USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth

Hey all, USA is an exemplary "western" society and "1st world" country, right?

That's strange because Iv often read or heard things that suggest that the western world is ahead of the rest of the world, and the same with "1st world" countries.
yet, the more and more I learn about the truth, the more I discover that this is absolute bullshit.

The world we live in today is full of people who don't REALLY care about much, yet these people are in power, and these people are responsible for all of our lives!! Terrible, right!?
How do I know that this is the case? Deductive reasoning.

This video shines some light on the situation in the USA, and it shows just how much these people who don't care about much, Don't care about us knowing the truth.
They don't care about our knowledge of the truth so much that they would put anyone who would reveal it to us in prison for 100 years, as an example to other people who wish to show everyone the truth.


Some people might actually want to argue that there are other countries that are far worse! with suicide bombings.... Berma.... But so what?
Those countries are not like the USA where its citizens are like zombies who're fed lies on a daily basis, and are recruited to fight wars where they die to defend the people who fed them the lies.
Don't give a shit what you think.
shit fly? Why do you think shit is going to fly?

Don't give a shit what you think.

You don't give a shit what I think? um... Do you wan't me to give a shit that you don't give a shit what I think, or not? no wait let me guess, You don't give a shit, right?
So then you're one of those people who have been brain washed...... and you basically switch your thinking switch to "OFF MODE" whenever something that is too close to home enters your vision. You're too patriotic to believe your country is ANYTHING but great, and people like me are NASTY NASTY TERRIBLE people who need to be ignores because we're just angry at you for being so great.. Right? that's just the logic you must follow, yeh???

It's all lies bro! the world is perfect mate! go stick your mouth over a fucking car exhaust because candy air will flow out and blow you up into a giant candy balloon man!
^^^ this is what i meant by watch the shit fly. i've seen other threads, i know whats going to happen here. and i will sit back and enjoy.

nothing against you op, im just bored at work and this should be entertaining.
I don't consider myself a zombie. I live in the moment for the day however I feel fit. I think that most people would agree that they don't feel like zombies. Our culture raises us to tell us that money is the root of all evil. However we are programmed to the need of money to sustain life. As a mass if we got back to living off the land and sustain our selves. If you need to fix your face then you do what you have to. But making a broad generalization is like educated guessing. We all see whats happening who's got the balls to stand up and say enough. We elect people to make decisions based on one voice and we end up with politicians who make choices based on their religion or their own agenda. That't not a democracy that's imperialism.
I'm also not a zombie, and I feel i am awake to the constant betrayal around me in this country. Problem is, most people around me are zombies, and I cant wake them up no matter how hard I try. They either don't care or don't believe.
OP the next time you are out this way I'll take you out and show you what the real America is all about. You watch too much tv bro. You need to get out and interact with nature maybe do a little hunting and fishing. It'll be good for you. We can do that freely here. Lots of open spaces and freedom to do what you wish.
^^^ this is what i meant by watch the shit fly. i've seen other threads, i know whats going to happen here. and i will sit back and enjoy.

nothing against you op, im just bored at work and this should be entertaining.

You surf RIU from work? I am envious.
OP the next time you are out this way I'll take you out and show you what the real America is all about. You watch too much tv bro. You need to get out and interact with nature maybe do a little hunting and fishing. It'll be good for you. We can do that freely here. Lots of open spaces and freedom to do what you wish.

your america sounds a little better than mine, want to trade places? you can come hang out around NEO and see if you still think the same way.

  • You don't give a shit what I think? um... Do you wan't me to give a shit that you don't give a shit what I think, or not? no wait let me guess, You don't give a shit, right?
    So then you're one of those people who have been brain washed...... and you basically switch your thinking switch to "OFF MODE" whenever something that is too close to home enters your vision. You're too patriotic to believe your country is ANYTHING but great, and people like me are NASTY NASTY TERRIBLE people who need to be ignores because we're just angry at you for being so great.. Right? that's just the logic you must follow, yeh???

    It's all lies bro! the world is perfect mate! go stick your mouth over a fucking car exhaust because candy air will flow out and blow you up into a giant candy balloon man!

