zimmerman news

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i fail to see why her manner of speech is a matter of hilarity to you. i could understand her just fine.

i've tried to look at it several different ways to figure out why it's so funny to you, and i can only come up with one reason why you'd think it's so funny.

It's like the old feminist joke:

Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Its completely cool for Martin to call someone are creepy ass cracker. The media did not even bat a eyelash about it. God damn could you imagine if Zimmerman said "Im following a creepy ass nigger". That would be IT. First degree hate crime, send him to the gallows.
I am a white, moderate who leans slightly right.

I can't, for the life of me, understand how anyone defends Zimmerman in this.

He picked a fight. He lost the fight. He shoots and kills the guy who he picked a fight with in the first place.

He was told to stop, he did not. His bad choices ended with someone dead.
I am a white, moderate who leans slightly right.

I can't, for the life of me, understand how anyone defends Zimmerman in this.

He picked a fight. He lost the fight. He shoots and kills the guy who he picked a fight with in the first place.

He was told to stop, he did not. His bad choices ended with someone dead.

I too am a white moderate who leans libertarian.

There is nothing to indicate that Z picked a fight. He was acting in good faith in a neighborhood plagued by burglaries and other crimes. He saw a guy who looked like a burglar and called the cops. Z acted lawfully by calling the cops, by "profiling" TM as a burglar, and by following him. That guy, TM, who was probably not a burglar, apparently assaulted Z and was beating his head against the pavement. Z had a right to defend himself in that situation.

What would you do if you were the recipient of a ground and pound at the hands of a guy you think is a criminal? While he is beating your head against the pavement you have no way of knowing when, or if, he will stop the beating before your skull busts open like a melon.

Z might have done something to provoke TM, but there is nothing that indicates such. Even if Z did start the fight, he still had a right to use lethal force against TM if he "reasonably feared great bodily harm or death" at the hands of TM. That is black letter Florida law and, I think, it is black letter law in almost every state in the US.
I fail to see what's so funny. I can understand her just fine. That's not even a thick southern accent.

What is funny is that this was the "star" witness. I can understand her also, I've grown up around people talking like that. My amusement was purely because she was supposed to be a star witness that was caught in several lies. It's all gravy when the prosecution leads her and coaches her on what to say, but once the defense gets a hold of her, it's constant stumbling, lying, anger, sweaty palms and so on. Very amusing to me.
I too am a white moderate who leans libertarian.

There is nothing to indicate that Z picked a fight. He was acting in good faith in a neighborhood plagued by burglaries and other crimes. He saw a guy who looked like a burglar and called the cops. Z acted lawfully by calling the cops, by "profiling" TM as a burglar, and by following him. That guy, TM, who was probably not a burglar, apparently assaulted Z and was beating his head against the pavement. Z had a right to defend himself in that situation.

What would you do if you were the recipient of a ground and pound at the hands of a guy you think is a criminal? While he is beating your head against the pavement you have no way of knowing when, or if, he will stop the beating before your skull busts open like a melon.

Z might have done something to provoke TM, but there is nothing that indicates such. Even if Z did start the fight, he still had a right to use lethal force against TM if he "reasonably feared great bodily harm or death" at the hands of TM. That is black letter Florida law and, I think, it is black letter law in almost every state in the US.

I agree with this. Even though Zimmerman may have followed him, he was actually asked to "see" where Martin was running, by the non emergency operator. Apparently most cant understand the idea behind self defense. If you are attacked, and you feel that your life is in danger, you are allowed to use deadly force if necessary.

Here is a burglary report of that area: http://justoneminute.typepad.com/files/twinlakesburglaryreports.pdf
It amuses me that people are trying to turn this into a racial thing, when the report clearly shows what the descriptions were of the people burglarizing the neighborhood.

If Martin wasn't shot that night, he would have been charged with assault, plain and simple. Also, if it was a "real" cop that would have shot TM for coming at him, the trial would be over by now and the cop would have gotten paid time off.
[video=youtube;u5dbKPkSkhY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_984555&feature=iv&s rc_vid=vV15YtfQrS4&v=u5dbKPkSkhY[/video]
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! For your viewing pleasure.

Court reporter can't understand a damn word this girl is saying. :lol:

3:10 - 3:18 witness lies about her relationship with deceased. Martin's father also recognised the lie...
I hate guns. I think they are stupid and anyone carrying one is equally stupid. But Florida has stupid laws and Zimmerman did not break the law. Obviously, he was attacked. This thing is going to get really really ugly when he is acquitted. Black people are in a feverish frenzy on this one. I watched a bunch of interviews with 'legal experts' all black and they made 0 logical sense trying to say Zimmerman was the aggressor. The evidence is so clear that Martin attacked Z. ALl the witness statements prove Zs case. I think all the stereo types falling into America's lap makes it all worse i.e. 'star witness' barely speaks English, Martin drinking Watermelon Tea, Martin acting sketch in a neighborhood robed 7 times in 11 months by black males. It is all the stereo types coming out at once it seems. The racial tension is way high on this one. The social inequality in this country is being exposed big time and I believe an acquitted Z will lead to rioting and violent protests.
There is nothing to indicate that Z picked a fight.

fucking punks.

these assholes always get away.

he ran.

am i following him? yes.

zimm's hateful words, martin's fleeing, and zimm pursuing all indicate that he picked the fight.

i think you mean to say that there is nothing that indicates that martin picked a fight, since he ran away multiple times.

but then again, you are not denying that this is all bout race for you, and you are not denying you're a racist. so i can see why you think what you do, despite all evidence pointing the other way.

