Well-Known Member
hey aknight.... u one of the only ppl stand a chance beating me @ snake.. good to c u in a thread lol.
you'll NEVER get my tetris score.
hey aknight.... u one of the only ppl stand a chance beating me @ snake.. good to c u in a thread lol.
So if the other person surprises you then you lose your right to defend yourself? You keep mischaractorising what happened. Clearly, you have an axe to grind.
"hope you and ur next dog get hit by a bus. " " i love dogs". You may have mental problems. Perhaps you should see a professional.
unemployment and failure to complete most everything including college, is a prerequisite...
BTW Zimmerman - NOT GUILTY!
He's the German edition of Superman.pardon my ignorance but who`s zimmerman?
i'm not unemployed, i'm a marginally attached worker, meaning i take work if it's worth my while.
hey, that puts us in the same bracket!
That might be racist.yes, absolutely ! there are thousands of immigrants from Mexico that have below 70 IQ just like Uncle Buck.
The jury says you're wrong.too bad the evidence is more consistent with martin defending himself than it is with assault.
nope. marginally attached worker.and growing top shelf cannabis is a useful skill. don't be jealous, roberta.LOL... Growing weed full time for profit as you do, is unemployed moron... Don't confuse yourself with skilled useful people....
more like xenophobic and prejudiced. well, maybe not prejudiced, but selective.fuck, it's probably racist.That might be racist.
the jurors have not commented on this or any other aspect of their decision yet.The jury says you're wrong.
I don't this buy this society argument. People have a choice to make. Be smart so people can't pull wool over eyes. It's not just mom and dad watching. Credit bureaus, banks, gas stations, stores and more. If you take time and effort you will learn.You are just as guilty as anyone
Do you pay for the department of education that failed Trayvon and Zimmerman?
You contributed to this tragedy
You watch TV you Listen to music you encourage that nonsense that polluted their minds
Every time you type something, its about fist fighting, are you a adolescent in high school experiencing testosterone spikes or some shit?LOL this may be the stupidest thing ive read all night. no shit if someone attacks you defend urself. is that what ur saying zimmerman did? he was walking aimlessly when trayvon came out of nowhere and was like hey u mexican let me see ur passport....NO mother fucker he didnt. it was zimmerman. following him and starting and altercation....first verbal. but verbal altercations with strangers when both parties are male can typically result in fights.... and the majority of the type theres a winner and a loser but both survive. could of and should of been the case here.
"generally, the person that runs away' survives. If Martin had run away as you claim, he'd still be alive. Or are you now claiming a fat, out of shape middle aged man was able to outrun a healthy young teenager who already had a head start and shot him in the back?not exactly. they failed to prove their overall case but not every aspect of it. you don't know what the jurors think about that specific aspect until we (possibly) hear from them later. generally, the person that runs away is more likely to be the defender than the person who follows with a gun.* but i know you don't generally like to occupy the same reality as the rest of us.
There was enough to convince the jury.there's as much evidence for a beating as there is for self defense, smarty. trial's over, you can stop repeating the baseless.
translating - I'm an unemployed derro, that found some rich jews to mooch off, while I grow and sell weed to children in between avoiding any and all questions about my snitching...
Howl is that baseless? Is that you're knew word for the day? Perhaps ewe should learn the definition of it before ewe start using it.once again, baseless. you and i have no idea how the jury decided the case or what they thought of certain aspects. all you have are your assumptions, and you made quite clear in the other thread what you base your assumptions on.
"generally, the person that runs away' survives. If Martin had run away as you claim, he'd still be alive. Or are you now claiming a fat, out of shape middle aged man was able to outrun a healthy young teenager who already had a head start and shot him in the back?
There was enough to convince the jury.