Parallel construction, how the NSA is filtering drug information to the DEA

how many users has obama prosecuted?


why don't you put up a list of the number of dispensaries next to the number of busts as well?

why won't you? that would give us a COMPLETE picture of what's going on, rather than an incomplete, cherry picked, and misleading one.

no he didn't, you reading compensation has failed you.

he's always been quite clear that he is not for carte blanche on a cannabis industry.

don't blame your stupidity on obama's honesty.

hard to spend money busting dispensaries that don't even exist.

but of course, you refuse to acknowledge this.

not surprising, people are stupid.

half the people who called benghazi the biggest scandal in US history (laughable in itself) don't even know where it is.

you guys should be proud of yourself for inventing so many non-scandals.

you mean the ones that leave me with a greater chance of being hit by lightning than busted? scary shit, sistah.

sorry you were so naive about all of this.

lol fucking excuses, that's all you can come up with but the facts remain. People are stupid, that's your excuse why Obama is shittier than Bush that's fucking classic. The same stupid people that voted his ass in. Your rants are getting more ridiculous post to post.
lol fucking excuses, that's all you can come up with but the facts remain.

yes, the facts remain.

FACT: operations similar to parallel construction have been going on for decades, you're just choosing to get upset about it now.

FACT: you are more likely to get hit by lightning than busted by the feds for medical cannabis, despite the super scary program that you want us to believe you just found out about.

FACT: you can't bust or spend money on busting dispensaries that aren't there. the dispensaries by and large came about under obama, there were scant few before that.

People are stupid, that's your excuse why Obama is shittier than Bush that's fucking classic. The same stupid people that voted his ass in.

no, the people who think that benghazi is the BIGGEST SCANDAL IN HISTORY! and don't even know what country it is in are not the people who voted for obama.

Your rants are getting more ridiculous post to post.

no, you're just getting dumber.
yes, the facts remain.

FACT: operations similar to parallel construction have been going on for decades, you're just choosing to get upset about it now.

FACT: you are more likely to get hit by lightning than busted by the feds for medical cannabis, despite the super scary program that you want us to believe you just found out about.

FACT: you can't bust or spend money on busting dispensaries that aren't there. the dispensaries by and large came about under obama, there were scant few before that.

no, the people who think that benghazi is the BIGGEST SCANDAL IN HISTORY! and don't even know what country it is in are not the people who voted for obama.

no, you're just getting dumber.

bahaha, Well you're one of the few that believe the commander in queef is anything but a lying, incompetent president your chance of truly becoming a minority has arrived. I will be sure to make fun of your ignorant hypocritical propaganda when ever I get the chance.

It's also a fact you have a higher chance of falling out of bed than being killed with a rifle of any kind. commie
bahaha, Well you're one of the few that believe the commander in queef is anything but a lying, incompetent president your chance of truly becoming a minority has arrived. I will be sure to make fun of your ignorant hypocritical propaganda when ever I get the chance, commie.

actually, obama being a politician, he is certainly a liar.

but that doesn't change what he has said about medical cannabis or not being in favor of legalization or anything else. that's an indictment of you reading compensation and nothing else.

and when have i ever supported communism? care to point out even one instance? or is that desperate and pathetic attempt at grasping straws all you have?
actually, obama being a politician, he is certainly a liar.

but that doesn't change what he has said about medical cannabis or not being in favor of legalization or anything else. that's an indictment of you reading compensation and nothing else.

Here we go again really trying to paint Obama as a good guy to cannabis when he is fucking over more lives over it than Bush and Clinton. I have never seen such obvious public cock smoking in my life. Truly pathetic.
and when have i ever supported communism? care to point out even one instance? or is that desperate and pathetic attempt at grasping straws all you have?

Grasping at straws? haha one only has to read the shit you post, the obvious is so obvious derp.
Here we go again really trying to paint Obama as a good guy to cannabis when he is fucking over more lives over it than Bush and Clinton. I have never seen such obvious public cock smoking in my life. Truly pathetic.

how many dispensaries were around under clinton? how about bush?


if parallel construction were actually something to worry about, it wouldn't be the case that lightning is a bigger worry to oregon growers than the feds.

