BarryO's divide and conquer campaign....

  • that the rich have most of everything and they pay little into the society.​

Put the crack pipe down son. Even the CBO admits the wealthy pay the lion's share of taxes while at least 40% of the country pays no federal income tax or actually gets more money back than they paid in.

The congress has overspent for decades and now they want to tell the public it is their fault for not paying enough... And you are buying it.
Put the crack pipe down son. Even the CBO admits the wealthy pay the lion's share of taxes while at least 40% of the country pays no federal income tax or actually gets more money back than they paid in.

The congress has overspent for decades and now they want to tell the public it is their fault for not paying enough... And you are buying it.

And here we go - so long as you perform that smoke and mirror turn you will manage to subvert the discussion while still protecting your masters.

i said very specificly that they have most of everything. In comparison they pay little back to society. If the rich own 90 percent of all assets in this country but they pay only 60 percent of the cost of running this country then it is as I stated.

I can't afford to "buy it" as "it" is something that is being sold by the rich themselves. "oh" they whine, "we are paying almost all of the taxes paid in this country" "we should be lauded and extoled as the hight of virtue and holiness"

Never mind that they pretty much own everything and that they profited from the 98 percent's losses.
Put the crack pipe down son. Even the CBO admits the wealthy pay the lion's share of taxes while at least 40% of the country pays no federal income tax or actually gets more money back than they paid in.

The congress has overspent for decades and now they want to tell the public it is their fault for not paying enough... And you are buying it.

I know I don't buy it...That was the part about the hate the rich I was talking about..You have to hate the rich to even think that way...The rich pay most of the tax's and the dems think it is a little bit...?..I can't dummy down enough to buy it....I think what it boils down to is the rich are the only ones they can squeeze and keep there fan base...
And here we go - so long as you perform that smoke and mirror turn you will manage to subvert the discussion while still protecting your masters.

i said very specificly that they have most of everything. In comparison they pay little back to society. If the rich own 90 percent of all assets in this country but they pay only 60 percent of the cost of running this country then it is as I stated.

I can't afford to "buy it" as "it" is something that is being sold by the rich themselves. "oh" they whine, "we are paying almost all of the taxes paid in this country" "we should be lauded and extoled as the hight of virtue and holiness"

Never mind that they pretty much own everything and that they profited from the 98 percent's losses.

Have you given up on the american dream with the chance of getting rich...Who in there right mind would want to pay more in taxes..I don't get it, I have never wanted to pay more than I have too..And why would any american want to pay more?..Do the Dems think they are do gooders...When I hear the dems say I don't mind paying more it makes me want to puke....I don't think they really mean it, I think they say that to help BarryO attack the rich...
And here we go - so long as you perform that smoke and mirror turn you will manage to subvert the discussion while still protecting your masters.

i said very specificly that they have most of everything. In comparison they pay little back to society. If the rich own 90 percent of all assets in this country but they pay only 60 percent of the cost of running this country then it is as I stated.

I can't afford to "buy it" as "it" is something that is being sold by the rich themselves. "oh" they whine, "we are paying almost all of the taxes paid in this country" "we should be lauded and extoled as the hight of virtue and holiness"

Never mind that they pretty much own everything and that they profited from the 98 percent's losses.

Do you realize that most of those *ASSETS* are buildings and machinery that exist so people can go and work at jobs?

You know, the ones that the rich pay salaries to and taxes to the government?

Many of those assets are taxed on a yearly basis to fund education, etc...

Yeah, the rich have most of the shit so you can go work at a job... Evil rich people... LOL!!!
Do you realize that most of those *ASSETS* are buildings and machinery that exist so people can go and work at jobs?

You know, the ones that the rich pay salaries to and taxes to the government?

Many of those assets are taxed on a yearly basis to fund education, etc...

Yeah, the rich have most of the shit so you can go work at a job... Evil rich people... LOL!!!

lol. what a fucking moron.

assets like machinery are not taxed, you yapping halfwit. if anything, they get a write off for depreciation on said machinery.

thanks for displaying that signature fake reality in which you live.

we all had a good idea that you were capable of lying, no need to reinforce it.
lol. what a fucking moron.

assets like machinery are not taxed, you yapping halfwit. if anything, they get a write off for depreciation on said machinery.

thanks for displaying that signature fake reality in which you live.

we all had a good idea that you were capable of lying, no need to reinforce it.