Dude as much as you want me to hate the country where I live it just isn't going to happen. I am proud of the US and I love this country. Sure, the politics are fucked up but goddam do I love the freedom we have. I can go out during deer season and get enough meat for my family and me plus enough to barter. I can go anywhere I wish and do just about anything I want to do. I can buy land and do whatever I want with it. I can drive any car I want. I can practice any religion I want or none at all.

I love this place despite its faults. It's fucking beautiful here my good man!
your america sounds a little better than mine, want to trade places? you can come hang out around NEO and see if you still think the same way.
I don't know what NEO is. Get out of the burbs GS. Seriously. I grew up in San Diego and the best thing I ever did was leave that fucking hell hole. Now I can breathe. Clean water, clean air, wildlife and all around a healthier lifestyle. Nature provides you with all of the tools to be happy you just gotta go get it my friend.
I don't know what NEO is. Get out of the burbs GS. Seriously. I grew up in San Diego and the best thing I ever did was leave that fucking hell hole. Now I can breathe. Clean water, clean air, wildlife and all around a healthier lifestyle. Nature provides you with all of the tools to be happy you just gotta go get it my friend.

I am working extremely hard on that very thing. NEO is northeast Ohio. Rust belt. The original wild west hahaha.

It's just a matter of time for me. And I completely agree with your post where you said this:
"Dude as much as you want me to hate the country where I live it just isn't going to happen. I am proud of the US and I love this country. Sure, the politics are fucked up but goddam do I love the freedom we have. I can go out during deer season and get enough meat for my family and me plus enough to barter. I can go anywhere I wish and do just about anything I want to do. I can buy land and do whatever I want with it. I can drive any car I want. I can practice any religion I want or none at all.

I love this place despite its faults. It's fucking beautiful here my good man!"
I am working extremely hard on that very thing. NEO is northeast Ohio. Rust belt. The original wild west hahaha.

It's just a matter of time for me. And I completely agree with your post where you said this:
"Dude as much as you want me to hate the country where I live it just isn't going to happen. I am proud of the US and I love this country. Sure, the politics are fucked up but goddam do I love the freedom we have. I can go out during deer season and get enough meat for my family and me plus enough to barter. I can go anywhere I wish and do just about anything I want to do. I can buy land and do whatever I want with it. I can drive any car I want. I can practice any religion I want or none at all.

I love this place despite its faults. It's fucking beautiful here my good man!"

Right on man. You just gotta do it. Pick a place and go. If you don't like that place then go to another place. I traveled this whole country with NO money and just worked my way around until I found a place I liked. I'm in New England and there are some great places in this part of the country. I like to be near the ocean so I have the best of all worlds. Get outside and do what humans were meant to do, LIVE! LOL...You can do it just put your mind to it and cut the ties that bind you.
I want to move to Australia just so I can get drunk and bang skimpys everyday, I'd do any skimpy raw.
The fact that the Nuge rode a buffalo on stage makes the USA awesome though

  • You don't give a shit what I think? um... Do you wan't me to give a shit that you don't give a shit what I think, or not? no wait let me guess, You don't give a shit, right?
    So then you're one of those people who have been brain washed...... and you basically switch your thinking switch to "OFF MODE" whenever something that is too close to home enters your vision. You're too patriotic to believe your country is ANYTHING but great, and people like me are NASTY NASTY TERRIBLE people who need to be ignores because we're just angry at you for being so great.. Right? that's just the logic you must follow, yeh???

    It's all lies bro! the world is perfect mate! go stick your mouth over a fucking car exhaust because candy air will flow out and blow you up into a giant candy balloon man!

Dude as much as you want me to hate the country where I live it just isn't going to happen. I am proud of the US and I love this country. Sure, the politics are fucked up but goddam do I love the freedom we have. I can go out during deer season and get enough meat for my family and me plus enough to barter. I can go anywhere I wish and do just about anything I want to do. I can buy land and do whatever I want with it. I can drive any car I want. I can practice any religion I want or none at all.

I love this place despite its faults. It's fucking beautiful here my good man!

He's an arrogant Polish gypsy, have you seen Poland? It was designed by communists so it looks like this;

This is what he's comparing to America to without ever visiting...