Grasping at straws? haha one only has to read the shit you post, the obvious is so obvious derp.

so then tell me all about my communist beliefs. quotes will help your desperate and pathetic attempts.
how many dispensaries were around under clinton? how about bush?


if parallel construction were actually something to worry about, it wouldn't be the case that lightning is a bigger worry to oregon growers than the feds.

so then tell me all about my communist beliefs. quotes will help your desperate and pathetic attempts.

Parrallel Construction is something to worry about.
But the fact is if you are a victim of it you will never know. Cops have been lying about it for fucking decades. Whether it is illegal wiretaps or them breaking into your hosue without a warrant. They been doing this shit for years.
During the time echelon was in force. We would ask our allies to spy on US citizens then pass the info on to us. MCI used to route long distance calls thru Canada so the NSA could legally intercept them. I read about Parallel construction in a book called "the hidden empire" back in the late 80s that detailed Drug cartels coming into prominence in Mexico.

This shit isnt going to stop no matter what it is only going to get more common with technological advances and storage capabilities.

If you had the power to read anyones thoughts and could turn it off.

Would you turn it off?

I'm not for it. I am against it. But it is not going to stop

Blaming Obama gets no one anywhere, except to make himself "right". Does anyone think that should we elect a Republican prez the next time out, he will order the dismantling of this program? hmm? anyone? I warned the Repubs about executive power being passed from party to party, amplified each time but no, they all saw Bush as a guy in a white hat who was going to keep them safe from terrorism, Patriot act, water boarding, extraordinary rendition, executive power granted by the executive for the executive on the basis of Bush's and Cheney's nutzoid theories of presidential power, especially in a time of war, even though no war was constitutionaly proclaimed and even though we all know that the word war is a farce. Now we have laid upon Bush's foundation (and Clinton's before him) Drone strikes and information collection on a scale too large even to imagine. I warned them that no president would ever dismantle that power, left or right and so it goes. The right has no one but themselves to blame and the left are fools as well. What is it about us all that has us believe that OUR king is the good one and THEIR king is the bad one when in fact we were raised to abhor monarchies, even if they are quadrennial in duration.

Blaming Obama for this is somewhat legit because the Democrats pride themselves on standing up for civil liberties and rights. The same reason the only homosexuals that it is ok to ridicule in the media are conservative ones who are found out to be a peter puffer while leading a large church or something of the like. Having said that it is counter productive to blame Obama because both sides do things like this, and when you blame one, the useful idiots come out and defend the conduct simply because other people have done it also. We are losing our republic, but as long as you can blame the other side, its OK.
how many dispensaries were around under clinton? how about bush?


if parallel construction were actually something to worry about, it wouldn't be the case that lightning is a bigger worry to oregon growers than the feds.

so then tell me all about my communist beliefs. quotes will help your desperate and pathetic attempts.

Crime type

Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda statements may be partly false and partly true

The communist rhetoric.

Blaming Obama for this is somewhat legit because the Democrats pride themselves on standing up for civil liberties and rights.

wouldn't it make more sense to blame the righties who have always made the ACLU a target for public ridicule?
Crime type

Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of the community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda statements may be partly false and partly true

The communist rhetoric.


that makes you the commie since you refuse to even acknowledge that dispensaries barely existed before obama came into office.

wouldn't it make more sense to blame the righties who have always made the ACLU a target for public ridicule?
Sure, if you only take a partial quote. People or groups who heavily advocate for something are subjected to more scrutiny when they do something that seems to violate their principals. Like when an evangelical minister who publicly speaks out against equal rights for homosexuals is discovered to be involved in a gay love fest of his own. 99% of what the ACLU does is on the scale from good to neutral, IMO. The Christianists that I am forced to share a party with generally hate the ACLU when they say you cant force people into participating in Christian activities at school. Folks under the tent for each party does stupid shit.
wouldn't it make more sense to blame the righties who have always made the ACLU a target for public ridicule?

No one buys what you're selling. It may be a surprise to you that some of us can look through parinsan bullshit and have the backbone to call out wrong doing. While you busy smoking Obama and blaming Bush for all your woes, the rest of the nation is looking at a very fascist administration. One that covers up, spies on the media, has a hard on for whistleblowers, condones mass unwarranted data collection, and kills Americans without trial while promising transparency. This administration is a fucking joke and the people are finally seeing it.
No one buys what you're selling. It may be a surprise to you that some of us can look through parinsan bullshit and have the backbone to call out wrong doing.


the fact that you are only speaking out now about shit that has been going on for decades is the very definition of "parinsan bullshit".

