So how about banning all semi-automatic weapons?

Fine, I am may have overstated that one. But, this is frustrating to see kids die and gun owners show no ownership of this tradgity. I do think think it is a combination of factors. But part of the conversation has to be the easy access to these assault rifles. Why do we need assault rifles again? I find no gun owner wants to answer that question.



Fine, I am may have overstated that one. But, this is frustrating to see kids die and gun owners show no ownership of this tradgity. I do think think it is a combination of factors. But part of the conversation has to be the easy access to these assault rifles. Why do we need assault rifles again? I find no gun owner wants to answer that question.


Ok instead of assault rifles, we will just remove the pistol grips from them and just make them into harmless semi automatic rifles if that will make you happy. Removing the pistol grip would no longer classify them as assault weapons according to a lawyer, which is apparently who we go to when we ask for definitions now.
The governments of the world average over a million innocent unarmed civilians murdered every year for the last hundred or so years. I am not talking about war casualties. I am talking outright murders by the government outside of war and not against armed enemies. The amount of people who die due to civilian ownership of firearms is insignificant vs government murders. How can someone be against guns to save lives but for abortion? It makes no sense at all. How does creating more government(laws against guns, registration laws, BATF, ect) make you safer when government is one of the top killer of innocent civilians to begin with?
Fine, I am may have overstated that one. But, this is frustrating to see kids die and gun owners show no ownership of this tradgity. I do think think it is a combination of factors. But part of the conversation has to be the easy access to these assault rifles. Why do we need assault rifles again? I find no gun owner wants to answer that question.


The gun owner in question had them in a locked safe iirc. At some point, you need to accept that ownership of the gun and of the tragedy diverge. Do you consider it true or acceptable that someone can have prudently, responsibly owned the gun, and still the gun could have been taken for misuse? I don't see that holding a gun owner for the acts of a determined break-in artist is fair. cn
Rarely someone gets into a car with the intention of killing someone. Rarely does someone pick up a gun with out the intention of hurting someone. Good try though.

I pick up handguns all the time and they don't kill anyone, because i follow my firearms safety rules. and i'm not a psycho jack-ass.

In fact, BRB......

Ok, i just picked up a couple handguns and put them back down. Funny, i didn't have the intention of killing anyone and nobody got killed. And every time i go to the gun range, and i am SURROUNDED by people with LOADED handguns, rifles and shotguns IN THEIR HANDS, and yet nobody gets injured or killed.

I think most of the time that most people pick up a gun, it is NOT with the intention of harming anyone. Unless it's Dick Cheney holding the gun.
Fine, I am may have overstated that one. But, this is frustrating to see kids die and gun owners show no ownership of this tradgity. I do think think it is a combination of factors. But part of the conversation has to be the easy access to these assault rifles. Why do we need assault rifles again? I find no gun owner wants to answer that question.


I am a gun owner. Many on RIU are also gun owners. Canndo said yesterday that 40% of Americans are gun owners. If that is accurate, then there are 120 million gun owners in America. None of us have any ownership of this tragedy cause we didn't do it. This massacre was perpetrated by a non gun owner.

The gun used in the Sandy Hook shootings was not an "assault rifle". Connecticut has an "assault weapon" ban and the Bushmaster rifle is not included in the ban. Question asked, and answered.

Here is one for you to take "ownership" of: you guys created "gun free zones", where all these massacres happen.
I pick up handguns all the time and they don't kill anyone, because i follow my firearms safety rules. and i'm not a psycho jack-ass.

In fact, BRB......

Ok, i just picked up a couple handguns and put them back down. Funny, i didn't have the intention of killing anyone and nobody got killed. And every time i go to the gun range, and i am SURROUNDED by people with LOADED handguns, rifles and shotguns IN THEIR HANDS, and yet nobody gets injured or killed.

I think most of the time that most people pick up a gun, it is NOT with the intention of harming anyone. Unless it's Dick Cheney holding the gun.

I always wonder why cops don't snap and shoot up the cop shops? I mean all those guns strapped to all those people, it just HAS to be inevitable. How come you never hear of gun manufacturers having the employees snap and shoot thousands of other employees? Why does the military not have a problem with people going off the deep end and shooting everyone in sight, I mean those guys all have guns, and guns are bad and cause you to kill people whenever you touch them.
But part of the conversation has to be the easy access to these assault rifles. Why do we need assault rifles again? I find no gun owner wants to answer that question.

Who has easy access to assault rifles!?!?!? ALL class 3 weapons are very hard to obtain, and require a few months of paperwork with the ATF. Assault rifles are VERY rarely used in crimes, especially the legally obtained ones. A lot of assault rifles cost well over $10,000; most legal owners keep them very well locked up.

Don't let the news lie to you. If you are smart enough to see through the bullshit lies that have been sold to you on the subject of Cannabis, please do further research on the issue of firearms, because you are being fed a bunch of lies by the media on the subject. Please take the time to educate yourself on the subject.

The CT shooter did not use a legally obtained assault rifle. All reports indicate that he used a pistol and a .223 semi-auto AR-15 rifle that has been branded as an "assault weapon" to make ignorant people associate the semi-auto rifle with the fully automatic rifle. It is NOT an assault rifle, it is not a fully automatic rifle, but it looks kind of like one, so it must be scary.

CT has had an assault weapons ban on the books since 1993. The legislation did nothing to stop this shooting. Why would passing more of the same legislation change the lack of efficacy of the law?

They are fun to shoot, if you can find somewhere that will let you shoot it. I have access to land to shoot, so I take mine out there. It is fun, but wouldn't help you in any real situation. What is your point? You can get a fully automatic Mac 10 for about $3000 legally. If you are going to kill people then a full auto is a lot cheaper illegally. A shotgun would be more effective though if you were wandering through a building shooting people. A rifle isn't the ideal tool for tight spaces.

What was your point Rhesus Monkey?
You can bump fire a semi auto pistol too, since the 1900's.


big deal.
Let's not forget about America's LEADING cause of death by far, SHITTY DIETS.
Cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza and Coca-cola are the biggest "assault weapons" in this country, and have the highest death toll.

Why aren't politicians addressing the real threats to people's health?

(It wouldn't have anything to do with the massive amounts of campaign contributions they receive from the food industry, because politicians are honest and would never favor industry over their constituents..... right?)

I totally agree. Go vegan!