zimmerman news

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desert dude

Well-Known Member
A jury has been seated: all women, five Caucasians and one African-America. Don't know about the alternates.

The judge ruled that the voice "analyses" by the "experts" are inadmissible.

My prediction: hung jury.
That was analysis by the "experts" as far as who was heard on the 911 tape - probably because both parties had experts that both say totally opposite things.
5 Caucasians and one African American on the jury of a case where a white/ arguably latino man murdered an African American kid holding an ice tea and candy.

5 Caucasians and one African American on the jury of a case where a white/ arguably latino man murdered an African American kid holding an ice tea and candy.


It's not about race, right?

I guess it should have been six male "white hispanics"?
5 Caucasians and one African American on the jury of a case where a white/ arguably latino man murdered an African American kid holding an ice tea and candy.


Explain how you make it not racist without being racist in the process.

Both sides had a say in who got to be on the jury.
pretty awesome first day.

self defense cases come down to credibility and good judgment. zimmerman is lacking in both BIG TIME.

i thought the defense did a better job than what the media people are saying, but they are going to have an awfully difficult time once they start getting into zimmerman's N different versions of what he said happened that night. they danced around that pretty well in the 2.5 hour opening statement.

been watching it all on youtube as i trim. not looking so good for zimm right now.
pretty awesome first day.

self defense cases come down to credibility and good judgment. zimmerman is lacking in both BIG TIME.

i thought the defense did a better job than what the media people are saying, but they are going to have an awfully difficult time once they start getting into zimmerman's N different versions of what he said happened that night. they danced around that pretty well in the 2.5 hour opening statement.

been watching it all on youtube as i trim. not looking so good for zimm right now.

Those poor juror's. These teams of lawyers have been building the case's up for months, who knows what those snakes have up their sleeves
Those poor juror's. These teams of lawyers have been building the case's up for months, who knows what those snakes have up their sleeves

apparently the best the defense could come up with was that martin was armed - with a sidewalk.

ya know, that sidewalk with no blood on it, which no one heard or saw, which is about as realistic as not getting blood on your hands while placing them over someone's bloody mouth.

yep, it's gonna be an uphill battle for the defense.
apparently the best the defense could come up with was that martin was armed - with a sidewalk.

ya know, that sidewalk with no blood on it, which no one heard or saw, which is about as realistic as not getting blood on your hands while placing them over someone's bloody mouth.

yep, it's gonna be an uphill battle for the defense.

Definitely agree, what stupid fucking timing for a joke too. Oh fuck i cant even think of that. Can't count the chickens before they hatch though. people are fucking crazy.
Definitely agree, what stupid fucking timing for a joke too. Oh fuck i cant even think of that. Can't count the chickens before they hatch though. people are fucking crazy.

yeah, the defense's knock-knock joke was nowhere near as effective as the prosecution's opener.

i nearly shat my pants when they opened like that. it really drove the point home.
To convict on murder 2 the prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Z intended to murder TM when he got out of his vehicle. Who knows what a jury will do, but to prove murder 2 seems impossible to me. Why would a murderer call the police before he commits murder? How could a guy who has decided to murder somebody have such a nonchalant conversation with the dispatcher?

The physical evidence all corroborates Z's account. Unless the prosecution has something that none of us know about I don't see any way to defeat the physical evidence. Z might testify and totally step on his dick under cross examination, he is not the brightest bulb, after all, but if he just sticks to the simple facts that are fully supported by the physical evidence there is no way he will be convicted of murder 2.

