Parallel construction, how the NSA is filtering drug information to the DEA

Congrats. You join the exclusive ignore list

I thought by you leaving we all made the ignore list duke? I take that to mean you cannot backup all the generalisations and bullshit you seem to come up with... And "the republicans did it first" is not an answer... :wink:
Blaming Obama gets no one anywhere, except to make himself "right". Does anyone think that should we elect a Republican prez the next time out, he will order the dismantling of this program? hmm? anyone? I warned the Repubs about executive power being passed from party to party, amplified each time but no, they all saw Bush as a guy in a white hat who was going to keep them safe from terrorism, Patriot act, water boarding, extraordinary rendition, executive power granted by the executive for the executive on the basis of Bush's and Cheney's nutzoid theories of presidential power, especially in a time of war, even though no war was constitutionaly proclaimed and even though we all know that the word war is a farce. Now we have laid upon Bush's foundation (and Clinton's before him) Drone strikes and information collection on a scale too large even to imagine. I warned them that no president would ever dismantle that power, left or right and so it goes. The right has no one but themselves to blame and the left are fools as well. What is it about us all that has us believe that OUR king is the good one and THEIR king is the bad one when in fact we were raised to abhor monarchies, even if they are quadrennial in duration.
Sure there has been some wire taps etc in the past but this goes well beyond anything ever seen before.

This is a collective of the worlds top governments spying on citizens, collecting mass amounts of data and sharing
it with their allies to help them circumvent their laws.

In other words, it would not be shocking to learn that every single keystroke, phone call, text msg, voice mail etc, anyone has made since the programs inception
has been collected, stored and used to profile each person. It would be naive to think anything different.

Did anyone else think the digital transition was odd considering analog is safer to use?
This may be why.
Im more interested in hearing sheep defend these policies. . . Its not my fault i refused to vote for "osama" or "corporations are people." echelon deserves a medal for taking it to the sheep everyday on RIU. They need to know how truely dangerous it is to be a conformist liberal facist these days.
There is no way to defend this crap, I don't care if you love Obama, I don't care if Bush started it, I don't care if constructionism has been going on forever (it has), this is information piped in, data mining on a grand scale and pattern mapping handed to domestic law enforcement. It is wrong on every front, in every way for any reason, ever. It keeps no one "safe" and it is only the beginning. There are ways we could foil their practices but it would take huge mass efforts, we could call the same random numbers, text the same random numbers, millions of us every day in order to supply false links and false data but no one is going to start up such a campaign.

First of all good post. This thread wasn't created for partisan hackry, no one has forgotten previous administrations. This also was not created for baseless conspiracy theorist making excuses for our current administration. This is about solid evidence that our government is completely ignoring the 4th amendment rights by hoovering up all personal information under the guise of national security and using the information against us.

The partisan problem I am having is, at first the liberals said it wasn't happening. The bullshit is spread from one end of this forum to the other about how "we" (liberals) don't care about NSA monitoring activities as they don't affect "us". Now that solid evidence has come to light betraying previous comments it's now "it's been happening for decades" even though they can't post anything about SOD prior to a week ago. These are the same people that screamed outrage over the patriot act along with their fellow libertarians and republicans but now that Obama is at the helm and the program started under Clinton they have fallen in like some nazi regime. Hail Obama, Hail Clinton, Hail fascism!
Blaming Obama gets no one anywhere, except to make himself "right". Does anyone think that should we elect a Republican prez the next time out, he will order the dismantling of this program? hmm? anyone? I warned the Repubs about executive power being passed from party to party, amplified each time but no, they all saw Bush as a guy in a white hat who was going to keep them safe from terrorism, Patriot act, water boarding, extraordinary rendition, executive power granted by the executive for the executive on the basis of Bush's and Cheney's nutzoid theories of presidential power, especially in a time of war, even though no war was constitutionaly proclaimed and even though we all know that the word war is a farce. Now we have laid upon Bush's foundation (and Clinton's before him) Drone strikes and information collection on a scale too large even to imagine. I warned them that no president would ever dismantle that power, left or right and so it goes. The right has no one but themselves to blame and the left are fools as well. What is it about us all that has us believe that OUR king is the good one and THEIR king is the bad one when in fact we were raised to abhor monarchies, even if they are quadrennial in duration.

