What did you accomplish today?

Today I Made my Son get over his Fear of Swinging.

Went to the Park today had a Blast. Got Home, Cleaned out a 60,000 Gallon Pool and am now filling it Up.
Its a Cool 75 Degrees outside. Good Days Come With This Summer!

Have Fun Everyone!
i ejaculated in a girls vagina in the afternoon, did some packing, snd hvea been drinking since 3pm
I hung out with Ninjabowler tonight. What a cool cat. Wish we had met sooner. Next time he comes to your town, I recommend meeting up.
Yeah, we went downtown Portland, and shit got crazy pretty quick. We're playing pool, minding our own business, and this assclown comes over offering to buy shots while his gf sits in the corner texting. Ninja was like, "yeah, cool" and before you know it, Ninja has the guy buying the whole bar a round, and I'm not sure but I think his gf slipped her number to him. Then we wandered up the street and landed a front row table in a windowless bar where everyone was walking by. He was trying to tell me about a trip he took, but bitches kept coming up and talking to him. One chick had a veil and a sache that said "getting married". It took her whole entourage to get her off of him. She was all like "I have one more night before I'm married", and he was like, "nah, but thanks", and it made her even crazier. Bitch was losing her mind on him. Then we're easing down the road and this dude comes running by with two cops chasing him; Ninja throws out an arm and smooth clotheslines the dude. They had to call and ambulance to get him off the sidewalk. Cops were like, "thanks, my man". On our way back to our cars, this homeless guy is like, "hey, guys, do you have an extra cigarette?" and Ninja gives him the rest of his pack. guy is trying to give Ninja his boots. Just before I got in my car he slips me this Chron nug that stunk up my car. Good times.
Cleaned up around the house, tended to my plants, took care of things at my girlfriends mom and dads place (while there out of town) , went out to eat, had sex, took a nap, hours later went to a venue listened to trance/techno and danced for like 5 hours straight rolling on mdma.

Great day. :)
I had a day and a half today. Woke up fairly early...collected my wits for a half hour on the back porch. I watered my vegetable garden then chopped my diesel auto. After some scissor hash I went on a shopping trip from the pet store to grocery, back to pet store, then other grocery store to get everything I needed for my small bubble cloner (trip should have taken a half an hour, but ended up hour and a half). Then it was on, some cloning, and rearranging. Then some wgt.com golf. If you don't know about wgt golf and like playing games and golf, it is a free site where you develop your player on pro courses and play other people online if you want. Then it was buddy's bday party, which ended up until right meow...And back to the scissor hash. here's232.jpg the cloner though
woke up at girlfreinds house had super hot sex with her,took her out to breakfast,worked in my garden. hopped on my 1947 knucklehead and went to Grateful Dead show in Philadelphia! it was stellar! went to after party and just got home at dawn! sweet day..
woke up at girlfreinds house had super hot sex with her,took her out to breakfast,worked in my garden. hopped on my 1947 knucklehead and went to Grateful Dead show in Philadelphia! it was stellar! went to after party and just got home at dawn! sweet day..

what?????? the gd are playing still ?????? IMO not the same w/o jer bear
Productive day for me... the fam is out doing stuff and I'm farmin!!!

  • Mixed and fed three in veg. Man I wish I had room in flower to move them in because they are getting way too big at week eight from seed.
  • Preventative pest treatment on three in flower... 4 weeks in. Standard precaution.
  • Tric inspection on 4 in flower... 8 weeks in. Yay two ready to come out next week!!!
  • Posting on RIU.

Man I'm a loser...
I saved a dove that was trapped on the porch of the farmhouse. Got yelled at by my mom for the first time in 20 years when I let him slip from my grasp and he flew hard into the window. After that I grabbed him again and freedom was once again acquired for the bird.