While he is beating your head against the pavement you have no way of knowing when, or if, he will stop the beating before your skull busts open like a melon.

two tiny little cuts, the largest was not even 2 cm. he probably nicked his head on the tree, since there was no blood on the sidewalk.

the rain didn't wash away any of the other blood, keep in mind.

he still had a right to use lethal force against TM if he "reasonably feared great bodily harm or death" at the hands of TM.

he would have also needed to exhaust every possibility of escape.

considering he was able to exercise full wrist control at will (as per his own admission in the interrogations), he did no satisfy that in any way.

you wanted serino fired for simply asking the question that got that answer. serino's job is to ask questions. this is exhibit A that you are a fucking idiot.
Its completely cool for Martin to call someone are creepy ass cracker. The media did not even bat a eyelash about it. God damn could you imagine if Zimmerman said "Im following a creepy ass nigger". That would be IT. First degree hate crime, send him to the gallows.

martin is not on trial.
I watched a bunch of interviews with 'legal experts' all black and they made 0 logical sense trying to say Zimmerman was the aggressor.

so martin repeatedly running away made him the aggressor. got it.

you're smart.

fucking punks. always running away from creepy ass crackas. good thing zimm followed him and didn't let that asshole get away.

but yeah, totally not the aggressor.


ALl the witness statements prove Zs case.

well, thanks for letting us know that you are not familiar with any of the facts of the case and have not been watching the trial.
I wouldn't call pursuing a potential criminal to see what they were doing picking a fight. I would call it being a concerned citizen.

I've been mugged and had the shit beaten out of me. There was no blood. Blood does not indicate pain.

Face it bucky, you're just a liberal troll. The fact that someone was looking out for their neighborhood and defended their life with a gun irks you to no end. You previously voiced your opinion that all guns should be banned.

Martin was a gang banger wanna be and the jury will never see the obvious evidence of that because the cell phone pictures were not allowed.

No blood on the sidewalk, plenty of blood on his head.

Someone does that to my head I would fucking shoot them too.


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You previously voiced your opinion that all guns should be banned.

i'd love to see you support that assertion with any evidence. go ahead and find it and post it, or you just discredited yourself for the dumb ass that you are.

Martin was a gang banger wanna be and the jury will never see the obvious evidence of that.

no criminal record, buying skittles for his soon to be step brother.

how gangsta!

No blood on the sidewalk, plenty of blood on his head.

there's plenty of blood, it should be on the sidewalk. but it's not. notice how it's running down his skull towards his face, even though it should be going the other way, since he says he was on his back?


Someone does that to my head I would fucking shoot them too.

and you'd be on trial just the same for killing someone over a 2 cm little tiny cut on your head. not even remotely life threatening.
fucking punks.

these assholes always get away.

he ran.

am i following him? yes.

zimm's hateful words, martin's fleeing, and zimm pursuing all indicate that he picked the fight.

i think you mean to say that there is nothing that indicates that martin picked a fight, since he ran away multiple times.

but then again, you are not denying that this is all bout race for you, and you are not denying you're a racist. so i can see why you think what you do, despite all evidence pointing the other way.
It's not picking a fight if you ask someone what they are up to. It "is" however picking a fight when you attack someone. By your logic, we could believe what Martin's "friend" is saying, and if that is the case, Martin could have easily went inside, since she claims he told her he was behind his dads fiancees house. For some reason people like you cant seem to comprehend the idea that having a civil conversation is even possible. Here is an example;

GZ-Who are you what are you doing back here?
TM-Um, who are you?
GZ- I am part of the neighborhood watch, and we have had a lot of burglaries here recently.
TM- Oh, I am staying with my dad and his fiancee and I'm on may way back from the store.
GZ- Ok, thanks for letting me know, just trying to keep the neighborhood safe.
TM- No problem, what's your name? I'm Trayvon.
GZ- I'm George Zimmerman, nice to meet you.

Confrontation avoided.

two tiny little cuts, the largest was not even 2 cm. he probably nicked his head on the tree, since there was no blood on the sidewalk.

the rain didn't wash away any of the other blood, keep in mind.

Marks were consistent with blunt force trauma. (Already proven)

Yea, there is no possible way that the blood couldn't have been washed away. Did they happen to use luminol? Nope, they sure didn't.

he would have also needed to exhaust every possibility of escape.

considering he was able to exercise full wrist control at will (as per his own admission in the interrogations), he did no satisfy that in any way.

So he was defenseless up until he reached his firearm and ended the assault.

