USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth

You say this like it is a bad thing. It is actually what it is all about. In the entire world history this is the most coveted.

Just leave me alone.

Do you realize the Trillions we spend to protect the 9th Amendemt so not one is FORCED to care or even pretend. Unique.

You finally get a country where people can have all the luxuries they desire but never watch a day of TV, not give a single shit about the rest of us, never interact with WE in a governance sense and be almost totally FREE.

This is the MAIN DEAL. Elysium Fields and peace on our land for all that just want to live an un-molested life.

That is the American Way. And we kill for your right to not vote, and not give a shit at all.

If you believe that, how can you be contesting what I initially said? The people and the government are not the same; an attack on one is not necessarily an attack on the other.
No, it was to cover up war crimes. Don't give me this B/S about inciting more violence as US policies have created a sectarian cesspool of wanton violence while supporting the very terrorist groups we've spent the last decade trying to kill.

I'm not aware of any war crime prosecution stemming from those videos. Do you expect one? I don't. If it was a war crime, no one seems to care, so why put any effort into the coverup?

Realistically, if you release the video of more than a hundred people being killed in an airstrike that the government acknowledges was an egregious error, you're going to see it in someone's recruiting video, inciting people to kill American women and children in vengeance for all that shed blood.
They deliver opinions? why is that such a bad thing? Isn't it better that way than to just deliver the facts in plain-old stone-cold fashion? I think it is, especially considering that they typically hold good opinions. Unless you do not agree that it is savage for a police man to shoot and kill a dog who was baring teeth at him because they had apprehended his owner for doing practically nothing. They shot the dog when all they needed to do was let the owner go and make him control the dog.

I'm not indicting the program for being an opinion. All I'm saying is that it's the Russian government equivalent of Fox News. I wouldn't want information from either because I would much rather hear the story instead of having someone spin the story off to me.

There's no winning this argument for me because you are biased and you clearly stand by your country because you're brainwashed. But I am not. I would protest against my own government in a heart beat if they committed atrocities like the US gov does.

If you can show me an atrocity the United States government committed I will happily protest against it. I'm not standing by anything.
I love that woman.

This conspiracy narrative is so ridiculous. Alright, Hastings knows that the FBI is investigating him and he's feeling intense pressure from that fact. You think maybe he's stressed? You think he's worried he might have done something wrong that will get him into trouble?

Now tell me, how might such worries affect a person's mental state? Might their behavior, under such stress, be different than their normal behavior? Might they do impulsive and reckless things? If your friend thinks an email you wrote shortly before your death "doesn't sound right" or "sounds erratic" or whatever, why is it a leap to believe that the person was tearing down an empty highway at 4:30 AM in California at near maximum speed, lost control of their car, and crashed into a tree?

The existence of the email and the impressions this friend is voicing about it would seem to be substantial support for the official story.

How has the LAPD stonewalled the investigation? Anything to do that? I'd love to hear it.

Oh, the friend got an anonymous email that the LAPD was at Hastings' house earlier in the day and they claimed he was looking under his car! An anonymous email!
I'm not indicting the program for being an opinion. All I'm saying is that it's the Russian government equivalent of Fox News. I wouldn't want information from either because I would much rather hear the story instead of having someone spin the story off to me.

If you can show me an atrocity the United States government committed I will happily protest against it. I'm not standing by anything.


I condemn the first two, although I wouldn't call the second a "war crime." As for the third, here's a relevant Wikipedia summary: "At the time of the atomic bombings, there was no international treaty or instrument protecting a civilian population specifically from attack by aircraft.[SUP][142][/SUP] Many critics of the atomic bombings point to the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 as setting rules in place regarding the attack of civilian populations. The Hague Conventions contained no specific air warfare provisions but it prohibited the targeting of undefended civilians by naval artillery, field artillery or siege engines, all of which were classified as "bombardment". However, the conventions allowed the targeting of military establishments in cities, including military depots, industrial plants, and workshops which could be used for war.[SUP][143][/SUP] This set of rules was not followed during World War I which saw bombs dropped indiscriminately on cities by Zeppelins and multi-engine bombers. Afterward, another series of meetings were held at The Hague in 1922–23, but no binding agreement was reached regarding air warfare. During the 1930s and 1940s, the aerial bombing of cities was resumed, notably by the German Condor Legion against the cities of Guernica and Durango in Spain in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. This led to an escalation of various cities bombed, including Chongqing, Warsaw, Rotterdam, Dresden, London, Coventry, Hamburg and Tokyo. All of the major belligerents in World War II dropped bombs on civilians in cities."

