LSA, give me some feedback


Well-Known Member
So, I may or may not have the ability to take LSA at any time, on a moments notice. I'm just not sure of the effects... On the internet everyone either has REALLY bad experiences, or REALLY good experiences. And while the good experience lack any real detail, other than "It was very euphoric" and "Similar to LSD", the BAD reports are pretty graphic in that there is TONS of stomach discomfort (but that only happens with seeds from the store I think, and this isn't from seeds from the store), headaches, and nausea like a motherfucker. So I want to know if anyone here has tried Morning Glory, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, or LSA itself. And I also want to know what happens when you smoke an extract, and what amount was smoked to bring on what effects. Once I get enough info from ya'll and other online sources to feel comfortable, I will make another thread to be a "trip report" of my own.
I've done it with Morning Glory seeds only. I got the ones from the store to do it. The reason people get stomach pain and nausea is because of the bug killer and shit they spray on there. You have to wash it off a certain way. I did it in high school so my memory is a bit shady but I remember getting really tired at first and then a mild trip that last about 4 hours, most similar to LSD because of the visual aspect. I'm not sure what my dose was either. Too long ago.
Yeah I took Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds a few times like...6 or 7 years ago. All in all I had a good experience, but that shit was pretty fuckin disgusting. Worse than eating shrooms plain, or at least as bad. I think we would take anywhere from like 8-16 of these seeds, wash them off real well, grind them up and put them in a water bottle and just shake it around for a minute or something. Maybe sometimes they were boiled and stirred first then put in a bottle, I dont know if I did that though, long time ago...
The concoction was disgusting, gross as fuck and gritty, but we would basically chug like a pint of it and try not to puke it up immediately just for kicks back in HS lol. I had done shrooms many times & LSD a couple before so I was used to hallucinating. I remember one time in particular we did it while out in the woods @ my buddys dad's trailer and it was pretty cool. Just chilled by a fire and smoked cigarettes and pot all night, it makes you feel pretty weird and the visuals are pretty nice. I remember being mezmorized by the changing colors of the fire. I don't think I ever threw up off the stuff, I did it like 3 or 4 times but decided it was too gross to ingest, and I've just never seen HBR seeds since then.

Try it out for yourself, Idk how excited I'd be about Morning Glory Seeds though. Dont you just get those at like any garden store? Seems kinda weird to me doin' that...and I think you have to eat like at least 100 of those seeds.
Try it out for yourself, Idk how excited I'd be about Morning Glory Seeds though. Dont you just get those at like any garden store? Seems kinda weird to me doin' that...and I think you have to eat like at least 100 of those seeds.
Thanks for your report. I will definitely be trying it for myself and sharing my experience here in the next few days, and I have plenty of experience with Mushrooms, Research Chemicals and Acid to be ok, I was just wanting some feedback because of the lack of info online. Not only to help myself, but others looking this stuff up. And you actually have to take between 400-1000 seeds, but lucky for me I know how to make things smaller :D
[video=youtube;gHmdmhU9hQ0][/video]And you CAN buy them from the garden store (but there they are coated in stuff that makes you throw up, to discourage kids from eating them), but I bought mine from a vendor :D
WTF? You guys got history?

Back on LSA.

sucks bad.
sucks royal canadian moose cock bad.

30+ years ago I did it dozens of times, intermixed with various LSD and shroom trips. Was a last choice then.

Bought a bunch a few years ago. Did a water extract, realized it sucked then, it sucks now, I'm not a kid, so it sucks worse.

It has a NATURAL coating that will get you sick. Put it on a pin, and spin it over a lighter, then wipe off the burned residue. Maybe it works, maybe it'll still suck for you. Or do a water extract. But even with no coating, it still sucks.

Got a $100? Got 2 months? Go grow some shrooms.
WTF? You guys got history?

Back on LSA.

sucks bad.
sucks royal canadian moose cock bad.

30+ years ago I did it dozens of times, intermixed with various LSD and shroom trips. Was a last choice then.

Bought a bunch a few years ago. Did a water extract, realized it sucked then, it sucks now, I'm not a kid, so it sucks worse.

It has a NATURAL coating that will get you sick. Put it on a pin, and spin it over a lighter, then wipe off the burned residue. Maybe it works, maybe it'll still suck for you. Or do a water extract. But even with no coating, it still sucks.

