So how about banning all semi-automatic weapons?

Auto accidents kill far more people than homocides with firearms.

We should ban cars! People don't need them anyways, they could ride a horse or cycle.

See the complete lack of logic there?
Let's not forget about America's LEADING cause of death by far, SHITTY DIETS.
Cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza and Coca-cola are the biggest "assault weapons" in this country, and have the highest death toll.

Why aren't politicians addressing the real threats to people's health?

(It wouldn't have anything to do with the massive amounts of campaign contributions they receive from the food industry, because politicians are honest and would never favor industry over their constituents..... right?)
We should ban the sale, use, or possession of automobiles. They cause many more deaths than guns. I went and bought a semi-automatic handgun before they try to ban the sale. Laser sight, I can't shoot for shit now.

Rarely someone gets into a car with the intention of killing someone. Rarely does someone pick up a gun with out the intention of hurting someone. Good try though.

DICK ACT of 1902... CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) - Protection Against Tyrannical Government.

The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.

The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.

The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.

So any more talk about banning any firearms, and you should be tried for treason, found guilty, and hanged.

Let's not forget about America's LEADING cause of death by far, SHITTY DIETS.
Cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza and Coca-cola are the biggest "assault weapons" in this country, and have the highest death toll.

Why aren't politicians addressing the real threats to people's health?

(It wouldn't have anything to do with the massive amounts of campaign contributions they receive from the food industry, because politicians are honest and would never favor industry over their constituents..... right?)

You can have my Assault Burger with three-patty removable magazine, tactical cheese and collapsible bun (with sesame sights) after you pry my cold, dead, shiny fingers from it!!!!! cn
Let's not forget about America's LEADING cause of death by far, SHITTY DIETS.
Cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza and Coca-cola are the biggest "assault weapons" in this country, and have the highest death toll.

Why aren't politicians addressing the real threats to people's health?

(It wouldn't have anything to do with the massive amounts of campaign contributions they receive from the food industry, because politicians are honest and would never favor industry over their constituents..... right?)

You have to realize if I pick up a triple cheeseburger with side of heart attack . I am doing that to myself, I know the potential consequences. If I pick up a hand gun I am going to change someone elses life. My life, my families life, the guy I am about to shoots life and his families life. So one has more of a drastic consequence.

You have to realize if I pick up a triple cheeseburger with side of heart attack . I am doing that to myself, I know the potential consequences. If I pick up a hand gun I am going to change someone elses life. My life, my families life, the guy I am about to shoots life and his families life. So one has more of a drastic consequence.


I pick up handguns all the time, have yet to change anyone's life by merely touching the thing.
Government is all about prohibition, taking individuals' rights for itself. Alcohol, pot, guns, etc. - it's what they do. If politicians thought guns were that bad, see how quickly they want to disarm their bodyguards and personal security forces. It's the normal citizen they don't want to have protection. This is a matter of the Bill of Rights; its been brutalized enough in the past decade. How much more of our freedom do we want to give away? Constitutional protections are there for times exactly like these, to preserve rights in the face of emotionally charged, majority waves. If the 2nd Amendment can be sidestepped, can't all of them?

You don't seem to comprehend how government actually works. You see it through the mind of a part time watcher. Every politician would like to ban all guns, it is called weeping mother syndrome. Why do you think politicans kiss babies? They want to see to it that they connect to families and the best way to do so is to claim that they did everything they could to prevent children from being killed. This is why the NRA's influence on Republican politicians is crumbling. It has nothing to do with bodyguards and personal security forces. It has nothing to do with your assessment of what politicans do.

What we agree upon is that it is the 2nd that is keeping these folks from outright banning of weapons as it is - short of gun the gun lobby, exactly what they all would like to do - and they would llike to do it now while everyone is looking.
Seriously? On July 21, 2012, Manuel Diaz was shot from behind gang execution style, on his knees from froj behind, by police. The next day residents protested. The police shot at women and children, and released a dog on a pregnant woman.

A nearly 9 months pregnant woman was kicked in the stomach, the same way he was trained to kick in a door during a raid, by a police officer when she didn't know her place and wouldn't shut up, asking questions why the father of her unborn parasite was being arrested.