I will vote for whomever promises to cut funding and so far that sure the hell isn't the democrats and our fascist BUSH 2.0 president. Ironically, even if its political grandstanding the R is the only one stepping up and saying this shit isn't right and going way too far. I think we're going to have a very interesting midterm.
I thought by you leaving we all made the ignore list duke? I take that to mean you cannot backup all the generalisations and bullshit you seem to come up with... And "the republicans did it first" is not an answer... :wink:

Oh the shame, you have made the village idiot's ignore list. Consider yourself lucky.
I will vote for whomever promises to cut funding...the R is the only one stepping up and saying this shit isn't right and going way too far.

boy, you're smart.

a republican vote will surely end all these programs, and you are not naive at all.

The partisan problem I am having is...

that you're a bigoted partisan douchebag.

at first the liberals said it wasn't happening.

quote it, slappy.*

otherwise i call bullshit.'s now "it's been happening for decades"

it hasn't?

are you THAT naive?

oh, i forgot. you are.

we've just been letting the world's largest intelligence apparatus collect cobwebs since the cold war. now the scary fascist liberals have given it a spit shine, manned the stations, and sent all the info to the DEA, who is using it to bust pot growers in medical states at a rate less common than getting struck by lightning.

boy, you sure told us.

thank heavens for you reading compensation, champ.
you seem pissy you have to work for a living while I don't... You should've made better life choices...

I have to agree while I disagree with all this personal attack. How can either of you be right? I know for a FACT it is me.

IAC, I digress.

We all want an arrived life. And yet, the risk is, we never do. And the risk is we don...livb ae4t,h...just kidding.

How is all this anything but ENVY without regard for the RISK to get that Reward? And that's not anyone's definition of Reward but my own, is it?

Freedom. Fuck Yeah!

Not doing anything? I've done that. Bumming around with no money, living with my parents, nesting with 15 crazy college kids.

Someone told me this, early on.... If you let work define you, you are nothing.
that you're a bigoted partisan douchebag.

quote it, slappy.*

otherwise i call bullshit.

it hasn't?

are you THAT naive?

oh, i forgot. you are.

we've just been letting the world's largest intelligence apparatus collect cobwebs since the cold war. now the scary fascist liberals have given it a spit shine, manned the stations, and sent all the info to the DEA, who is using it to bust pot growers in medical states at a rate less common than getting struck by lightning.

boy, you sure told us.

thank heavens for you reading compensation, champ.

Thanks for consolidating everything I just said in one liberal tyrant post.We can see your red star from here Lenin. No need to back up your baseless conspiracy theories, we're still waiting for your proof of SOD.

You're here preaching like marijuana arrest are at an all time low, knowing damn well you're twisting words to create propaganda. I know you admitted you're a commie but your shit is getting ridiculous. Do you think anyone here believes a damn word coming out of your communist mouth?


[h=1]Obama Imprisons 80% More Medical Marijuana Growers Than Bush[/h]

[h=1]Obama Administration’s Medical Marijuana Policies Now Worse Than Bush and Clinton Policies[/h]

[h=1]Obama Defends War on Medical Marijuana With Lame Excuses[/h]

[h=1]Obama Says No To Legalizing Marijuana[/h]
hey nonthinkist,

instead of getting all pissy and pouty that you can't back up the lies i called you out on, why not just admit you lied?

and hey, while you're at it, why don't you put up a graph of number of dispensaries that exist alongside the actions taken against them? or would the fact that dispensaries didn't really pop up until obama came onto the scene work against the false narrative you're pushing?

the fact remains: you are more likely to be struck by lightining than get busted for medical cannabis in oregon or colorado or california.

that parallel construction is not doing that great a job if lightning is a bigger worry to me than getting busted.
and we've been over this already, slappy.

oregon decriminalized in 1973. your infographic is misleading and incomplete, just like you reading compensation.
and we've been over this already, slappy.

oregon decriminalized in 1973. your infographic is misleading and incomplete, just like you reading compensation.

