It is a common misunderstanding of non-Libertarians that all Libs want to dismantle government completely. We are not anarchists. Not all of us are so extreme or naive as to believe that everything should be privatized. First and foremost, we value the Constitution. We value individual rights over the rights of the state, essentially the state should have no rights.
Believe it or not, public works (trash pick-up, police, education, charity) can fit within the Libertarian paradigm. The rub is that it expects the decisions to be made on a more local level, thus giving individuals more control over what happens in their "neighborhood".
And speaking of trash pick-up specifically, personally, I would like it if there were more competition. We still have to pay for our garbage service, and in some counties are REQUIRED to pay for it no matter WHAT, even if there's no trash to pick up. How is it good for me and my community that we are forced to do business with one company that the county has given the franchise to, and who can decide what they want to charge with absolutely zero competition???
How is it good for me that I can't make a contract with another company downcountry who charges LESS THAN HALF what the local upcountry disposal company charges?
It's not good for me, it's good for them and it's good for the county. The same county who wastes our taxpayer dollars renting buildings to house departments that were housed just fine in buildings they already owned but weren't quite so pretty and new.
FUCK, this shit is getting me fucking PISSED OFF.