I probably have to draw you a fucking picture....

We were discussing total assets owned in the USA. Assets include buildings, machinery, land, etc... You pay PROPERTY taxes on land and buildings numbnuts... The land and buildings where people go to earn money working a job... Something a bum like you is not familiar with.
I probably have to draw you a fucking picture....

We were discussing total assets owned in the USA. Assets include buildings, machinery, land, etc... You pay PROPERTY taxes on land and buildings numbnuts... The land and buildings where people go to earn money working a job... Something a bum like you is not familiar with.

tell me about all the machinery taxes, you fucking idiot.

Firstly, there isn't going to be much of a "gun ban" at all, 2nd amendment, conservative, lobbyist, and wacko NRA inertia is far too great. "they" are not trying to take "your" guns away. There are plenty of constitutionalists in this country, myself included and they revere the 2nd as much as they do the others. What will continue to save "your" guns is reason and the first amendment. Certain factions of the far right and the loony gun toters have gotten themselves in a lather and perpetuated this myth that any "incursions" into what they believe should be an ultimate, unlimited free for all with regard to firearms leads instantly and inevitably to the end of all privately owned firearms. It simply ain't so and to believe such nonesense is no different than believing in UFOs or Ghosts.

Being ever vigilant is wise, being reactionary with regard to guns is not.

Now I was given to believe that government could not "create" jobs, if this is so, then why are we expecting Obama to do so? why is there such confusion on the right with regard to their core beliefs? Now, if the Republican obstructionists continue on their course of inflicting austerity and neglegence upon our economy from the top without regard to reality we will find that this latest land mine of sequestration will cost jobs and perhaps our fragile recovery. Now do you really want to fall into the right's misplace blame game? Obama didn't cause this sequestration and he is not obstructing any attempt to correct the situation.

Many hold that because I question people when they blame Obama and because I often support his attempts to alter our country in what I believe are benificial ways that I am a blind "obama lover". But if you look you will see that I criticize him often and am not particularly enamored of many of his actions and policies. I was simply holding you to your words and trying to get you to check to see if you weren't swallowing the standard rightist rhetoric as though it were caviar.
Hang on a second.

With the trillions of green zone planets in the universe, you honestly think we're alone?

The aliens are out there right now man.
lol. what a fucking moron.

assets like machinery are not taxed, you yapping halfwit. if anything, they get a write off for depreciation on said machinery.

thanks for displaying that signature fake reality in which you live.

we all had a good idea that you were capable of lying, no need to reinforce it.

Hey Buck..

Have you ever heard of a business tax...I get taxed by the county on my tools and equipment and books ect..I never heard of it before until I got my own business for every one hundred thousand of inventory I pay 100 dollars...The county values the whole business equipment and all....sad but true..
Hey Buck..

Have you ever heard of a business tax...I get taxed by the county on my tools and equipment and books ect..I never heard of it before until I got my own business for every one hundred thousand of inventory I pay 100 dollars...The county values the whole business equipment and all....sad but true..

Obama runs your county?
Have you given up on the american dream with the chance of getting rich...Who in there right mind would want to pay more in taxes..I don't get it, I have never wanted to pay more than I have too..And why would any american want to pay more?..Do the Dems think they are do gooders...When I hear the dems say I don't mind paying more it makes me want to puke....I don't think they really mean it, I think they say that to help BarryO attack the rich...

Here it is!

This is the real reason the right doesn't want to raise taxes on the rich, they don't care about fairness - if they did they would see to it that the poor got a break, that is what is "fair", they don't care about either the rich OR the poor.

All Conservatives, middle class or poor are simply millionaires who are temporarily indisposed. They have yet to realize that all the propaganda they have been fed since they were young - that all it takes is hard work and YOU TOO will become wealthy - is a foolishly incomplete lie. Some had the addition of "smart" or "clever" or "intelligent" included in that little equation but rarely does it include the word "luck" or "fortune" or "connections". Rarely does anyone ever point out that people who aren't rich, often work harder than anyone around them. They don't say that very smart people, very shrewd people who also work very hard more often than not - never become rich no matter how hard they try, no matter how much time with their families they sacrifice, no matter how often they ignore their own pleasure in that presumption that one has to suffer greatly in order to garner their earthly reward, they don't get rich.

