What information?
LMAO, Fail.
LMAO, Fail.
What information?
LMAO, Fail.
It is hilarious to hear Russian television condemning the United States for violating the right to free speech, etc., though.
Find a company with more experience than RT to talk about this.
I'm sure they are experienced living in Putin's Russia, where this no such thing as free speech, and the government will just steal your corporation if you decide you don't want to sell it. Why don't they talk about that on RT?
Oh, right. Because RT is the Russian government. Yeah, I didn't believe Pravda either.
Therefore they must be wrong about anything they say about good ole USA...
I never said that. I said the source is horribly biased and has a blatant agenda. My point was that no one should be relying on Russian government television for information; I would say exactly the same thing about any government television service.
They're better than Fox.
Fox isn't dependent on the United States government for survival, nor is it a mouthpiece for the United States government. RT is both dependent and a mouthpiece.
Yet they are still better than Fox.
You think they're "better" because you agree with their bullshit, and that's the only reason. Otherwise you'd call it out for being bullshit just like you're saying about Fox now.
I call out every bullshitter, especially if they're echoing my opinions, because their bullshit undermines my substance.
You posted the video. You posted one somewhere else previously. Apparently you're watching these videos.
It is hilarious to hear Russian television condemning the United States for violating the right to free speech, etc., though.
I'm sure they are experienced living in Putin's Russia, where this no such thing as free speech, and the government will just steal your corporation if you decide you don't want to sell it. Why don't they talk about that on RT?
Oh, right. Because RT is the Russian government. Yeah, I didn't believe Pravda either.
Thanks Echelon for yet another one of your great on-topic, RELEVANT postsThey put a smile on my face and they're always appreciated because they are always so positive and everybody sits around all day just waiting for you to post something new! Thanks champ!
If no body reports the Crimes of the American government, then who will? And why should they be condemned for doing so?
Obviously if the Russian government is equally as guilty as the US government, then there is some hypocrisy behind all of this, but hypocrisy never men't that you couldn't out others for doing something wrong, did it?
Anyway, I my self am no reporter nor anyone who is informed of the ways which the Russian government works, So unfortunately I cannot post "America today" who report Russia`s crimes because no such channel exists.
Trust me I have no agenda Against Americans out of race hate.
Yet you have been attacking RT not for what they say, but for who funds them.
Ooh, So I posted some video`s did I? And what is your point?
Russian media pointing out US violations of free speech? Should they not be allowed to do so? Should whistle blowers really be sent to jail for doing the right thing and letting the public know about the crimes that the US government commits?
I get the feeling that you think yes, whistle blowers should go to jail. If that's the case then one day if you ever get married, I bet you'l never be more in love with your wife than you are with your countries flag.
Hey all, USA is an exemplary "western" society and "1st world" country, right?
That's strange because Iv often read or heard things that suggest that the western world is ahead of the rest of the world, and the same with "1st world" countries.
yet, the more and more I learn about the truth, the more I discover that this is absolute bullshit.
The world we live in today is full of people who don't REALLY care about much, yet these people are in power, and these people are responsible for all of our lives!! Terrible, right!?
How do I know that this is the case? Deductive reasoning.
This video shines some light on the situation in the USA, and it shows just how much these people who don't care about much, Don't care about us knowing the truth.
They don't care about our knowledge of the truth so much that they would put anyone who would reveal it to us in prison for 100 years, as an example to other people who wish to show everyone the truth.
Some people might actually want to argue that there are other countries that are far worse! with suicide bombings.... Berma.... But so what?
Those countries are not like the USA where its citizens are like zombies who're fed lies on a daily basis, and are recruited to fight wars where they die to defend the people who fed them the lies.
When I know who's talking, I know what they have to say. How can anyone watch the video and call it fair and accurate? It's hyperbolic, conspiratorial, and blatantly seeks to to be negative. The host conducting the interview is obnoxious, pushy, and very aggressive, suggesting damning things, restating answers, and in one case (at least I thought) plainly misrepresenting what her guest had just said. Her proud staunchly anti-American attitude seeps through each of the empty words of propaganda she utters off the teleprompter.