While you busy smoking Obama and blaming Bush for all your woes

i have woes?

that's news to me.

the rest of the nation is looking at a very fascist administration. One that covers up, spies on the media, has a hard on for whistleblowers, condones mass unwarranted data collection, and kills Americans without trial while promising transparency. This administration is a fucking joke and the people are finally seeing it.

why weren't you guys complaining when other administrations did the same?

your "parinsan bullshit" is showing, spunky.
No one buys what you're selling. It may be a surprise to you that some of us can look through parinsan bullshit and have the backbone to call out wrong doing. While you busy smoking Obama and blaming Bush for all your woes, the rest of the nation is looking at a very fascist administration. One that covers up, spies on the media, has a hard on for whistleblowers, condones mass unwarranted data collection, and kills Americans without trial while promising transparency. This administration is a fucking joke and the people are finally seeing it.

What Americans did we kill without trial? The one who Coordinated terrorist attacks in the USA or his son who stated he wanted to be just like his daddy and ended up being a grease stain while hanging out with the Jihadis?
What Americans did we kill without trial? The one who Coordinated terrorist attacks in the USA or his son who stated he wanted to be just like his daddy and ended up being a grease stain while hanging out with the Jihadis?

i think it's funny that nonthinkist will claim that he is bigoted against muslims because they want to kill him, but that belief is only superseded by his hatred for obama so he will of course reverse positions on that if the situation calls for it.

transparent hypocrisy, naked bigotry, and pure "parinsan bullshit". all in a day's work, especially when the illegal immigrants take another "greese trap" job away from him.
i think it's funny that nonthinkist will claim that he is bigoted against muslims because they want to kill him, but that belief is only superseded by his hatred for obama so he will of course reverse positions on that if the situation calls for it.

transparent hypocrisy, naked bigotry, and pure "parinsan bullshit". all in a day's work, especially when the illegal immigrants take another "greese trap" job away from him.

Back to your nonsubtance post completely off topic. You're a fucking idiot, I am an atheist I am bigoted towards all religions. I guess that's too tough to figure out with your feeble mind even though you have been told numerous times. If you want to go on a ridiculous rant about how Islam has nothing to do with our spy organizations start a new thread, I will be sure to stop by and make fun of it.
Back to your nonsubtance post completely off topic. You're a fucking idiot, I am an atheist I am bigoted towards all religions. I guess that's too tough to figure out with your feeble mind even though you have been told numerous times. If you want to go on a ridiculous rant about how Islam has nothing to do with our spy organizations start a new thread, I will be sure to stop by and make fun of it.

pointing out how you think all muslims want to kill you and contrasting it with you bemoaning how obama dispatches a terrorist with due process is completely on topic at this point, since you did in fact bring it up.

we could focus on the topic of this thread, which is how the NSA is filtering drug information to the DEA yet medical cannabis growers are more likely to be struck by lightining than busted by the feds.
pointing out how you think all muslims want to kill you and contrasting it with you bemoaning how obama dispatches a terrorist with due process is completely on topic at this point, since you did in fact bring it up.

Actually this is completely off topic, it's just sure same tiresome routine of diversion. You stand alone on your communist ledge on this thread, enjoy. I will reference this as your ck smoking propaganda thread.

we could focus on the topic of this thread, which is how the NSA is filtering drug information to the DEA yet medical cannabis growers are more likely to be struck by lightining than busted by the feds.

Propaganda propaganda propaganda, Obama is no friend to the cannabis community, and boldly fascist.
Actually this is completely off topic, it's just sure same tiresome routine of diversion. You stand alone on your communist ledge on this thread, enjoy. I will reference this as your ck smoking propaganda thread.

check post #73 and remind me who brought up the diversion.


Propaganda propaganda propaganda, Obama is no friend to the cannabis community, and boldly fascist.

it's not propaganda, it's mathematics.

even with the NSA filtering drug info to the DEA, you have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning than busted by the feds for growing medical cannabis.

so sorry mathematical reality pisses you off so much.

call me a communist again, baselessly. it'll make you feel better.