zimmerman news

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At least I can spell "every". People think of you as dishonest, lazy, stupid, impotent, and infantile. With good cause.

Not impotent by choice, have you seen his wife's hands? Tell me those things wrapped around your shaft wouldn't cause a bad case of the shrivelies?
if they remove a post of yours do they give u some sort of indication.... cuz that would be nice RIU. we can say fuck and all types of other shit but not cunt? why is that...
The mod is a female, or least I think so. It's a thankless job requiring lots of judgement calls. We can't expect everyone to agree on what's out of line.
Not Guilty! Finally it's over!
Eric Cartman said it best:

Lol, I post this in good humor.
"Not Guilty" Exact quote.

that was with respect to the state's burden, not any specific detail of the case, smarty.

That's nothing to brag about. It's not a race.

we have no idea what your sexual capabilities are!

The mod is a female, or least I think so. It's a thankless job requiring lots of judgement calls. We can't expect everyone to agree on what's out of line.

And also, because I keep hearing this, just because you carry a gun doesn't mean you have an intent to use it; at least not in the way YOU are using the word "intent". I have a concealed carry license and I hope every day that I don't have to use it. If I didn't intend to use it in the proper circumstances, then I wouldn't wear it. It really seems like most of you people that cry "fuck the police" are the same ones that are hiding behind them. I know they won't and can't protect me or my property nor my friends or their property, so I take efforts to do so. I'm not going to cower and run from someone that's intends me harm. I approach suspicious people all the time and there has never once been an altercation. The people I approach know why I'm coming up to them, usually they will head towards me and explain what they are doing and it's all good. Their is nothing illegal about doing that and no one has been offended. No one in this country has the right to not be offended anyway.

If you don't want to protect yourself, then fine... don't. But you've no right nor reason to tell me I can't and that I'm a loose canon vigilante because I arm myself.
LOL I lost a dog to a careless driver, I should have sued for Millions because we all know the more zeroes the quicker your dog/son come back to life. Instead I grieved a day or two and took it for what it was, stupid dog running across the road and a driver not paying attention.
How many zeroes before the parents forget all about little trayvon?
Did you just compare Trayvon's life to that of a dog?
i aggree my facts in the case are limited. but i know trayvon was walking. and zimmerman decided it was his fucking responsibility
to be like hey you there young black man ( or just young man if he wasnt black cuz again race doesnt matter). come explain yourself to me for i am superior to you. and trayvon responded, exactly like i would have, like , why the fuck have you been following me and what the hell doo you want. which zimmerman (thinking he had any sort of right to do
so because he self appointed himself community security queer?) responded HALT you are definitely up to something. and trayvon was like im not explaining my self to you and kept walking.
zimmerman than prolly was like " no in the name of community law HALT NOW for i community officur duphus say so" which TM prolly just ignored or said shut up too.
which worked up lil zimmerman to the point of prolly grabbing TM and being like let me call this(nothing) in to the police. where a fight ensued @ the 100% fault of the dueche
bag who never had Right nor reason to follow the individual in the first place. than when the 17 yr old was whooping his ass he pulled his gun and shot him.
your right... go zimmerman you brave honorable man. you fucking piece of shit you should have rotted behind bars forever.

to anyone arguing with me i dont have animosity towards you guys its solely towards zimmerman and the situation. i could give a fuck. all you guys in ur moms basement are
entitled to ur opinions.

Pro tip: You should have quit after you typed, 'i aggree my facts in the case are limited.' You are an ignoramus commenting on something you know nothing about. What could go wrong?
This is why manslaughter charge fits because TM death was death of a minor via culpable negligence..GZ was negligent in informing TM that he had a gun to begin with..

Z was not guilty of manslaughter as well. MS was an included charge.

Your intelligence seems to have plummeted. I didn't think it was possible to plummet from such a low beginning level.
Ok first final and only post about what I feel like the 6 jury women are thinking right now. If its manslaughter then it could only be this type.

Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence (Involuntary Manslaughter): Engaging in “Culpably Negligent” conduct that resulted in the death of another person.
Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm

While not a specific element of Manslaughter, if the jury determines a weapon or firearm was used in the commission of the Manslaughter, the crime will be reclassified from a felony of the second degree to a felony of the first degree. [1] Aslo adding this to his time served

If convicted of Manslaughter, a judge is required to impose a minimum prison sentence of 9¼ years in prison and can impose any additional combination of the following penalties:

Up to 15 years in prison.
Up to 15 years of probation.
Up to $10,000 in fines.
Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm

The crime of Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm is classified as a First Degree Felony and is assigned a Level 7 offense severity ranking under Florida's Criminal Punishment Code.

If convicted of Manslaughter, a judge is required to impose a minimum prison sentence of 9¼ years in prison and can impose any additional combination of the following penalties:

Up to 30 years in prison.
Up to 30 years of probation.
Up to $10,000 in fines.

Facts provided by R&H Lawyers Dictionary

Florida Crimes: Manslaughter

fucc what all u mothafuccas talkin bout. the point of the whole story is zimmerman was told not to follow the kid. he went against what dispatch told him and it resulted in a kid losing his life.. this shit is unbelievable.
At some point, multiple punches do cause death. Was Zimmerman supposed to just lie there as Martin continued to beat him? Should he wait until he is fatally injured? Unconscious? Dead? You are trying to use an unreasonable standard. Do you know what they call combatants that limit themselves to using force that is only equal to or less than that your attacker? Dead.
fucc all yall feelings. and theres no way around it. zimmerman was told NOT to follow that boy. he did it anyway. and end up killin the boy.if he would've went bout his bidness, we wouldnt be havin this convo. fucc zimmerman. fucc florida. and fucc a white nigga wit a gun. im bacc on my higher learnin shit.
Ok first final and only post about what I feel like the 6 jury women are thinking right now. If its manslaughter then it could only be this type.

Manslaughter by Culpable Negligence (Involuntary Manslaughter): Engaging in “Culpably Negligent” conduct that resulted in the death of another person.
Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm

While not a specific element of Manslaughter, if the jury determines a weapon or firearm was used in the commission of the Manslaughter, the crime will be reclassified from a felony of the second degree to a felony of the first degree. [1] Aslo adding this to his time served

If convicted of Manslaughter, a judge is required to impose a minimum prison sentence of 9¼ years in prison and can impose any additional combination of the following penalties:

Up to 15 years in prison.
Up to 15 years of probation.
Up to $10,000 in fines.
Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm

The crime of Manslaughter with a Weapon or Firearm is classified as a First Degree Felony and is assigned a Level 7 offense severity ranking under Florida's Criminal Punishment Code.

If convicted of Manslaughter, a judge is required to impose a minimum prison sentence of 9¼ years in prison and can impose any additional combination of the following penalties:

Up to 30 years in prison.
Up to 30 years of probation.
Up to $10,000 in fines.

Facts provided by R&H Lawyers Dictionary

Florida Crimes: Manslaughter

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