So Zimmer was PLANNING on killing him all along eh? Must have been a prior meeting with Trayvon to get Zimmy so riled up that he planned to kill TM. What do you suppose happened?YES MURDERED!!!!!!
So Zimmer was PLANNING on killing him all along eh? Must have been a prior meeting with Trayvon to get Zimmy so riled up that he planned to kill TM. What do you suppose happened?YES MURDERED!!!!!!
Zimmerman needs to get busy with his suit against NBC so he can cash in like Trayvon's parents did!
So Zimmer was PLANNING on killing him all along eh? Must have been a prior meeting with Trayvon to get Zimmy so riled up that he planned to kill TM. What do you suppose happened?
So Zimmer was PLANNING on killing him all along eh? Must have been a prior meeting with Trayvon to get Zimmy so riled up that he planned to kill TM. What do you suppose happened?
TM's Parents already sued the Homeowners Association and won a settlement of over $1 lying racist fuck, they never cashed in for shit. they took actions to make sure others did not cash in on their dead son.
stabs like that after this is all over just shows what a bitter racist shithead you are.
Murder is not always premeditated
this wasn't murder 1, dummy.
TM's Parents already sued the Homeowners Association and won a settlement of over $1 million.
They are cashing in, no doubt.
Nor was it murder 2 or manslaughter.![]()
no shit theyre cashing in!!!! theyre fucking son was wrongfully killed by this dick boy.
and they knew damn well aint no one going to prison for defeding themselves against
a TERRIFING BLACK HOODLUM so they mine as well get money since as we see today
They sued the Home Owners Association, not Zimmerdude.
restitution is NOT the same thing as "cashing in", go look up the definitions moron.
zimmerdude's up next in the civil trial!
no ik who they sued ... wat did you think they were gonna sue zimmerman for all 10$ hes got. most money that dueche ever saw
was the donations he got from the other racists pieces of shit in the beginning of his trial.