Ah diversion from Obama the fascist hypocrite, how expected. Keep chanting commie, I give two fucks that Oregon still can't get their shit together that wasn't the point.
Ah diversion from Obama the fascist hypocrite, how expected. Keep chanting commie, I give two fucks that Oregon still can't get their shit together that wasn't the point.

people in oregon have larger penises than wherever you are from, and we have far lower rates of venereal disease.

plus, we are completely liberal about the whole growing and smoking cannabis thing.

and i'm not a communist. but thanks for demonstrating that you are at the end of your very, very diminutive intellectual rope.
people in oregon have larger penises than wherever you are from, and we have far lower rates of venereal disease.

plus, we are completely liberal about the whole growing and smoking cannabis thing.

and i'm not a communist. but thanks for demonstrating that you are at the end of your very, very diminutive intellectual rope.

Thanks for the retarded rebuttal, off point as usual. Please don't let me interfere with your chronic masturbation to black Bush 2.0 XL.

It's completely ironic how the consensus is Obama is more dishonest than Bush eh? Or how people view Bush more favorably than Obama now? Fucking sad isn't it? I wonder how people would have described a president worse than Bush 5 years ago? Now we have it.
Thanks for the retarded rebuttal, off point as usual. Please don't let me interfere with your chronic masturbation to black Bush 2.0 XL.

who was the first black bush?


It's completely ironic how the consensus is Obama is more dishonest than Bush eh? Or how people view Bush more favorably than Obama now? Fucking sad isn't it? I wonder how people would have described a president worse than Bush 5 years ago? Now we have it.

it's completely expected that you have failed to back up your claims with the quotes i requested, and are desperately trying to sidestep the fact that very few dispensaries even existed before obama came into office with a misleading and incomplete infographic.

again, oregonians and californians and coloradoans and others have to be more worried about getting struck by lightning than getting busted by the feds for pot, despite the big scary parallel surveillance program that you were so naive to think did not exist prior to this week.
who was the first black bush?


it's completely expected that you have failed to back up your claims with the quotes i requested, and are desperately trying to sidestep the fact that very few dispensaries even existed before obama came into office with a misleading and incomplete infographic.

again, oregonians and californians and coloradoans and others have to be more worried about getting struck by lightning than getting busted by the feds for pot, despite the big scary parallel surveillance program that you were so naive to think did not exist prior to this week.

What the fuck are you talking about? The shit you quoted isn't even on fucking topic. It's just another one of your retarded diversion schemes.

1. Obama has prosecuted more MMJ users/growers than Bush in 4 years to Bush's 8
2. Obama concealed his views ok MMJ and mislead the public
3. Obama spent more on marijuana prosecution than Bush in 4 years than Bush's 8
4. Obama is in the history books for prosecuting whistleblowers
5. Obama is now viewed more dishonest than Bush, that takes some fucking talent.
6. Obama condones all fascist data collections.

What the fuck else is there to say here? Obama is worse than a Republican from Texas, it doesn't get more disappointing than that.
What the fuck are you talking about? The shit you quoted isn't even on fucking topic. It's just another one of your retarded diversion schemes.

1. Obama has prosecuted more MMJ users/growers than Bush in 4 years to Bush's 8

how many users has obama prosecuted?


why don't you put up a list of the number of dispensaries next to the number of busts as well?

why won't you? that would give us a COMPLETE picture of what's going on, rather than an incomplete, cherry picked, and misleading one.

2. Obama concealed his views ok MMJ and mislead the public

no he didn't, you reading compensation has failed you.

he's always been quite clear that he is not for carte blanche on a cannabis industry.

don't blame your stupidity on obama's honesty.

3. Obama spent more on marijuana prosecution than Bush in 4 years than Bush's 8

hard to spend money busting dispensaries that don't even exist.

but of course, you refuse to acknowledge this.

5. Obama is now viewed more dishonest than Bush, that takes some fucking talent.

not surprising, people are stupid.

half the people who called benghazi the biggest scandal in US history (laughable in itself) don't even know where it is.

you guys should be proud of yourself for inventing so many non-scandals.

6. Obama condones all fascist data collections.

you mean the ones that leave me with a greater chance of being hit by lightning than busted? scary shit, sistah.

sorry you were so naive about all of this.
i remember tillimook OR having the highest teen pregnacy rate in the country at one point. woot. make cheese and fuck like rabbits. We can get a state mandated gas filling job and pay for the kid. something in the water there. had some nice methhead moms that gave some smooth head. all in all though OR is a shit state. desert on one side. stupid ass portland and its bridges from hell. eugreen where you can get hairy legged women and burn out stoners. And lincoln city where you can surf until you are so bored you have to shoot bathtub crank. unless of course its raining. and it usually is.