Obamacare punishes smokers...


Well-Known Member
It was Obama that got up and said that healthcare premiums would go down due to his legislation, not me...

The fact that the premiums are going up even faster leads me to a question you are familiar with.

Did he lie or did he fail??
the PPACA hasn't even been implemented yet, you stupid fuck.

that's like asking why the bleeding hasn't stopped before applying pressure or a bandaid. pathetic, even for a sad little fuck like you.


Well-Known Member
the PPACA hasn't even been implemented yet, you stupid fuck.

that's like asking why the bleeding hasn't stopped before applying pressure or a bandaid. pathetic, even for a sad little fuck like you.
If it hasnt been implemented yet, why were wavers being issued up to a year ago??

Could you please get your story straight??


Active Member
Think of the private insurance companies like an friend that says he needs cash and will pay it back with interest BUT then talks you out of using it whenever you need it with half-assed excuses OR says he can't pay it back now because he needs it. Pretty useless. Even after you helped him out with all that money... (well this is basically what they do)

Now Obamacare/Healthcare is the shoebox in the closet... No interest, and not very "classy" BUT it's there when you need it.


Well-Known Member
Oh why is the reason for this I wonder? Couldn't possibly be because they foresee a huge loss in profit through the loss of clients fed up with being fucked over?
I'd put money down on that.
Loss of clients to where? Government provided healthcare?

One of the major reasons is that Obamacare mandates all insurance companies to include a bunch of things into every policy. If the company has to pay out more, the company has to take in more.

In addition, Obamacare forces healthcare companies to spend at least 80% on healthcare and 20% or less in administrative costs. If they cannot lower the costs they simply raise the price of the policy until they hit that level. They dont necessarily want to do that but are being forced to do it by the government.

And given the fact that healthcare companies cannot simply print money to cover their debts they have to take in more than they pay out or go bankrupt. Which is a big reason why the premiums are going up so rapidly right now.

Either you are ignorant of all this or playing dumb like UB...


Well-Known Member
Think of the private insurance companies like an friend that says he needs cash and will pay it back with interest BUT then talks you out of using it whenever you need it with half-assed excuses OR says he can't pay it back now because he needs it. Pretty useless. Even after you helped him out with all that money... (well this is basically what they do)

Now Obamacare/Healthcare is the shoebox in the closet... No interest, and not very "classy" BUT it's there when you need it.
Under Obamacare it is more like a neighbor coming over and threatening to tell the cops about your grow unless you cut him in for a percentage...


Active Member
If they have to pay out more.... IF they payout at all...
Sounds like the government is finally bullying out the greedy insurance companies to me.
They are ONLY IN IT FOR THE MONEY. They don't give a fat fuck about their clients' well being lol. If you believe they do, I have a bridge to sell you. Pm me about it :P
Have you ever worked for any insurance company? I have, let me tell you, it doesn't give you that "Feel Good" feeling you get from doing something great. Makes you feel like a total dick.


Well-Known Member
In addition, Obamacare forces healthcare companies to spend at least 80% on healthcare and 20% or less in administrative costs. If they cannot lower the costs they simply raise the price of the policy until they hit that level. They dont necessarily want to do that but are being forced to do it by the government.
is that why they are sending refund checks out?

too fucking easy. go home, kiddo. ya sad little fuck.


Well-Known Member
Government insurance rejects more claims than private insurance. And you cant sue the government.
and just look at the people they insure, too! not like they are way older than the general population.

pathetic, even for you.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
horrible grammar aside, you still have not provided citation. and this is after i was so nice as to provide the link you asked for.
I don't think you have delt with the IRS much......Oh and my grammar doesn't bother me....but if it bothers you sorry....I went to work after the tenth grade , so I didn't get to hang out with you collage kids.....I heard you say the ppaca wasn't implemented yet....maybe thats why I didn't get that info from the state.........All I know is that Oregon maybe the first people to be on Obama Care and the nation is watching........

And I thought It was my duty to share with the nation how Obama Care is coming down with posting how much money it is going to cost everybody in the nation starting Dec31 2013......

Now if you can help people get free health care....step right up....let it be known..........All I know is what they send me...............nitro..


Well-Known Member
is that why they are sending refund checks out?

too fucking easy. go home, kiddo. ya sad little fuck.
Yes, they are required to send out refund checks if they fail to meet the 20% quota. That is part of Obamacare and why rates are skyrocketing...


Well-Known Member
and just look at the people they insure, too! not like they are way older than the general population.

pathetic, even for you.
So the government rejects procedures for old people? Sounds like a death panel to me...

Too fucking easy...


Well-Known Member
Yes, they are required to send out refund checks if they fail to meet the 20% quota. That is part of Obamacare and why rates are skyrocketing...
people are paying more because they are getting refund checks.

makes sense. probably has nothing to do with the rates tripling over the last 20 years either.

at least you get to blame obama for your pedophilia now.

So the government rejects procedures for old people? Sounds like a death panel to me...

Too fucking easy...
alright, sarah palin. death panels must explain why seniors are more satisfied with their government insurance than younger people are with their private insurance.


Active Member
Well in Canada health care is taken from taxes and you don't make claims. You go to the hospital and show them the health card and get treatment for free. If you need expensive treatment, they supplement AND you can ALSO have private health insurance on the side to help supplement the rest.

But often times they (private insurers) DEEM that you've been supplemented enough with the health care they refuse to help even though YOU PAID INTO IT. And Also in Canada if you sue, and lose you pay ALL the bill. Yours and theirs! So those companies with all their lawyers almost ALWAYS win and put the ones needing the help even FURTHER in the hole.

If you pay into private insurance, they shouldn't have the right to decline you help regardless of not communicating certain info.
Don't argue semantics, you're a multi BILLION dollar industry that is supposed to help people! SO HELP PEOPLE!
in fact there should be laws against denying legitimate claims, bordering on criminal negligence and fraud. IMO

So fuck private insurance!


Well-Known Member
private insurance is fine, for profit health insurance is not. every other country that has figured that out pays less than what we do and insures all their citizens, not just some.

and they are highly competitive despite their non profit status.