Parallel construction, how the NSA is filtering drug information to the DEA

turn off your motherfucking caps lock and let's see you even try to prove this one true.

most of the provisions of the patriot act have not been extended. see how i didn't even need caps lock for that?

Took 2 fucking seconds

  • [SIZE=-1]On Jan. 6, 2011, NSA officials and others broke ground for the construction of the NSA's new $2 billion data storage and analysis center in Bluffdale, Utah.[/SIZE]

n the Spring, with key parts of the Patriot Act up for renewal, President Obama demanded a longer extension of the law (until December 2013), than did the Republicans (who wanted it extended only to the end of 2011). Obama's White House claimed that this was needed to provide "certainty and predictability" to the intelligence agencies. In May, Obama signed the bill which extended key provisions of the Patriot Act—including Section 215—until 2015.

  • [SIZE=-1] April, the New York Times reported that the NSA was still engaged in intercepting purely domestic communications, beyond the limits set by Congress.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=-1]That same month, NSA whistleblower William Binney said that surveillance had increased under Obama, and that the NSA's data-mining program has become so vast that the government has assembled 20 trillion transactions of U.S. citizens with other U.S. citizens, including phone calls, e-mails, credit card purchases, and Internet searches.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=-1]In June, at the insistence of Obama and the intelligence agencies, Congress passed a five-year extension of the 2008 FISA Amendments Act. Senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udallwarned of "a loophole in the law that could allow the government to effectively conduct warrantless searches for Americans' communications" (see Wyden's remarks, previous article).[/SIZE]
The FBI has dramatically increased its use of a controversial provision of the Patriot Act to secretly obtain a vast store of business records of U.S. citizens under President Barack Obama, according to recent Justice Department reports to Congress. The bureau filed 212 requests for such data to a national security court last year – a 1,000-percent increase from the number of such requests four years earlier, the reports show.

Do you have a problem with my caps? Should I spam gay porn like you and your comrade chesus?
you forgot to include all the provisions of the patriot act that didn't get renewed, socky McSockpuppet.
can you define the "activity" and provide proof? didn't think so... You even fail at failing!

Why does it fucking try? We have some serious bias modding going on. They should change the name from Politics to communist/socialist hangout. Where the hell is CB?
you forgot to include all the provisions of the patriot act that didn't get renewed, socky McSockpuppet.

LOL... Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy said;

"The extension of the Patriot Act provisions does not include a single improvement or reform, and includes not even a word that recognizes the importance of protecting the civil liberties and constitutional privacy rights of Americans."
So the NSA spying program is only concerned about terrorism right? Think again, not only do the agencies share the information they are told after receiving the information to "recreate" an investigation to obtain the information given to them legally and by no means tell anyone where the information originated. The farce is called Parallel Construction. SOD The unit of the DEA that distributes the information is called the Special Operations Division, or SOD. Two dozen partner agencies comprise the unit, including the FBI, CIA, NSA, Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security.


A secretive U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration unit is funneling information from intelligence intercepts, wiretaps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to authorities across the nation to help them launch criminal investigations of Americans.

Although these cases rarely involve national security issues, documents reviewed by Reuters show that law enforcement agents have been directed to conceal how such investigations truly begin - not only from defense lawyers but also sometimes from prosecutors and judges.

A former federal agent in the northeastern United States who received such tips from SOD described the process. "You'd be told , Be at a certain truck stop at a certain time and look for a certain vehicle.' And so we'd alert the state police to find an excuse to stop that vehicle, and then have a drug dog search it," the agent said.


After an arrest was made, agents then pretended that their investigation began with the traffic stop, not with the SOD tip, the former agent said. The training document reviewed by Reuters refers to this process as "parallel construction.",0,5453047.story

hmm and we called it "partnering"..
This is one of the most openly fascist programs I have seen. I can't wait to hear the bullshit from the "who cares what NSA records" libtard fangroups.

Excuse me..but I like it no more than you and have seen this coming for some time. Got rid of all my job, my social media and off the grid bound..
For our American friends.

