Israel Steals More Land in West Bank...kicks inhabitants out.


Well-Known Member
Israel has been attacking Palestinians without using guns for 60 years
There will be no peace or 2 state solution until Israel has all the land it wants from the palestinian territories
If someone is shooting at me, I am not going to negotiate until they quit shooting at me.

It is the fault of the Palestinians that this conflict continues... It is in their hands to stop it and nobody elses.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Here is my bottom line. Until the Palestinians put down their weapons and stop actively attacking the Israeli people, I dont give a shit what their side of the story is.
I don't care about either side. But until Israel stops bombing children for shock and awe, it can go fuck itself. Bombing children is uncalled for and makes you a sick fuck of a nation. Hezbola are terrorists, like you pointed out. They do not represent all of the Palestinians, unlike the Israeli Airforce does.


Well-Known Member
I don't care about either side. But until Israel stops bombing children for shock and awe, it can go fuck itself. Bombing children is uncalled for and makes you a sick fuck of a nation. Hezbola are terrorists, like you pointed out. They do not represent all of the Palestinians, unlike the Israeli Airforce does.

Chicken, Egg... Round and round....

And only the Palestinians can stop it. The people could throw out Hezbollah if they wanted to. They deserve the bombings...


Well-Known Member
If someone is shooting at me, I am not going to negotiate until they quit shooting at me.

It is the fault of the Palestinians that this conflict continues... It is in their hands to stop it and nobody elses.
Are you insanley nuts?
Israel takes palestinian land every year by decree. They been doing it for 6 decades. And you think if the palestinians lay down there arms this is going to stop?

Moon Goblin

Active Member
I also came across this:
[video=youtube;dq1LK2qMwLA] 52[/video]
I think the "military industrial complex,"as Eisenhower put it, is to blame.War must be extremely profitable.

Maybe, violence is just intrinsic in us all- also, from my understanding, religion has a gratuitous amount of violent death on its hands.


Well-Known Member
Are you insanley nuts?
Israel takes palestinian land every year by decree. They been doing it for 6 decades. And you think if the palestinians lay down there arms this is going to stop?
Yes, construction of buildings deserves armed attacks in retaliation... I get your logic, or not...


Well-Known Member
I don't care about either side. But until Israel stops bombing children for shock and awe, it can go fuck itself. Bombing children is uncalled for and makes you a sick fuck of a nation. Hezbola are terrorists, like you pointed out. They do not represent all of the Palestinians, unlike the Israeli Airforce does.
...why don't you apply the same standard to the douchebags with the rockets man? ...and they represent all the palestinians who are firing rockets, ...peaceful palestinians are in the rear with the gear.



Well-Known Member
Yes, construction of buildings deserves armed attacks in retaliation... I get your logic, or not...
Let me come over and build a house on part of your property. Then claim it as sovereign territory and set up check points you have to go thru to get to your car in your garage

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
...why don't you apply the same standard to the douchebags with the rockets man? ...and they represent all the palestinians who are firing rockets, ...peaceful palestinians are in the rear with the gear.

Palestinians don't attack children as their main target. Israel attacks schools to break morale. That makes Israel sick fucks.


Well-Known Member
According to the UNRWA, the United Nations body that deals with Palestinian refugees, around 70% of Al Walaja's land was lost in the 1948 war. Then, following the six-day war in 1967, nearly half the remaining land was annexed by Israel and placed under the expanded Jerusalem borders. In the 1970s more land was confiscated for Jewish settlements. Now even more land is being taken to construct the barrier.
Half the village is now part of Jerusalem; the other half part of the West Bank. But because almost no villagers hold Jerusalem residency permits, they have no legal basis to live in – or even cross into – the "Jerusalem" side of the village. Dozens of people have been arrested over the years.
It also means they cannot get permission to build. Forty-five unauthorised homes were demolished between 1985 and 2005, and another 45 have pending demolition orders. Earlier this year, after a lull in orders, two more families received notice that their homes were scheduled for demolition.


Well-Known Member
Most Rockets do not have the accuracy to be used against anything.
Is that justification to launch them randomly into population centers?

Would you suddenly side with the Israeli's if the Palestinians started killing hundreds with each rocket attack?


Well-Known Member
Is that justification to launch them randomly into population centers?

Would you suddenly side with the Israeli's if the Palestinians started killing hundreds with each rocket attack?
I dont side with either the israelis or the palestinians
I see the conflict for what it is. And the Israelis most certainly are not the victims.


Well-Known Member
You are deceiving yourself but that is not my problem.
On one hand you have zionists bent on stealing all the land they believe god has given them
on the other you have people that have been stolen from represented by arab extremists

The last time Israel and palestinians came to an agreement
The israelis killed their leader


Well-Known Member

  • on the other you have people that have been stolen from represented by arab extremists​

Stolen as in... Taken during a war in which the loser attempted to annihalate you and your people?

The Palestinians have yet to prove they have any right to the land you keep granting them...


Well-Known Member
Stolen as in... Taken during a war in which the loser attempted to annihalate you and your people?

The Palestinians have yet to prove they have any right to the land you keep granting them...
No you stupid asshole
They steal land every week
Try the internet