I guess it's just to bad that TM didn't grab the gun and shoot him instead. Lets even pretend that TM didn't get shot. He would be convicted of assault, or maybe even murder, cause you never know how long he would have kept slamming his head into the ground.
The Volusia County medical examiner found that Martin was killed by an injury resulting from a single gunshot to the chest, fired at "intermediate range," between 1 and 18 inches according to a forensic expert.
Sounds pertty defensive to me.

Blood doesn't start flowing right away from a cut. If Martin hit Z's head on the sidewalk even once, that is more than enough cause to pull out a gun. If Martin continued to approach or did not break it off immediately that is more than enough reason to shoot him. You don't have to be injured in order to be allowed to use lethal force. How many cops have shot someone because they approached them with a knife or for that matter had one in their hand and did not drop it. Very common occurance for cops to shoot someone who won't drop a knife.

Someone is acting in a threatening manner. You pull out a gun. They approach you. What do you do? You shoot them before they can attack you and potentially gain control of your gun. That is justified. Don't believe me, try it with a cop.

Someone attacks you, slams your head on the sidewalk. What do you do, you shoot them and make them stop.

"Naw, I'm a gangsta," the text message read. Well, he kind of admits it right there. Well, skittle eating gangsta fucked with the wrong person and got shot.

Martin runs from Z. Why? Why not just see what the guy wanted. Because he has a criminal mindset. An honest person would ask what the fuck you want.

Oh, lookie, lookie.. He hangs out with guns and drug users. Probably not even medical marijuana he's growing and smoking.

So, what would have happened if it was a cop and M ran? What would have happened if he slammed a cops head on the sidewalk? He would have gotten shot.

Z was well within his rights to follow someone and ask them what they were doing. No law against that. Last time I saw someone doing wierd shit I hunted them
down and held them for the cops. Which by the way took 45 minutes to arrive.


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The Volusia County medical examiner found that Martin was killed by an injury resulting from a single gunshot to the chest, fired at "intermediate range," between 1 and 18 inches according to a forensic expert.
Sounds pertty defensive to me.

Blood doesn't start flowing right away from a cut. If Martin hit Z's head on the sidewalk even once, that is more than enough cause to pull out a gun. If Martin continued to approach or did not break it off immediately that is more than enough reason to shoot him. You don't have to be injured in order to be allowed to use lethal force. How many cops have shot someone because they approached them with a knife or for that matter had one in their hand and did not drop it. Very common occurance for cops to shoot someone who won't drop a knife.

Someone is acting in a threatening manner. You pull out a gun. They approach you. What do you do? You shoot them before they can attack you and potentially gain control of your gun. That is justified. Don't believe me, try it with a cop.

Someone attacks you, slams your head on the sidewalk. What do you do, you shoot them and make them stop.

"Naw, I'm a gangsta," the text message read. Well, he kind of admits it right there. Well, gangsta fucked with the wrong person and got shot.

You are actually very right on this. By law, you are well within your right to shoot someone if they approach you in an aggressive manner. It is recommended that after you pull your firearm that you keep walking backwards away from the aggressor telling them to stop, if they don't listen, you are well within your right and the law to use lethal force if necessary. I have a carry permit and I carry every single day. I have also been through the same training that LE is put through.
The Volusia County medical examiner found that Martin was killed by an injury resulting from a single gunshot to the chest, fired at "intermediate range," between 1 and 18 inches according to a forensic expert.
Sounds pertty defensive to me.

Blood doesn't start flowing right away from a cut. If Martin hit Z's head on the sidewalk even once, that is more than enough cause to pull out a gun. If Martin continued to approach or did not break it off immediately that is more than enough reason to shoot him. You don't have to be injured in order to be allowed to use lethal force. How many cops have shot someone because they approached them with a knife or for that matter had one in their hand and did not drop it. Very common occurance for cops to shoot someone who won't drop a knife.

Someone is acting in a threatening manner. You pull out a gun. They approach you. What do you do? You shoot them before they can attack you and potentially gain control of your gun. That is justified. Don't believe me, try it with a cop.

Someone attacks you, slams your head on the sidewalk. What do you do, you shoot them and make them stop.

"Naw, I'm a gangsta," the text message read. Well, he kind of admits it right there. Well, skittle eating gangsta fucked with the wrong person and got shot.

Martin runs from Z. Why? Why not just see what the guy wanted. Because he has a criminal mindset. An honest person would ask what the fuck you want.

Oh, lookie, lookie.. He hangs out with guns and drug users. Probably not even medical marijuana he's growing and smoking.

So, what would have happened if it was a cop and M ran? What would have happened if he slammed a cops head on the sidewalk? He would have gotten shot.

Z was well within his rights to follow someone and ask them what they were doing. No law against that. Last time I saw someone doing wierd shit I hunted them
down and held them for the cops. Which by the way took 45 minutes to arrive.

just to be fair, head wounds bleed a shitload more than a wound anywhere else on your body...
A few clunks to the sidewalk with a head may not cause a cut at all but each blow hurts and you start to lose consciousness.
After one blow I would be reaching for my gun or knife too.
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