So if the US gov domestically spying doesn't piss you off enough maybe knowing the US gov
has sub-contracted it's domestic spying to the UK will.

This is a global issue, there are too many U.S allies participating in the program. This latest embassy closing
charade is so transparent it is sickening. Damage control and nothing more.

The program started as Cheyney's pet project under Bush, the Obamanation has continued it's use and is now
defending it.
For our American friends.

So if the US gov domestically spying doesn't piss you off enough maybe knowing the US gov
has sub-contracted it's domestic spying to the UK will.

This is a global issue, there are too many U.S allies participating in the program. This latest embassy closing
charade is so transparent it is sickening. Damage control and nothing more.

The program started as Cheyney's pet project under Bush, the Obamanation has continued it's use and is now
defending it.

Went on before cheney by decades
For our American friends.

So if the US gov domestically spying doesn't piss you off enough maybe knowing the US gov
has sub-contracted it's domestic spying to the UK will.

This is a global issue, there are too many U.S allies participating in the program. This latest embassy closing
charade is so transparent it is sickening. Damage control and nothing more.

The program started as Cheyney's pet project under Bush, the Obamanation has continued it's use and is now
defending it.

And it is worse than that. I didn't know PC stood for Parallel Construction, but now we see the power of the Executive.

All these so called Independent Agencies have been working with the White House in vicious, unlawful, Anti-Con activity. Now, this week, it is the SEC involved.

So, if the NSA gathers All Voice and all Metadata and give that to the SEC, then you can pick and choose the winners and losers of the Bank failures. You can just play a tape for the President of BofA and say, "That's your voice. Here is what you will do."

And they forced them to take most of the bad debt, thought they had not written it.

Play ball with the EPA, IRS, SEC, FDA, CIA, CFTC, FCC, FEC, FERC, FMC, FRS, FRTIB, FTC, GSA, ITC, NASA, NARA, NLRB, NTSB, NRC, NSF, PRC, SSS, SBA, STB and the Post Office itself, or the Exec now has a whole new meaning of the term, Through Investigation.

Now that is 26 tentacles of Power for the Preident. And you wonder if Hiilary will make it, she will if Obama says so. If not, NOT.

Too much power in the Exec. And all of the regs as someone pointed out are non-Congessional Laws in fact. And the interpretation of those Regs have become a Royalist seat of power. They are not laws but have the force of Law.

Why do you think Learner plead the 5th? If she says nothing she may skate under the top cover. We will see it if can be un-raveled by the PUBS or not.
There is no way to defend this crap, I don't care if you love Obama, I don't care if Bush started it, I don't care if constructionism has been going on forever (it has), this is information piped in, data mining on a grand scale and pattern mapping handed to domestic law enforcement. It is wrong on every front, in every way for any reason, ever. It keeps no one "safe" and it is only the beginning. There are ways we could foil their practices but it would take huge mass efforts, we could call the same random numbers, text the same random numbers, millions of us every day in order to supply false links and false data but no one is going to start up such a campaign.
There is no way to defend this crap, I don't care if you love Obama, I don't care if Bush started it, I don't care if constructionism has been going on forever (it has), this is information piped in, data mining on a grand scale and pattern mapping handed to domestic law enforcement. It is wrong on every front, in every way for any reason, ever. It keeps no one "safe" and it is only the beginning. There are ways we could foil their practices but it would take huge mass efforts, we could call the same random numbers, text the same random numbers, millions of us every day in order to supply false links and false data but no one is going to start up such a campaign.

Still it has been going on for decades
And technology is only going to make it worse
Bet you wouldn't be such a whiny little bitch if you had a job

you seem pissy you have to work for a living while I don't... You should've made better life choices...

So I take it you cannot backup your bullshit? and I'm not talking about plagiarising someone else words...
you seem pissy you have to work for a living while I don't... You should've made better life choices...

So I take it you cannot backup your bullshit? and I'm not talking about plagiarising someone else words...

Congrats. You join the exclusive ignore list