No flush - white ash.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
You know that if you grow organically you can tell other peoples problems like a truth-seer through the internet. I aso see the pro gun shit in your sig. Good on you mate! You were the fella I was bumpin' with the other day bout shooting through walls like Rambo with your 7.62's?? Aren't ya? How's that going for you? Still got that big round? Civilian gun freaks growing unflushed soily buds...... mmmmm yummy.

Smugness and conceitedness seem to be two common themes among you hydro bashers.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Good sweeping generalization Mr Estevez. I can safely say you've proved me wrong in every conceivable way.
lived in so,cal over 40 years, smoked weed over 30 of those years, hydro is for making money. Anyone who wants to smoke there own and have the best taste, does soil. AGAIN, thanks for playing


New Member
You've proved yourself to be a childish cunt with the people skills of an abused pit bull terrier.
Also..... If my ranting and name calling makes me an abused pit bull terrier then your condescending "hateful child" comment makes you what? a marginally patronised poodle?


Well-Known Member
You know that if you grow organically you can tell other peoples problems like a truth-seer through the internet. I aso see the pro gun shit in your sig. Good on you mate! You were the fella I was bumpin' with the other day bout shooting through walls like Rambo with your 7.62's?? Aren't ya? How's that going for you? Still got that big round? Civilian gun freaks growing unflushed soily buds...... mmmmm yummy.

Smugness and conceitedness seem to be two common themes among you hydro bashers.
The whole military and police only thing has been tried a few times, doesn't work out so well in the end.


New Member
That is all you are doing. Playing the game of attacking others due to insecurity in your own beliefs. Games designed to draw unreasonable responses from others, as that is the only way you can win. You are pathetic! Beneath being even worthy of reasoned debate.
You can't call someone a cunt and a hateful child then jump to the moral high ground because it suits. I mean you can....... you just seem shallow. Reasoned debate? About what? Missing steps of growing produce for human consumption like flushing toxins.......... Please.


Well-Known Member
I know WAY more than you THINK you know.
Come on... I got to read that shit at home way too often already, reminds me of a dutch guy who wanted to do organics on hydro: "I haven't even told 1/100th yet of what I know" :lol: Seriously no need for a pissing contest. Unless it includes bud shots of course.

I don't know why this went from flushing to soil vs hydro... but ah well:

Flushing on organics? What does one think to flush out of what then? Just don't overfeed it especially in the last couple of weeks. That's why those with pre-mixed soil give only water, and those who feed with watering (liquid organic nutes for example) should continue to feed but just less.

As for the soil vs hydro taste: both can result in quality tasting bud. Saying mj from hydro is nasty is silly, it's well-known that hydro tastes cleaner. Organics growers turn that around and say organic-grown is richer in taste. Depends on what one 'wants' to believe I guess. In my 22 year smoking mj experience it doesn't mean one tastes 'better' than the other. "Great" taste comes from nutes, strain, drying and curing, not the medium. (think about it... soil grow leads to more rich tasting terpenes?)

"Taste" is often a matter of "taste" but strawberries don't taste better than bananas, just different :eyesmoke:

The cup IS total bullshit. $400 for a judge pass and who's buddies buy those... those with the biggest souvenier-seeds shops in NL. I feel silly having bought a cup winner to grow previous round. Tastes fucking good though :lol:


Well-Known Member
For the record I'm NOT ORGANIC I'm a chemical nute guy and I don't flush.

I think those that do flush their bud have been drilled into the old myths for too long that they aren't open to actually understanding any amount of actual botany just marajuana myth.

Talking about scientific progress and yet you still think its scientifically sound to flush plants and cause pointless deficiencies which actually lead to taste problems.
What. I've done side by sides a hundred times, With general hydroponics if I run the micro all the way without flushing I can taste the nasty micro in the bud, and ppm's never go above 1200.

I don't flush for two weeks, but also run a DIY aero w/ ez clone sprayers. What I do is cut the micro and grow out the last two weeks using only the bloom, liquid cool bloom, floranectar, and florablend. Then I rinse with plain water for 3-5 days sometimes seven. But that is well water so it still has trace elements in it.

This is only my preference and I am not arguing, I just saying in my experience dro needs a flushing if you use chemical smelling ferties, soil should never be flushed because you should never put chemical fertie in soil to begin with. Cheers and smoke what'cha got.


Well-Known Member
I think I missed the part where this be some hydro vs soil.

I thought this was about flushing.

I agree that hydro bud can taste superb. My own does.
I grow using chem nutes. But I now use coco soiless medium.

I used to be hydro.
Hydro is a piece of piss.

1.Fill your res with water.
2.add your nutes
3.test EC and pH and correct to where you want it.
4.test every 24hours and monitor/adjust any changes as need be. up when required and dump and refill once a week.

The only difference for me now is that I use coco instead of hydroton and I'm the pump.

I never used to flush in my hydro setup either.

All this talk about toxins, have you got any data on flushed vs unflushed buds that toxins were found in?



