Israel Steals More Land in West Bank...kicks inhabitants out.


New Member
i know very well what achmedinejihad said.

"the great imam (khomeni) has said" first he declares that he is going to quote the dark santa khomenii. easy to understand even for a dumbass like you.

"that the regime occupying jerusalem must be lifted/cleaned from the pages of time" The Quote from Dark Santa Khomeni who never used the name israel for fear he might give them legitimacy. he never named israel. he merely alluded to it whenever he spoke of israel. by this statement he is not talking about any political party, no particular elected representatives or any particular PM,, he was referring to Israel. the nation, which he had already firmly established was, in his opinion, illegitimate. so illegitimate he never said the word Israel. EVER. he made it clear that the nation of israel not any "regime" as we would use the word was illegitimate, but the entire existence of that nation. only a moron would swallow the numerous re-interpretations of this simple idea.
again, because you are SO SLOW, but unlike smok3y, not clinically retarded, the ayatollah khomeni declared on many occasions that "the regime occupying palestine", "those invaders in jerusalem", and "that zionist organization" was illegitimate, and so absolutely unlawful and unrecognized that he never even said their name. his stated goal was to eliminate the jewish state and "re-establish" the moslem theocracy he felt belonged inside the boundaries of the british mandatory territory.

"and this is a wise thing." and with this final phrase achmedinejhad declares that he is not just quoting the khomeni but agrees with khomeni's statement and thinks it is wise.

and yes, he never actually said the exact words wiped off the map, because he does not speak english. instead he said shit which was translated by his own state security services, his own state media and his own military as "wiped off the map"

if you still wish to maintain that he both never said it AND he was just repeating what khomeni said, then you are willfully ignorant, and most likely a lost cause.

if you stand on stage reading selections from mein kampf and thenn declare "And he was totally right!" everybody will rightly deduce you are a nazi. trying to backpedal and say you were just sharing the thoughts of your hero, not espousing your hero's beliefs youll be roundly dismissed by evertyone as not just a lunatic but a cowardly lunatic at that.

anyone who accepts your backpedalling will be marked as a dimwit or a gullible fool.

i know which one smok3y is,, but which are you?

a cowardly lunatic or a gullible dimwit?
Meanwhile in kynes' small mind;


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i see you have chosen to mix it up.

cowardly dimwit it is then!

if shitty cartoons from a noted jew hater and liar are all you can muster to fight achmedinejihad's own words then youre as hopeless as smok3y.


New Member
i see you have chosen to mix it up.

cowardly dimwit it is then!

if shitty cartoons from a noted jew hater and liar are all you can muster to fight achmedinejihad's own words then youre as hopeless as smok3y.
Gotta mix it up as your self indulgent speeches, littered with half-truths by an intellectually crippled redneck have become so, so tiresome.

The person who drew the pic may have very well been a "noted jew hater" but that doesn't change the hypocrisy of the zionist fucktards in israels government - what the picture portrays.

FYI "cowardly dimwits" are the spineless war-mongerers that call for war as long as someone else fights for them. Israels constant attempts to draw the US and other allied nations into war with Iran is a testament the duplicitous nature of the occupying regieme, further reinforcing the worlds belief that the zionist regieme must be put on notice. The UN vote in favour of Palestine last year is a great example of the coming tides of change.

If the Israeli regieme & IDF were so concerned with terrorism why no support to the coalition of the willing? Shooting kids in the back in Gaza seems more their, but who could blame them, hardened fighters in Afpak would shoot back, kids won't...



Well-Known Member
i see you have chosen to mix it up.

cowardly dimwit it is then!

if shitty cartoons from a noted jew hater and liar are all you can muster to fight achmedinejihad's own words then youre as hopeless as smok3y.
Anti Semites suck ass
Just as much as Zionist Nazi scum

I see no difference


New Member
Isn't it way past time to take out these ayatollahs. We can then go
on to take out the nukes in Iran, and as for the Palestinians send there sorry asses to Jordan.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it way past time to take out these ayatollahs. We can then go
on to take out the nukes in Iran, and as for the Palestinians send there sorry asses to Jordan.
Eh, how about you just think about America for once, sort your own shit out?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I lightly looked into this on-going conflict. Here is what I came across. Do you think the video is fair?
[video=youtube;yFsQJrWwrK8] 4[/video]
what does "Fair" have to do with war?

the pallies are using soviet designed artillery rockets from ww2, which are a weapon of terror, not war. they were designed to be random, they were designed to be fired in massive volleys to paste an area.

the pallies are happy if they hit anybody across the border in israel, the jews are firing precision rockets to take out hamas-boss and his car.

the jews are using incredibly restrained tactics against an insurgency in a MILITARY OCCUPATION ZONE.

if you want fair, play checkers.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Eh, how about you just think about America for once, sort your own shit out?
our Supreme Leader Ayatollah Obama will be removed from office in the next election.

when he goes, his Council Of Experts will go with him.

our system is designed to reduce the influence of ourr Problems, and usher in corrective influences after the dems are finished fucking shit up.