Again, we don't need guns to protect us from a tyrannical government?

You're real credible, aren't ya? Especially how Santorum is a convicted pedophile.

Were those Federal incidences?

And I have no idea what you are talking about with Santorum being a convicted pedophile. I never said such a thing.
Seriously? On July 21, 2012, Manuel Diaz was shot from behind gang execution style, on his knees from froj behind, by police. The next day residents protested. The police shot at women and children, and released a dog on a pregnant woman.

A nearly 9 months pregnant woman was kicked in the stomach, the same way he was trained to kick in a door during a raid, by a police officer when she didn't know her place and wouldn't shut up, asking questions why the father of her unborn parasite was being arrested.

Again, we don't need guns to protect us from a tyrannical government?

You're real credible, aren't ya? Especially how Santorum is a convicted pedophile.

You might want to paint a scenario where civilians bearing arms would have altered these sad situations.
Tell that to the to the 26 families that died , sir.


How does a naked and uncorrelated appeal to emotion support your statement? I've handled dozens of guns thousands of times with harmful intent to nothing more than sheets of paper. Scary ugly hi-cap guns were also in the mix. cn
... and there it is, your whole philosophy in a nutshell. The government hasn't shot any children for 20 years, so they are more trustworthy; they don't steal ALL my money, so it's OK to steal some; they haven't taken away ALL of my rights, so restricting a few is alright.
If you are so worried about the number of deaths of children, then why do you support the wholesale murder of the most innocent of all?
You try and sound all rational and reasonable, but you still make as little sense as the trolls​.

As is so interestingly typical on this thread and any thread where the mere mention of curtailing any gun ownership in any way for any reason, you seem to be picking and chosing what aligns with your prejudice. I stated quite clearly in several prominant places in this thread that it didn't matter how many children were killed, the law remains and dead children will make and should make no difference. That includes abortions and children killed accidentaly or on purpose by the use of firearms.

I started this and another thread to see exactly how rabid the gun toters actually are -and they didn't dissapoint. Note that I have never ever called for the banning of any firearm but merely suggested this be a topic of dicussion. From there I have been called a troll, an imbicile, ignorant of guns and a host of other things. Everyone here knows my stand on the 2nd amendment but they opt to ignore it in favor of their favorite meme.
All of our technology didn't help us in Viet Nam or more recently, in Afghanistan.

Take a quick look at the globe if you can find one and notice the distance between our country and.... viet nam or Afghanistan. You will see no such distance between the United States and.... the United States.
No, I don't agree.
Just because you would lay down and submit to an oppressive government enforcer, doesn't mean that everybody would.

Cling then to that wonderful fantasy you hold that a bunch of folks with random shotguns, fake "assault" weapons and some strage idea of what a militia is will be able to defeat what all those very same people tout is the finest and most powerful military force in history.

Or are your back woods squirel hunters actually the most powerrful afterr all?
How does a naked and uncorrelated appeal to emotion support your statement? I've handled dozens of guns thousands of times with harmful intent to nothing more than sheets of paper. Scary ugly hi-cap guns were also in the mix. cn

Fine, I am may have overstated that one. But, this is frustrating to see kids die and gun owners show no ownership of this tradgity. I do think think it is a combination of factors. But part of the conversation has to be the easy access to these assault rifles. Why do we need assault rifles again? I find no gun owner wants to answer that question.

You got an answer to your question in the second post.

The rest was you fapping over "ifs" and "butts". (Lol)

Stop being a little cry baby just cos noone agreed with you.
Let's not forget about America's LEADING cause of death by far, SHITTY DIETS.
Cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza and Coca-cola are the biggest "assault weapons" in this country, and have the highest death toll.

Why aren't politicians addressing the real threats to people's health?

(It wouldn't have anything to do with the massive amounts of campaign contributions they receive from the food industry, because politicians are honest and would never favor industry over their constituents..... right?)

Let me get ths straight then - you WANT government to limit your use of salt and consumption of fat and sugary drinks? You aren't adverse to the nanny state?