New Member
Oh yea? quote me. Where have I shown that I clearly cannot distinguish between fact and opinion.
don't have to quote you, the proof is in all the stupid videos you post
Oh yea? quote me. Where have I shown that I clearly cannot distinguish between fact and opinion.
Teddy boy is a draft dodging pussy
it would be nice to hear something positive from you for a change
all the doom and gloom is very repetitive
don't have to quote you, the proof is in all the stupid videos you post
Except there is a government, and it is not perfectly or truly representative of the people. Congressional elections have relatively low turnout of eligible voters, so our government is actually elected by a fraction of the people. Because of political games and gerrymandering, congressional districts have been carved up into bizarre patterns in order to keep certain people in office. Billions of dollars, countless man hours, and volumes of psychological research are deployed every election cycle to mislead, confuse, and distract people from facts, truth, and reality. The result is not a government built from the enlightened consideration of all the citizens of the United States, who are thus accountable for the actions of that government, which is what your idealistic vision of democracy presumes.
I think people generally recognize that populations are apathetic and subject to manipulation. I certainly don't think the Russian government is representative of the Russian people; Putin has kept himself in power by jailing his opponents, using state resources for his campaign efforts, and rebuilding the authoritarian structure of the Soviet state. The fact that they've permitted Putin to behave in that manner should not be construed as approval for his actions
Formally, I'll agree that apathy is approval, because choosing not to act suggests indifference. Substantively, apathy is not approval, because people tend to think they have excellent reasons for being indifferent. For example, I know people who don't vote because they say they don't understand the issues at all. In some cases, I'm very happy these people aren't voting, because I know they would be sheep. Regardless, you cannot say they approve of something they never pretended to understand in the first place.
They report news, then they add their own opinions. The news is not for impressionable children, its for grown ups who're able to distinguish between opinion and the story that has actually been reported
Sure it is, because of course all of the video`s that I post are a 100% representation of the person that I am. Like duh!.. I mean, If I posted a hitler video, that would (according to you) obviously mean that I aspire to be a mass murderer who wishes to commit genocide in order to improve the human race. You're very clever you are ya aussie guy! So clever.
you talking about me?...... racerboy?
I never intended to repeat what I said, I only said it once but then those two guys from the doomy and gloomy country started causing a riot, and then well, you know.....
Positive things? there are tons of positive things. Though I can't be bothered right now to type too many of them out.
People are positive everywhere you go (obviously) Mainly in Europe, people have slightly more advanced attitudes and opinions to life (slightly) that means that they're basically more mature, more realistic, more of many things.
The country side in most countries is beautiful (especially good for getting high), Big ugly cities (or even small cities) aren't really a nice place to be when you wanna smoke a blunt, not for me anyway.
basically, to describe the distinguishing positive attributes of one country could imply that other countries do not share those attributes, and thus that could be perceived as being negative. Basically life is somewhat the same everywhere you go.
people wanna live their lives, get high, drink beer, drive cars and do stuff.
Sure it is, because of course all of the video`s that I post are a 100% representation of the person that I am. Like duh!.. I mean, If I posted a hitler video, that would (according to you) obviously mean that I aspire to be a mass murderer who wishes to commit genocide in order to improve the human race. You're very clever you are ya aussie guy! So clever.
Hey Hey hey now, It's not like I am a negative person. Echelon and the cockoftwo just dragged on the previous negativity of the subject through every thread that I posted in.
Echelon, this is the politics forum, Just an FYI
"Fucked up" is just the most versatile term that I could recall from my hindered vocabulary (as you said after all, my mother was a gyspy crack whore, was she not? according to you!) and i think it is very fitting.
Sending American troops to die over some oil and land is pretty fucked up considering that they were all lied to and made to believe that they were actually fighting for their country.
And that's only the start!
What land did the US take? While oil was a major factor in the decision to go to Iraq and an pipeline in Afghanistan, it's was not the only factors. Also you should differentiate between the people that send troops to war and the people that actually fight the wars. they are not one in the same...
They report news, then they add their own opinions. The news is not for impressionable children, its for grown ups who're able to distinguish between opinion and the story that has actually been reported. She is allowed to use as much hyperbole as she wants, because hyperbole doesn't change facts.
You're full of shit, because, do you know why? How does that old saying go "If you're not doing anything wrong, then you've got nothing to hide". Right?
It's not like the government should be overly worried about their personal privacy, they need to be more worried about doing their job correctly and to allow a large degree of transparency. Of course there will always be secrets, but unless you're doing something VERY bad, then you will most likely not worry too much if the secret is exposed. Terrorism? Instability? what fucking secret do you think will make people want to turn into terrorists? because the way that I see it, the fucking government shouldn't be fucking doing any thing that is so wrong that people will want to blow them the fuck up, get that into your head you overly patriotic yank, jeez, how brainwashed are you?
But go ahead, tell us all what YOU think is something that is ok by your standards for any government to keep secret from the people, which, if found out by the people, would cause people to be so angry that they will want to blow the government up.
The reason to keep the videos secret was to prevent them from being used to encourage even more violence and hatred.
The purpose is to deliver the opinion, not the facts. This program is marketed as a purveyor of truth, not as a newscast.
I understand that you would like for the world to be simple, but your desire counts for nothing. In reality, transparency and truth can be the enemy of peace and stability. Welcome to politics.
How about videos of American soldiers shooting at or blowing up civilians, whether intentionally or accidentally? When they were secret, only people in the government knew about them; when they were played 1,000 times on Aljazeera, you don't think anyone was incited? You don't think there were any consequences? No one else died?
The people who were killed in the videos are already dead and there's nothing that can be done about that. The reason to keep the videos secret was to prevent them from being used to encourage even more violence and hatred.
What are you trying to say Eche? that you disagree with me that the USA is on a long winding road of degeneration?
A side question.... Do you think that USA is amongst the top of the worlds countries in terms of overall government moral performance?
The yanks kill another journalist.
What are you trying to say Eche? that you disagree with me that the USA is on a long winding road of degeneration?
A side question.... Do you think that USA is amongst the top of the worlds countries in terms of overall government moral performance?