There was no restitution. The HOA settled and officially had no culpability in the death of TM.
Thug Mansion?Well im having a drink and a smoke joint nothibg will change so no point in yelling at eachother on riu some think itd right some think its wrong I hope trayvon is in a peaceful place!
That's all it really boils down to.Zimmerman is an asshole and a wannabe hero wannabe cop and probably shouldn't have been out looking to save the day but I am happy he walked because I believe he was patroling his neighborhood trying to make it safe and prevent crime and I believe Trayvon hit him and Zimmerman shot him which is within a persons rights. I am disappointed with the education system and economic situation that produced Trayvon and Zimmerman but I am glad to see the right to self defence upheld. If someone assaults you you have the right to shoot them and that makes for a better society so I'm glad that was reaffirmed here.
Nope, not gonna happen. Zimmer has NOTHING to sue for. Besides, the cards are stacked against them with a not guilty verdict.
not cashing in, that's just a racist smear that shitheads like you and desert dud like to toss about because shit lies at the bottom of your souls.
yeah, just like it was for OJ![]()
OJ had MILLIONS you dimwit, plus EVERY soul alive knew he was guilty. Ask anyone, they will all tell you he was guilty, black, white, mexican, don't matter.
I am glad you weren't part of the most of the money was from racists, the other money from retards like urself who think
race had nothing to do with him thinking a 17 yr old walking by himself was UP TO SOMETHING.
or DANGEROUS. if he was white he wouldnt have thought that should cuz hes a poor
excuse of a man. and think that the real matter was with a man defending himself. get with it boy.
LOL I lost a dog to a careless driver, I should have sued for Millions because we all know the more zeroes the quicker your dog/son come back to life. Instead I grieved a day or two and took it for what it was, stupid dog running across the road and a driver not paying attention.
How many zeroes before the parents forget all about little trayvon?
you lying racist fuck, they never cashed in for shit. they took actions to make sure others did not cash in on their dead son.
stabs like that after this is all over just shows what a bitter racist shithead you are.
Boo hoo, dick head. You were wrong at every fucking turn, you pushed the race angle from day fucking one. You are a sorry, weepy, self loathing, guilt filled liberal. Try actually thinking for a change.
no most of the money was from racists, the other money from retards like urself who think
race had nothing to do with him thinking a 17 yr old walking by himself was UP TO SOMETHING.
or DANGEROUS. if he was white he wouldnt have thought that shit cuz hes a poor
excuse of a man. and think that the real matter was with a man defending himself. get with it boy.
so you follow up a racist smear by comparing martin to a dog?
wow, what a piece of shit.