A Challenge ...


New Member
You are the joke! I'm starting to feel a little sorry for your husband. I mean what kind of a relationship demands you sit on two separate computers to communicate with an idiot like me while you could be doing something constructive? sounds crazy.
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Well-Known Member
If you're responding to me MM, I don't believe my post said anything about Bush. I do not find Bush a good POTUS in the slightest. The evidence is irrefutable; Clinton signed NAFTA thus opening the doors for US companies to move their facilities into other countries. Just because I'm critical of Clinton's decision to sign NAFTA, it does not mean I endorse Bush and his endeavors to perpetuate a piece of bad legislation.
I think it would be more accurate to say that bush-the-elder negotiated NAFTA. clinton-the-traitor signed NAFTA. bush-the-idiot has implemented NAFTA. We (this nation) are headed to hell in a handbasket.

Furthermore, this election cycle has mrs.-clinton-the-traitor, barack-the-mobster, and Mr. McCain, a true American patriot and hero to choose from. Now I will grant you that Mr. McCain is a little wacky and has anger management issues to deal with, but at least he may not sell off National assets.


Well-Known Member
You are the joke! I'm starting to feel a little sorry for your husband. I mean what kind of a relationship demands you sit on two separate computers to communicate with an idiot like me while you could be doing something constructive? sounds crazy.
If you don't take me seriously, and you truly care not what either of us thinks, then why respond in such a manner? Seems to me that you care, you care a lot. ;)

We require separate computers because no one machine could take the barrage of information, there IS no CPU that could handle all of it available on the open market. Plus, it makes typing a whole lot messier. :lol:

Something constructive... you mean like... WORK? :lol: Seriously, coming from you??? :lol: Whoops! Made me fart! Where's Zeke?


Well-Known Member
Youse guys is all wrong. Med loves attention. The more negative the better. People being nice is what pisses him off. The reason for this misunderstanding is because he is a narcissist. You people are normal. You will never understand how he loves it when you slam him.


New Member
Youse guys is all wrong. Med loves attention. The more negative the better. People being nice is what pisses him off. The reason for this misunderstanding is because he is a narcissist. You people are normal. You will never understand how he loves it when you slam him.
Thanks. I only come here to be psychoanalyzed by all you "superior" beings. It just makes my day. Geeze what a crass idiotic supposition.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I only come here to be psychoanalyzed by all you "superior" beings. It just makes my day. Geeze what a crass idiotic supposition.
isn't the supposition more that idiotic and crass? Isn't it just plain inaccurate - looking for punishment would make you a masochist rather than a narcissist, right?
NOTE: I am calling you neither.


New Member
isn't the supposition more that idiotic and crass? Isn't it just plain inaccurate - looking for punishment would make you a masochist rather than a narcissist, right?
NOTE: I am calling you neither.
Thank you. There has been a bit of piling on here lately. I guess when you are right, those in the wrong get offended,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
I believe Med suffers from a severe personality disorder. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. But, Med, the time has come for you to understand some unpleasant truths about yourself. The time has come because we have suffered from your unacceptable behavior for far too long.

Narcissistic personality disorder

Some Excerpts:

Psychologists commonly believe that pathological narcissism results from an impairment in the quality of the person's relationship with their primary caregivers, usually their parents, in that the parents were unable to form a healthy, empathic attachment to them. This results in the child conceiving of themselves as unimportant and unconnected to others. The child typically comes to believe that he or she has some defect of personality which makes them unvalued and unwanted.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is isolating, disenfranchising, painful, and formidable for those diagnosed with it and often those who are in a relationship with them. Distinctions need to be made among those who have NPD because not each and every person with NPD is the same. Even with similar core issues, the way in which one's individual narcissism manifests itself in his or her relationships varies.

To the extent that people are pathologically narcissistic, they can be controlling, blaming, self-absorbed, intolerant of others’ views, unaware of others' needs and of the effects of their behavior on others, and insistent that others see them as they wish to be seen.
People who are overly narcissistic commonly feel rejected, humiliated and threatened when criticized. To protect themselves from these dangers, they often react with disdain, rage, and/or defiance to any slight criticism, real or imagined.
Med, I said it before, but it bears repeating. I do not hate you. I can't say I like you because you strive to be so unlikeable. The truth is I pity you. You have obviously suffered a very long time. It's time to seek help. Maybe next time you visit the VA clinic you should schedule a mental health consultation.