felt them...I dont fuck around like that anymore stayin hi for days n tweekin out but when I did they came out usually after day two...theyd tug at my shirt from each other around the room thru walls and ceilings..peek at me from behind trees n houses n happened so much I researched it n found it was a common phenomenon....lots of other things happened that seemed supernatural during these binges...hearing things seeing things..seeing subliminal mssgs in the television is what did it for me n made me think it possible that u can twist ur mind so much w drugs that it allows u to access parts of ur brain u normally cant use allowing u to see the spirit world...I know it sounds crazy but idk how else to explain some things ive seen....opinions?...experiences? like to hear

um, well:
They are comin...n if u try n convince me otherwise ur workin with seriously thats how it goes tho....maybe it allows us to see another demension...idk...its not hallucinations I know that. ..ive had those on shrooms acid x n other stff...this is diff...always evil n always fkn w me...idk...the shit ive seen on meth I cant call hallucinating. ..when I trip on somthin n hallucinate i know im hallucinating...this shit ive seen was was there..or they

you should have took pics during that time so you could see what you are NOT seeing:smile:
Do NOT confuse the Pikey with the common Gypsy. They're a fun bunch in comparison. At least Pikeys don't steal children and don't bite. An over-abundance of Gypsies is a real problem, if they bite you you turn into a gypsy as well. You can tell it's happening when you become allergic to soap, and find yourself strangely attracted to shiny objects, forks, bottle caps, shopping trolleys etc.

Fear not! I have the solution! What you do, right, is you dig a hole, a big hole, next to a tree or lamp post. You then suspend, hanging from the tree or lamp-post, a small scarecrow decorated with spoons (children + shiny stuff = best gypsy bait EVER). You cover the hole you dug with a rug, some branches, whatever. So the gypsy is thinking to itself ' Oh hell yes, a child glittering in the sun, I must go steal it and bite it and make it my own and play with it's shiny things' right, but then as it approaches it will fall into your pit of doom.

So overpoweringly potent is this gypsy bait, that the next gypsy along will not falter at the sight of the hole and fall in also. The reason for this, is the gypsy will hear the first one in the hole and think 'AHA I must run with all caution to the winds, before the other one gets it and bites it' and his jealous rage shall be his downfall.

There is no cure for it, but what you can do is throw some soap and an education at them, which will cause the gypsy virus to go into remission. At this point you may remove the gypsy from the hole, and safely re-locate to another town before it reverts to its former self.
A better question than shadow people is why do tweakers believe they are jesus or satan after a few days...or,why don't thay see 'shadow jesus'...
ive never met anyone who believed they were jesus or satan....and ur second question is my point exactly.
Ur not understanding.....and this was no time for cameras...

perhaps the possibility of heightened activity in an area of the brain causes you to see shadow people when you normally wouldn't ie: you have the paranormal ability, briefly, to see what a psychic-medium would see while you are is common knowledge we only use a small part of our brain.
um, didn't have your phone with you, seriously?
Yeah my fone was w me but it was shut off.....I nvr fkd w my fone in these states....listening devices..cameras. .recording device's. ..these are all enemies of the tweeker.
perhaps the possibility of heightened activity in an area of the brain causes you to see shadow people when you normally wouldn't ie: you have the paranormal ability, briefly, to see what a psychic-medium would see while you are is common knowledge we only use a small part of our brain.
Now ur gettin it...:).....and the reason we're always seeing evil stff is because theyre drawn to us considering what were doin at the time...the manufacturing and consumption of these substances IS witchcraft in its purest form....
Now ur gettin it...:).....and the reason we're always seeing evil stff is because theyre drawn to us considering what were doin at the time...the manufacturing and consumption of these substances IS witchcraft in its purest form....

i found out a long time ago ANYTHING is possible..but i've never tried meth so no tweeking for me..