BarryO's divide and conquer campaign....

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
He keeps giving speeches to the youth and making the working folks look like the bad guy....I wonder how the hell he expects to get those kids any jobs?..I can see the problems for the younger crowds, and that is where are the jobs going to come from?

I wonder how many kids are going to graduate from college this year?....And then next year there will be that many more and the year after that more...I think this country is at critical mass for growth and jobs...

BarryO is brain washing the youth and wanting to take away are guns...I remember someone else that did that.......

BarryO sounds like a scam penny stock promoter...He can tell a lie and look you right in the face like it was true...There is not many people that can be that good at lying with a straight face....what a mouth piece this guy is........
He keeps giving speeches to the youth and making the working folks look like the bad guy....I wonder how the hell he expects to get those kids any jobs?..I can see the problems for the younger crowds, and that is where are the jobs going to come from?

I wonder how many kids are going to graduate from college this year?....And then next year there will be that many more and the year after that more...I think this country is at critical mass for growth and jobs...

BarryO is brain washing the youth and wanting to take away are guns...I remember someone else that did that.......

BarryO sounds like a scam penny stock promoter...He can tell a lie and look you right in the face like it was true...There is not many people that can be that good at lying with a straight face....what a mouth piece this guy is........

So far as I can tell he is not "making working folks look like the bad guy", I can't see him "wanting to take away our guns". I am wondering who you are listening to that would have you believe those things while claiming that Obama is outright lying.
So far as I can tell he is not "making working folks look like the bad guy", I can't see him "wanting to take away our guns". I am wondering who you are listening to that would have you believe those things while claiming that Obama is outright lying.

I was listening to BarryO...just yesterday he said he was the most transparent president known to man and that was a lie, Then right after that he said that congress was running out of questions about libyia...That was two lie's in a row...Who are you listening Too?
I was listening to BarryO...just yesterday he said he was the most transparent president known to man and that was a lie, Then right after that he said that congress was running out of questions about libyia...That was two lie's in a row...Who are you listening Too?

Now hang on, I am not saying the guy doesn't lie, but you brought up two distinct items and I am challenging you on them. how is he "making the working folk look like the bad guy and how is he taking away your guns?
Now hang on, I am not saying the guy doesn't lie, but you brought up two distinct items and I am challenging you on them. how is he "making the working folk look like the bad guy and how is he taking away your guns?

OK I see..

I guess I should have written it better.....It's the hate your boss thing so he pays more tax's...The guy with the most money is usually the boss and for some reason BarryO is attacking the successful business owners in front of the young crowds creating" hate the boss attitudes".......He got a lot of people right here on this web site hating Romney over his money, and that bleed right over to a lot of peoples boss's.......Thats what I meant..Not just a working man sorry..

And my gun rant I will change...I meant to say he is trying to take away most of my guns...I have a couple that are not on his list,...
OK I see..

I guess I should have written it better.....It's the hate your boss thing so he pays more tax's...The guy with the most money is usually the boss and for some reason BarryO is attacking the successful business owners in front of the young crowds creating" hate the boss attitudes".......He got a lot of people right here on this web site hating Romney over his money, and that bleed right over to a lot of peoples boss's.......Thats what I meant..Not just a working man sorry..

And my gun rant I will change...I meant to say he is trying to take away most of my guns...I have a couple that are not on his list,...

Firstly, I hear his discussions over the rich paying more taxes not as a call to hate but simply pointing out reality, that the rich have most of everything and they pay little into the society. Now we are finding that they are even above the law, where others would be fined and jailed for their theft or misappropriation or malfeasance the rich are let go scott free. Sounds like a reasonable complaint to me.Or do you think that pointing such disparities out is class warfare?

secondly we both know full well that your guns are not going to be taken away from you. The mechanics are daunting if nothing else. How exactly will the federal government collect your weapons and does anyone actually think that, rabid as most gun owners are, they will voluntarily surrender their weapons?

Will you?

I thought not.
OK I see..

I guess I should have written it better.....It's the hate your boss thing so he pays more tax's...The guy with the most money is usually the boss and for some reason BarryO is attacking the successful business owners in front of the young crowds creating" hate the boss attitudes".......He got a lot of people right here on this web site hating Romney over his money, and that bleed right over to a lot of peoples boss's.......Thats what I meant..Not just a working man sorry..

And my gun rant I will change...I meant to say he is trying to take away most of my guns...I have a couple that are not on his list,...

Don't you think it is a bit curious that Republicans are demanding accounting of Hagel's money before he can be approved for a cabinet position but they defended Romney's right to hide his finances from the general public in order to be president?

I know I think it is a perfect example of Republican duplicity and childishness.
Don't you think it is a bit curious that Republicans are demanding accounting of Hagel's money before he can be approved for a cabinet position but they defended Romney's right to hide his finances from the general public in order to be president?

I know I think it is a perfect example of Republican duplicity and childishness.

If Hagel wants the job he has deal with it like anybody else...I think they all go through that....And if Romney broke any laws hiding money I think we would of heard about it by now...BarryO could of appointed an IRS agent to investigate Romney, I am almost sure he would of looked into that..
Firstly, I hear his discussions over the rich paying more taxes not as a call to hate but simply pointing out reality, that the rich have most of everything and they pay little into the society. Now we are finding that they are even above the law, where others would be fined and jailed for their theft or misappropriation or malfeasance the rich are let go scott free. Sounds like a reasonable complaint to me.Or do you think that pointing such disparities out is class warfare?

secondly we both know full well that your guns are not going to be taken away from you. The mechanics are daunting if nothing else. How exactly will the federal government collect your weapons and does anyone actually think that, rabid as most gun owners are, they will voluntarily surrender their weapons?

Will you?

I thought not.