Hung jury is my prediction. How many retrials will the prosecutors try before they give up? The prosecutors tried mightily to stack the jury race-wise but were slapped down by the judge. Maybe on the retrial they will come up with a better jury pool, or a better jury stacking plan.
The physical evidence all corroborates Z's account.

were you asleep? are you retarded?

the physical evidence contradicts zimmerman's account in so many ways. it renders his credibility to zero.

fuck, zimmerman's own account contradicts zimmerman's account.

or how about i put it like this: which account of zimmerman's do you think the physical evidence corroborates? :lol:

good job on trying to make this a racial thing even though it clearly is not. not surprising at all coming from the same guy who called obama an "affirmative action president" based on zero evidence whatsoever. we all know what's driving your feeble thought process on this one, and it's not the actual evidence, it's your race-based delusion.

after all, despite the clear fact that zimm is lying left and right, you called this "political retribution for the black man".

we don't need a racist tool like you weighing in on this one.
Not guilty.........to many things to overcome for prosecution. Mistrial is also a possibility.
were you asleep? are you retarded?

the physical evidence contradicts zimmerman's account in so many ways. it renders his credibility to zero.

fuck, zimmerman's own account contradicts zimmerman's account.

or how about i put it like this: which account of zimmerman's do you think the physical evidence corroborates? :lol:

good job on trying to make this a racial thing even though it clearly is not. not surprising at all coming from the same guy who called obama an "affirmative action president" based on zero evidence whatsoever. we all know what's driving your feeble thought process on this one, and it's not the actual evidence, it's your race-based delusion.

after all, despite the clear fact that zimm is lying left and right, you called this "political retribution for the black man".

we don't need a racist tool like you weighing in on this one.

Poor butt hurt Buck. Why did the prosecutor arbitrarily try to dismiss five white jurors in a row before being called on it by the defense and the judge disallowing it? Why does every leftist news story start out with "George Zimmerman, a white-hispanic...". Why do these stories all make it a point to stress that the man-child, Trayvon, was black? Why did you harp for weeks in your "trayvon" thread about "fucking coons"?

Of course there is a racial component to this trial. Only a dishonest, tax cheating moron would pretend otherwise.

Zimmerman contends he was assaulted by TM, his head was pounded into the pavement and he shot TM in self defense. The broken nose, damaged skull, grass stained jacket, police statements immediately after the incident, police reports, EMT reports all corroborate Z's account.
acknowledgement of the breeze does not make it a wind storm or a gust

the fact that people of different races or skin tones are being polarized does not mean it matters . .. . only those who choose to see skin tone over the blind facts or reality are making this a bigot thing

aka most of you
Poor butt hurt Buck. Why did the prosecutor arbitrarily try to dismiss five white jurors in a row before being called on it by the defense and the judge disallowing it? Why does every leftist news story start out with "George Zimmerman, a white-hispanic...". Why do these stories all make it a point to stress that the man-child, Trayvon, was black? Why did you harp for weeks in your "trayvon" thread about "fucking coons"?

Of course there is a racial component to this trial. Only a dishonest, tax cheating moron would pretend otherwise.

so you bemoan a racial component that no one here is raising, then you bring in the racial component to our discussion even though you just complained about it?

face it, it's a racial issue TO YOU, but not many other people around here. i see you never denied that you are a racist tool, you just tried to justify it.

Zimmerman contends he was assaulted by TM, his head was pounded into the pavement and he shot TM in self defense. The broken nose, damaged skull, grass stained jacket, police statements immediately after the incident, police reports, EMT reports all corroborate Z's account.

again, which account?

zimm said martin held his hands over his face to try to suffocate him, remember? no blood on martin's hands or cuffs, and zimm is trying to say he could be heard yelling while being suffocated which is physically impossible.

that's just one example of many.

if you weren't such a braindead, racist twat, you'd see how these major lies shoot zimm's credibility to zero.

and there was no broken nose, not even a deviated septum. if you actually paid attention to facts and evidence, you'd know this. but you only pay attention to race, unsurprisingly.

a 2 cm scratch is not a damaged skull, it is a boo boo and it is not life threatening.

say, weren't you the one who wanted the interrogator fired for asking questions, as an interrogator is wont to do, just because he established that zimm was able to exercise full wrist control at will?

yeah, that was you.

i'll repeat, your worthless, racist opinion is not needed here. go back to making more fail threads about GM foods that turn out not to be true, while exalting them religiously.
Going by how 'ol George is looking these days, he may have just wanted the skittles and tea for himself. The other theory is that he actually ate Trayvon.
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