What did you accomplish today?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...today, like a lot of other days, I accomplished more than I should have. I need some kind of outlet, something to calm me down so I can sit still.

...any ideas? *cough* :)


Well-Known Member
Accomplished today:
Convinced the exgf, the one I was so into, that it was a mistake leaving me.
With one sentence I made her glad she did.
Cleaned the house a bit
and got a serious buzz after taking a trip to the liquor store.
Watched another episode of Moone Boy.
Overall, it was a productive day.
(newb grower) Realised my plants where dying, so I mixed up a solution of flowering nutes and watered them with that, the next day they were back to their perky selves (phew!) :)
Not a massive accomplishment I know I know.

Oh and I also fixed the leak in the bathroom sink 99% lol it only leaks a tiny tiny bit now.


Well-Known Member
Cool, I could use a plumber for my well

I defoliated my girl this morning, can't wait til Monday to see how it takes. I've been doing extensive research about improving bud sites.
don't worry, I didn't shave her head LOL


Well-Known Member
Cool, I could use a plumber for my well

I defoliated my girl this morning, can't wait til Monday to see how it takes. I've been doing extensive research about improving bud sites.
don't worry, I didn't shave her head LOL
You confused me when you said girl, lol. My mind was already kinda there anyway, but you got me thinking.

If one can deflower a virgin... can one also perhaps defoliate one as well?
What would it mean to defoliate a virgin?
When you deflower bud, it is a good thing; when you defoliate (completely) the plant dies...
Would it be like shagging her to death?


Well-Known Member
up early today.. sat outside with some coffee and a bowl watched the stars... till about 5.. watched the dogs attempt to catch something and they are still looking for it.. days going just as planned..


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Accomplished today:
Convinced the exgf, the one I was so into, that it was a mistake leaving me.
With one sentence I made her glad she did.
Cleaned the house a bit
and got a serious buzz after taking a trip to the liquor store.
Watched another episode of Moone Boy.
Overall, it was a productive day.
Yes but the problem is sentence 1 is the opposite of sentence 2 please elucidate.

Oh this would be after the buzz......... never mind......


Well-Known Member
Finished running an electric fence line around the perimeter of my property. Doesn't sound like much but 3/4 of it was thick woods and swamp so I had to clear my own path. Took almost 2 whole days.


Well-Known Member
I accomplished going to the urgent care and finding out that yes indeed my finger is extremely infected. Had to call off work today because it's so swollen and fucking hurts.


Staff member
I accomplished going to the urgent care and finding out that yes indeed my finger is extremely infected. Had to call off work today because it's so swollen and fucking hurts.
ouch sounds horrible, today i got the pool up and running, and im gunna go do some gardening soon


Well-Known Member
You confused me when you said girl, lol. My mind was already kinda there anyway, but you got me thinking.

If one can deflower a virgin... can one also perhaps defoliate one as well?
What would it mean to defoliate a virgin?
When you deflower bud, it is a good thing; when you defoliate (completely) the plant dies...
Would it be like shagging her to death?
hahahaha I did not completely defoliate. Simply gave her a hair cut around the bottom of the bud sites and removed some fan leaves.
A lot of green and no room for light to get to the buds. Some didn't even form buds because the intense foliage was fucking her up.

She's not stressed and looking good, no wilting from it.


Well-Known Member
Fed Ex delivered the tire I had to order (it was discontinued, and I think I found the last one!) anyway, got it installed,
picked up the nutes and fed the girls, Floors, dishes, bed made, I have a hell of buzz, it doesn't need to be any better. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm getting my Discopump on for my date with Ninja tonight. Inbetween sets I'm arguing with my buddy Pad in another thread.

Oh, I also cleaned the house, changed the bedding, did laundry, drank too much coffee,..


Staff member
I did some gardening, laundry, cleaning and doing some relaxing right now while watching horrible made for tv movie about a solar attack LOL