Well I think most of wall street should be in jail...It is the out of control wild west...IMO

I think people that go to BarryOs pep rallies, end up coming home with a glow in there eyes like they just got back from a Jim Jones get together....And then they hate there boss because he doesn't pay enough tax's......Do you see the crowds cheering when BarryO say lets tax the rich?....what do you think that will create....I am thinking hatred...

Yes I don't plan on turning in any of my weapons...They know I have them or at least they know I have purchased some....I have no idea what the DEMs will do, I know the Dems are good at selling them.....
If Hagel wants the job he has deal with it like anybody else...I think they all go through that....And if Romney broke any laws hiding money I think we would of heard about it by now...BarryO could of appointed an IRS agent to investigate Romney, I am almost sure he would of looked into that..

Is anyone attempting to show that Hagel was breaking any financial laws? If he had, wouldn't we have heard about THAT? the situation is identical but the right doesn't seem to notice. Obama by law cannot have the IRS investigate a single individual.

As I said, the situation is identical. Strange how the right thinks isn't it?
Well I think most of wall street should be in jail...It is the out of control wild west...IMO

I think people that go to BarryOs pep rallies, end up coming home with a glow in there eyes like they just got back from a Jim Jones get together....And then they hate there boss because he doesn't pay enough tax's......Do you see the crowds cheering when BarryO say lets tax the rich?....what do you think that will create....I am thinking hatred...

Yes I don't plan on turning in any of my weapons...They know I have them or at least they know I have purchased some....I have no idea what the DEMs will do, I know the Dems are good at selling them.....

You are confusing "should" with "what is". That they SHOULD be in jail - or at the very very least investigated on a criminal basis is not the point - that they are not being held to account is. This is the extra advantage the rich have and that is the advantage that the rest of us have a great deal of trouble with. When people see gross abuse and - in this country - the law treating one class of people very differently than another, they tend to get that look in their eyes when they those situations are described to them.

If there is hatred it is not the result of Obama's speech, it is the result of the excesses and abuses of the rich - why are you blaming the messenger when you cannot deny the message he sends is based in reality?

No, you will not turn in your weapons - most will not and much as you might wish to believe that there will be columns of armed federal agents peeling off two by two to knock on the door of every household in America - it can't happen and our government - foolish as it behaves is fully aware of that.

So, this constant murmer that "they" are going to take "our" weapons makes the murmerers seem foolish and unworthy of attention.
You are confusing "should" with "what is". That they SHOULD be in jail - or at the very very least investigated on a criminal basis is not the point - that they are not being held to account is. This is the extra advantage the rich have and that is the advantage that the rest of us have a great deal of trouble with. When people see gross abuse and - in this country - the law treating one class of people very differently than another, they tend to get that look in their eyes when they those situations are described to them.

If there is hatred it is not the result of Obama's speech, it is the result of the excesses and abuses of the rich - why are you blaming the messenger when you cannot deny the message he sends is based in reality?

No, you will not turn in your weapons - most will not and much as you might wish to believe that there will be columns of armed federal agents peeling off two by two to knock on the door of every household in America - it can't happen and our government - foolish as it behaves is fully aware of that.

So, this constant murmer that "they" are going to take "our" weapons makes the murmerers seem foolish and unworthy of attention.

Well the next four years will be interesting, there will be millions of college grades over the next four years...Lets see how many jobs he will create, or destroy....

If they are not trying to take our guns away, what do you think they are talking about?.....Do you think a gun ban will just be on future sales?
he was hearing about the impending romney landslide days before the election.

that should illustrate just how misinformed and stupid the guy is.

Hey Buck..

I heard about the land slide just like you did, I didn't write it...I even said it was not my opinion..I didn't really believe it at all..The fact is the land slide went the other way, it did not surprise me at all..

You keep calling me names and saying I am stupid, thats OK...even though you think I am stupid I know I am brighter than most...Back in the early nineties I went to a trade school and out of 900 students I graduated top of the class...I have a certificate on the wall for this achievement.......I will never be into name calling like you do, but carry on..
Well the next four years will be interesting, there will be millions of college grades over the next four years...Lets see how many jobs he will create, or destroy....

If they are not trying to take our guns away, what do you think they are talking about?.....Do you think a gun ban will just be on future sales?

Firstly, there isn't going to be much of a "gun ban" at all, 2nd amendment, conservative, lobbyist, and wacko NRA inertia is far too great. "they" are not trying to take "your" guns away. There are plenty of constitutionalists in this country, myself included and they revere the 2nd as much as they do the others. What will continue to save "your" guns is reason and the first amendment. Certain factions of the far right and the loony gun toters have gotten themselves in a lather and perpetuated this myth that any "incursions" into what they believe should be an ultimate, unlimited free for all with regard to firearms leads instantly and inevitably to the end of all privately owned firearms. It simply ain't so and to believe such nonesense is no different than believing in UFOs or Ghosts.

Being ever vigilant is wise, being reactionary with regard to guns is not.

Now I was given to believe that government could not "create" jobs, if this is so, then why are we expecting Obama to do so? why is there such confusion on the right with regard to their core beliefs? Now, if the Republican obstructionists continue on their course of inflicting austerity and neglegence upon our economy from the top without regard to reality we will find that this latest land mine of sequestration will cost jobs and perhaps our fragile recovery. Now do you really want to fall into the right's misplace blame game? Obama didn't cause this sequestration and he is not obstructing any attempt to correct the situation.

Many hold that because I question people when they blame Obama and because I often support his attempts to alter our country in what I believe are benificial ways that I am a blind "obama lover". But if you look you will see that I criticize him often and am not particularly enamored of many of his actions and policies. I was simply holding you to your words and trying to get you to check to see if you weren't swallowing the standard rightist rhetoric as though it were caviar.