If that makes the United States a war criminal, then all the countries of World War II are war criminals. So be it, if you like. Why should I condemn the United States for engaging in the same kind of total warfare that everyone else engaged in? I can condemn all of them if you like: shame on all of them for bombing civilians.
This conspiracy narrative is so ridiculous. Alright, Hastings knows that the FBI is investigating him and he's feeling intense pressure from that fact. You think maybe he's stressed? You think he's worried he might have done something wrong that will get him into trouble?

Now tell me, how might such worries affect a person's mental state? Might their behavior, under such stress, be different than their normal behavior? Might they do impulsive and reckless things? If your friend thinks an email you wrote shortly before your death "doesn't sound right" or "sounds erratic" or whatever, why is it a leap to believe that the person was tearing down an empty highway at 4:30 AM in California at near maximum speed, lost control of their car, and crashed into a tree?

The existence of the email and the impressions this friend is voicing about it would seem to be substantial support for the official story.

How has the LAPD stonewalled the investigation? Anything to do that? I'd love to hear it.

Oh, the friend got an anonymous email that the LAPD was at Hastings' house earlier in the day and they claimed he was looking under his car! An anonymous email!

it's called plausible deniability. I actually have to give the agency types credit, they waited until hastings himself confirmed he was under investigation by the FEEB then "boston braked" him...
I'm not aware of any war crime prosecution stemming from those videos. Do you expect one? I don't. If it was a war crime, no one seems to care, so why put any effort into the coverup?

Realistically, if you release the video of more than a hundred people being killed in an airstrike that the government acknowledges was an egregious error, you're going to see it in someone's recruiting video, inciting people to kill American women and children in vengeance for all that shed blood.

One would be nice, but NOT committing war crimes is what differentiates us from the people we're fighting. I know first hand that many times, airstrikes are unnecessary and the same objectives can be achieved by a ground assault that produces actionable intelligence through capture not kill and SSE.
it's called plausible deniability. I actually have to give the agency types credit, they waited until hastings himself confirmed he was under investigation by the FEEB then "boston braked" him...

Or maybe the facts are just totally consistent with the outcome.
One would be nice, but NOT committing war crimes is what differentiates us from the people we're fighting. I know first hand that many times, airstrikes are unnecessary and the same objectives can be achieved by a ground assault that produces actionable intelligence through capture not kill and SSE.

That doesn't make it a war crime. Accidental civilian deaths related to combat operations are a fraction of what they were in any other period of human history.
That doesn't make it a war crime. Accidental civilian deaths related to combat operations are a fraction of what they were in any other period of human history.

Nice justification dirt bag, how bout you sign up and go watch people get blown up for NO REASON AT ALL... Women and Children included...

It's not accidental when you have eyes on a target and have not observed ONE fighting aged male in the compound for over 32 hours...
Nice justification dirt bag, how bout you sign up and go watch people get blown up for NO REASON AT ALL... Women and Children included...

It's not accidental when you have eyes on a target and have not observed ONE fighting aged male in the compound for over 32 hours...

Which incident are you talking about specifically?
Which incident are you talking about specifically?
Apart from my own experiences when deployed, here are some great articles on why you cannot solely rely on signals/electronic intelligence, Mark 1 EYEBALL will never replace a drone or satellite.

These are just a few, this happens regularly and IMO should be avoided at all costs. We are now starting to see a slight reduction in collateral damage as DOD have taken over the drone program from the agency...

One reason for this is collateral damage was never a concern when dealing with the CIA's decision makers. It's not their troops on the ground in uniform, unfortunately for allied soldiers our enemies do not differentiate between, Country, Military, NGO, ANA or Aid Workers...
Here is my view on 'war crimes' committed by US soldiers/gov't durring war. If the death/destruction of entire foreign cities, regions or even entire nations saves the life or limb of 1 US soldier, its a good thing.
Here is my view on 'war crimes' committed by US soldiers/gov't durring war. If the death/destruction of entire foreign cities, regions or even entire nations saves the life or limb of 1 US soldier, its a good thing.

I don't agree, but respect that...

How do you feel about US soldiers be deployed, either ground forces or air assets, to a country to stop/limit/mitigate the "death/destruction of entire foreign cities, regions or even entire nations"?
That doesn't make it a war crime. Accidental civilian deaths related to combat operations are a fraction of what they were in any other period of human history.

The USA has a history of assassinating other country's leaders in a coup in order to establish a US puppet regime.