And below all of that, behind all of those illusions they are presented with in order to have them side with the rich and against their own class there is that final illusion, the one that has you forever believing that you can have ever "made it". Why do you think that most of the rich that are interviewed never believe they are rich? Why did Romney's wife, with all the money she has think that she is just the same as suzie down the street? Because you cannot succeed ever, that is the final curse bestowed upon all those who hold in their heart of hearts that if only they forgo one more hour of sleep, one more skipped lunch they will finally arrive? Why are Americans the hardest working people on earth and yet only a tiny fraction of us become wealthy if in fact all wealth takes is a bit more hard work than the other guy? Because they believe what has been passed down to us over and over and over again through story and fable, rags to riches fairy tail.

No one on the right believes that people do what they do for the pleasure of it. No doctor every took out the burden of student loans and hours of grinding effort simply because they loved the thought of helping others - no, it had to have been the money. It is only the conservative who holds that all motivations are the same, Teachers are simply foiled barons, Fire fighters are nothing but failures who couldn't find something more productive to do, only the wealthy are "successful", only the billionaire selected his life ambition wisely and everyone else is just a wannabe.
Here it is!

This is the real reason the right doesn't want to raise taxes on the rich, they don't care about fairness - if they did they would see to it that the poor got a break, that is what is "fair", they don't care about either the rich OR the poor.

All Conservatives, middle class or poor are simply millionaires who are temporarily indisposed. They have yet to realize that all the propaganda they have been fed since they were young - that all it takes is hard work and YOU TOO will become wealthy - is a foolishly incomplete lie. Some had the addition of "smart" or "clever" or "intelligent" included in that little equation but rarely does it include the word "luck" or "fortune" or "connections". Rarely does anyone ever point out that people who aren't rich, often work harder than anyone around them. They don't say that very smart people, very shrewd people who also work very hard more often than not - never become rich no matter how hard they try, no matter how much time with their families they sacrifice, no matter how often they ignore their own pleasure in that presumption that one has to suffer greatly in order to garner their earthly reward, they don't get rich.

And below all of that, behind all of those illusions they are presented with in order to have them side with the rich and against their own class there is that final illusion, the one that has you forever believing that you can have ever "made it". Why do you think that most of the rich that are interviewed never believe they are rich? Why did Romney's wife, with all the money she has think that she is just the same as suzie down the street? Because you cannot succeed ever, that is the final curse bestowed upon all those who hold in their heart of hearts that if only they forgo one more hour of sleep, one more skipped lunch they will finally arrive? Why are Americans the hardest working people on earth and yet only a tiny fraction of us become wealthy if in fact all wealth takes is a bit more hard work than the other guy? Because they believe what has been passed down to us over and over and over again through story and fable, rags to riches fairy tail.

No one on the right believes that people do what they do for the pleasure of it. No doctor every took out the burden of student loans and hours of grinding effort simply because they loved the thought of helping others - no, it had to have been the money. It is only the conservative who holds that all motivations are the same, Teachers are simply foiled barons, Fire fighters are nothing but failures who couldn't find something more productive to do, only the wealthy are "successful", only the billionaire selected his life ambition wisely and everyone else is just a wannabe.

It sounds like you gave up. Why is it always Romneys money people are so concerned about?..Why can't it be some rich Dem like the new Sec of state and his ultra rich wife, why can't we think about his money he's the one in power. Romneys history and probably sucking down a cold one somewhere , who cares about him anymore..

Do you think rising someone else's taxs is going to make you a buck?...It's just not normal to want to pay more taxs to the government, and I don't care who you are...
It sounds like you gave up. Why is it always Romneys money people are so concerned about?..Why can't it be some rich Dem like the new Sec of state and his ultra rich wife, why can't we think about his money he's the one in power. Romneys history and probably sucking down a cold one somewhere , who cares about him anymore..

Do you think rising someone else's taxs is going to make you a buck?...It's just not normal to want to pay more taxs to the government, and I don't care who you are...

Real simple
Even for a right wing simpleton like you

No one points out the democrats that are rich because

They arent advocating paying even lower taxes than they already are
Real simple
Even for a right wing simpleton like you

No one points out the democrats that are rich because

They arent advocating paying even lower taxes than they already are

Your right, Democrats just cheat on their taxes and get appointed to run the IRS. Or they get sued over billions of unpaid taxes (Buffett) and take up years in court and exhaustive tax payers resources while saying "us guys need to pay more".