Active Member
So even though this thread is about soil recycling, I figured I would show the process of soil building from scratch. I find "recycling" to be a silly term anyway, reamending makes more sense...regardless, the "recycling" process is simply adding amendments to a soil base - which also happens to be the second part of building a soil from scratch, so it all applies. Hope that makes sense.
Building a soil from scratch is much cheaper and much more rewarding than buying premixed soil. Also the quality is incomparable.
First off, we have to decide on a soil mix. There are countless mixes out there all claiming to be better than the next one...I prefer to go with a mix that I know is tried and true by a wise old coot. The mix is as follows
Base mix:
1/3 high quality EWC or compost (the quality of this humus source cannot be stressed enough. this is by far the most important aspect of the soil. use poor humus and this will be a nightmare)
1/3 sphagnum peat
1/3 aeration (pumice, rice hulls, lava rock, etc.)
Per cuft of base:
4-5 cups rock dust mix (4x glacial, 1x bentonite, 1x powdered oyster shell, 1x basalt dust) AFAIK the glacial and basalt are relatively interchangeable ..just use whatever is local (this goes for just about anything in ROLS...local is often best).
1/2 cup neem meal and/or karanja meal
1/2 cup crab shell meal
1/2 cup kelp meal
Thats it...
if you want to get fancy with it you can add a few other things such as:
Gypsum: I use 1/2cup per cuft...calcium and sulfur. good to add if you don't have the highest quality EWC.
Biochar: up to 10% of the mix, remember to "activate" it first by soaking in EWC/fish hydrolysate or something for the carbon to absorb so it doesn't rob your soil of nutrients. I use about 1/2 cup per cuft, but could easily double that amount.
Alfalfa meal: in the mix pictured I used 2 cups alfalfa meal for a 10cuft batch...you can use more if you want. it is very "hot", so be careful.
Fish meal: I had some leftover so I threw the last cup worth into the 10cuft batch
A note on humus: If you can't find any local worm farmers with castings, or folks with good compost, look for Bu's Blend Biodynamic by Malibu Compost. It is one of the best bagged products you will find, and has a great reputation with real gardeners. Bu's blend is what I used for this last batch...I would've used EWC but my local worm guy is out at the moment, and my bins are a month of two from being harvested
A note on sphagnum: peat comes in compressed bricks that are usually around 3 cuft. once you open and expand the bricks they are around 5 cuft of material, so keep that in mind when measuring. Also, often times the peat is very dry and tends to have hydrophobic tendencies. This can make saturating your soil a pain. To combat this, you should rehydrate the peat before mixing it with the other components. Once it is moist (not wet), you can proceed like normal.
Been following this thread since the beginning (thank you headtreep!) and am beginning to source materials for the initial batch of medium. Any recommendations for where I can source neem, neem cake and/or karanja meal? Found a few online sites like neemresource.com for both, but shipping costs more than the product! Any suggestions?