Got a $100? Got 2 months? Go grow some shrooms.
I've done mushrooms, and will get them if I want them. There are plenty of different psychedelics and they all have their merits.
I've done mushrooms, and will get them if I want them. There are plenty of different psychedelics and they all have their merits.

Fine. How's your heart? Are you SURE? Your circulation? You ever get blue fingers or lips? You will. You ever get leg cramps? Not yet? Oh, something to look forward to. You ever breathe fucking fire when your blood pressure skyrockets and all you chest muscles start to spasm?

"Merits"? That is a nice sentimental viewpoint for a chemical combination that may or may not trigger some pretty shitty side effects, and you are justifying it as based on it's "merits". It is a mediocre entry level experience on low dose, and an exceptionally shitty experience on high dose.

But hey, "enjoy". Snicker.
Fine. How's your heart? Are you SURE? Your circulation? You ever get blue fingers or lips? You will. You ever get leg cramps? Not yet? Oh, something to look forward to. You ever breathe fucking fire when your blood pressure skyrockets and all you chest muscles start to spasm?

"Merits"? That is a nice sentimental viewpoint for a chemical combination that may or may not trigger some pretty shitty side effects, and you are justifying it as based on it's "merits". It is a mediocre entry level experience on low dose, and an exceptionally shitty experience on high dose.

But hey, "enjoy". Snicker.
Thanks for your feedback, but that's all it is, feedback. I understand a lot of people don't like LSA, so you can stop acting like you discovered that yourself :lol:
I've decided that I will actually be posting my experience reports here. And I will give reports for combusted inhalation (Smoking) and straight ingestion (Eating). Give me about a week, and there will be at least one thing to report.
A long long time ago there were very few alternatives if one wanted to alter one's consciousness.

There was ditch weed mexican pot no one knew differently. There was LSD, there was the occasional peyote button, there were rumors of mushrooms but no one ever had any and no one had ever eaten any, there was Benzedrine and Dexedrine there were reds and rainbows (seconal and tuinal) and that was IT.

Unless we ate coleus leaves or datura or morning glory or wild lettuce milk or banana scrapings or drank beer.

Why anyone would want to go back to LSA when they have the options one has now to change one's state is simply beyond me.
A long long time ago there were very few alternatives if one wanted to alter one's consciousness.

There was ditch weed mexican pot no one knew differently. There was LSD, there was the occasional peyote button, there were rumors of mushrooms but no one ever had any and no one had ever eaten any, there was Benzedrine and Dexedrine there were reds and rainbows (seconal and tuinal) and that was IT.

Unless we ate coleus leaves or datura or morning glory or wild lettuce milk or banana scrapings or drank beer.

Why anyone would want to go back to LSA when they have the options one has now to change one's state is simply beyond me.
For the sake of research. As I have said before in this thread, people are VERY undescriptive when in comes to this substance. So I'm gonna test some morning glory's to expand that research. JUST like I have taken things from the 2c series, just like I have tried multiple variations of JWH (-018, -250, etc), just like I have tried other claimed "synthetic cannabinoids" (AM-1102 and the like), I will try this and write about it, so that when people want to know what it does, they can ACTUALLY find out by reading.
And this isn't even a RC, this is just like taken herbs I have taken. Kava, Kratom, Kanna, fresh field picked and indoor grown shrooms (everyone in Texas does that shit, it grows on the cow shit), Cannabis, Dagga, Leaf of God, and SOOO many others. If you want me to continue I can.
yes... i have never had nausea either, marijuana helps

experience/ i grew my own MG seed, 3 pretty arite experiences.

HBWR is probably alot better given i chew mines

you will notice you get tired first but that turns into breathing/tracers and mild melting for me about everytime may be similar for you maybe not. also your pupils get nice and full. goodluck
yes... i have never had nausea either, marijuana helps

experience/ i grew my own MG seed, 3 pretty arite experiences.

HBWR is probably alot better given i chew mines

you will notice you get tired first but that turns into breathing/tracers and mild melting for me about everytime may be similar for you maybe not. also your pupils get nice and full. goodluck
That sounds semi fun, but kinda weird.I'm not sure when I want to do it. I've had these seeds for like a year now.