Well-Known Member
What. I've done side by sides a hundred times, With general hydroponics if I run the micro all the way without flushing I can taste the nasty micro in the bud, and ppm's never go above 1200.

I don't flush for two weeks, but also run a DIY aero w/ ez clone sprayers. What I do is cut the micro and grow out the last two weeks using only the bloom, liquid cool bloom, floranectar, and florablend. Then I rinse with plain water for 3-5 days sometimes seven. But that is well water so it still has trace elements in it.

This is only my preference and I am not arguing, I just saying in my experience dro needs a flushing if you use chemical smelling ferties, soil should never be flushed because you should never put chemical fertie in soil to begin with. Cheers and smoke what'cha got.
1200ppm holy fuck!

When I was hydro running recirculating I never got above 1100 @.7ppm or 800 @.5ppm.


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I think I missed the part where this be some hydro vs soil.

I thought this was about flushing.

I agree that hydro bud can taste superb. My own does.
I grow using chem nutes. But I now use coco soiless medium.

I used to be hydro.
Hydro is a piece of piss.

1.Fill your res with water.
2.add your nutes
3.test EC and pH and correct to where you want it.
4.test every 24hours and monitor/adjust any changes as need be. up when required and dump and refill once a week.

The only difference for me now is that I use coco instead of hydroton and I'm the pump.

I never used to flush in my hydro setup either.

All this talk about toxins, have you got any data on flushed vs unflushed buds that toxins were found in?

probably my fault, just giving this knucklhead some shit. I grow in pro-mix, which could be considered hydro. The reason hydro gets a bad rap around here is it's usually grown for$$ and usually pulled early with no cure because they just need the $$$$.


New Member
Molasses works in soil growing to help give carbs to beneficial bacteria to help convert more organic matter into inorganic ions for uptake.

In hydro with Chem nutes its pointless other than for trace Fe, Mg etc which can be had from other inorganic sources.

You're just creating a bacteria breeding ground by using it.

For the record I'm NOT ORGANIC I'm a chemical nute guy and I don't flush.

I think those that do flush their bud have been drilled into the old myths for too long that they aren't open to actually understanding any amount of actual botany just marajuana myth.

Talking about scientific progress and yet you still think its scientifically sound to flush plants and cause pointless deficiencies which actually lead to taste problems.

Did you know too much sugar in the roots of your plants actually hinders and blocks uptake of N.

Sugar aka molasses can be used to kill weeds because it stops the uptake of essential N.

This is picking the bits of the science you like....... Sugar causes bacterias sure...... so do many, many additives....... organic or not. This is just using a sentence to scare. I suppose no carbs or sugars are needed to grow tomatoes or peppers or anything else? Sugars are an essential building block of any plant form.... hydro, organic, whatever...... Many beneficial bacterias in a res or soil need sugars to feed upon otherwise they die. That's true for organic or anything. You have simply taken science you like........ Sure, TOO MUCH sugar blocks N uptake but N uptake is of less importance in end of flower phase....... Unless you need more leafs with your crystals?

I think it is scientifically sound to flush your medium. You are not flushing to cause deficiencies...... but to remove remaining toxins from the media..... Soil, chem, organic, coco, rockwool whatever....... you should give a good flush feed at the end of your cycle. Soil especially so. Now a small, very small percentage of growers have their feed schedule and strain so dialed in they can be sure they are leaving no unwanteds in their medium. To state that the is no need to flush is wrong. plain wrong. If you change strain your feed schedule and methods all need to be re-calculated through total trial and error. What you're saying about no flush works in very limited circumstances that require total growing control and near perfect knowledge of the plants nutritional requirements and the make up of the media......... Putting No Flush out there like it's truth is going to have lots of people smoking nasties. There are nasties, be they different, in both organic and "chem" nutes....... A flush is essential imho.

This whole no flush thing is another concept that works for a few experienced high end growers who then state it like its total fact and you have newb after newb copying tactics......

I personally use organic methods...... When I live somewhere I can grow outdoors! Ultimately the aim is AquaPonics....... Hopefully that gives you an idea of the direction I'd go in in a perfect world.......


New Member
How come greenhouse seeds regularly have winners??? Now that's the joke.
That's because the contest is about genetics not politics.

Have you personally ever tried feeding your plant right? Without over or under feeding?
In this instance there is no excesses in plant tissues.
You need to put out the $40 bucks and just see...actually see what is left behind because your stupid is showing

Do you see tobacco growers flushing their crops?

Another outdoor analogy. Guys you can't take outdoor practices and expect them to work the same indoors. Actually jon if the tobacco is grown in a greenhouse it will be flushed, most greenhouses use this practice regularly and not to enhance the flavor or to increase their yields but for the love of money. Dropping nutrients a couple of weeks before harvest work for their applications why not ours? I have done both flush and no flush, Quantity wise...the same...taste wise... very similar...but look at the reports and I know which I am going to ingest.