What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
covered the windows in a room, switched my vegteble tent to another room, double stacked some veggi's. reprogrammed my timmer which is now working. got my new fake leg, walked on it for an hour(still sucks to wear).


Well-Known Member
Mixed up a big batch of nutes and hand fed 24 girls just now. Tinkered around with my irrigation lines. Ate a pastrami sandwich and bought some new soap to put in my shower.


Well-Known Member
i got 36 3 gal pots, cocogro, and perlite to do my fist VGANIC hydro grow

65% perlite 35% coco looks fucking great, i was going to go with just straight perlite cause ive used it by itself for chem hydro and worked perfect
Climbed a mountain on Saturday.

Then on they way home got pulled over for failure to have due care for an emergency vehicle. (I had no idea I had to switch to the outside lane when a cop car was on the shoulder.)
Which happened to be a k-9 unit.

Officer made me get out of the car and told me he smelled marijuana in the car. I told him he didn't. ( None of us had smoked in the car and all of our "stuff" was in the trunk.)

He told me to tell him where the marijuana was or he was just going to have his dog run the car. (I knew no matter if his dog hit or not he was going to search so I told him.)

After they tore my car apart placed all of our bags on the interstate ran the dog over them and in the car he found a grand sum of 3 grams of marihuana and two pipes.

After standing on the interstate for two hours he gave us our tickets. And notified me why he pulled me over. Then continued to tell me that he smelled marijuana in the car.

I told him once again he did not. He repeated he did. I told him he was profiling us and it was illegal. He stuttered for a minute and told me to plead not guilty if I felt so.

I told him I'm not stupid and I know that he would lie under oath. He just shook his head at me.

There is no way he smelled anything. We all smelled from hiking for two days straight and no one had smoked in the car. No one has even smoked in four hours prior.

Sorry for my long rant I just didn't want to make a thread about it.

Maybe your sweat had a slight weed odour or something.


New Member
Mixed up a big batch of nutes and hand fed 24 girls just now. Tinkered around with my irrigation lines. Ate a pastrami sandwich and bought some new soap to put in my shower.

fawk i forgot to buy soap.I guess thats ok.I'm a scroungy hippie anyways

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I went rock climbing. Hand fed a hungry hungry bum wearing a b.u.m equipment Sweatshirt ate toast read a book to death children helped an old lady cross the street...talked a jumper off a ledge..watched the steve wilcose show....sold crack to a baby..then i stold crack from a baby.....ratted ona drunk driver that cut me off...stopped at the shell picked up a 40 pounded a 40. Then i drove to church ...i had a busy day i wounder whats in store for tomarrow
I went rock climbing. Hand fed a hungry hungry bum wearing a b.u.m equipment Sweatshirt ate toast read a book to death children helped an old lady cross the street...talked a jumper off a ledge..watched the steve wilcose show....sold crack to a baby..then i stold crack from a baby.....ratted ona drunk driver that cut me off...stopped at the shell picked up a 40 pounded a 40. Then i drove to church ...i had a busy day i wounder whats in store for tomarrow

That's pretty much how my day went, except that I accidentally ran the baby over and I didn't bother stopping to steal the crack I had just sold it. (woops.)


Well-Known Member
I got all the metal on the desk sanded and cleaned up. Hope to finish painting the metal later tonight. Slowly buy surely it's coming together. Taking a quick break. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
My therapist invited me to ride horses with her.... and we fucked. Nah I'm kidding but I did ride a horse....

and now I'm about to win $100 for dipping 3 cans of copenhagen at once for 10 minutes without puking. Sounds like a piece of cake. I haven't dipped since I was 14-15

A day in the life of Lazybonez


Well-Known Member
me and my kids had a tickle and wrestle session for about an hour, and I have smoked about 1/2 oz today... BAKED. that is all... oh I have eaten a shit ton, and ICE is nice, yeah like frozen ice cubes.... time to be the horsey again!!! dpsdfop[rje


Well-Known Member
riu 88.jpgriu 87.jpg rained out. 4 inches in 30 minutes. sharpened some blades for the guys, then had some tacos for lunch.