I do consider it true, but I don't think it is acceptable that someone can have prudently, responsibly owned the gun, and still the gun could have been taken for misuse. I think when you have an object that has the potential to cause great harm, the gun owner should take the highest precautions to prevent that. Even if that means continually changing the combo on a safe, or not having a key accessible to the household. If a gun owner is negligent in properly storing their guns, and it ends up in a shooting spree, their should be some accountability. In this case the mom got held to highest form of accountability.
If you are a gun owner and you are on vacation and someone brakes into your home and steals your cache of guns, you should alert the police how many guns got stolen and the vin numbers of all the guns immediately. If you are a legal gun owner those number should be available in a database anyway. But this just notifies the police that these guns are out on the street and if they end up in a crime, you did your due diligence to report them stolen.
Also if you sell someone your gun without notifying the authorities and it ends up in a crime , you should be held accountable in some way.
I think if we address this issue on many fronts such as mental illness, stricter owner responsibility, stricter purchasing requirements, and possibly and I hate saying this, but maybe we do need more security at schools. I think it should be a police officer and not a teacher or principle. We might see less incidents. Although I don't totally buy the fact the criminals only target gun free zones or that more guns = less crime.