Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Real Mediterraneans Rock Like this:

Tzatziki Sauce

16 oz plain yogurt
2 large cucumbers peeled seeded and diced
2 tablespoons unfiltered olive oil
1/2 lemon, juiced
3 cloves garlic, diced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
1 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

In a food processor or blender, combine yogurt, cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, dill and garlic. Process until well-combined. Transfer to a separate dish, cover and refrigerate for at least one hour for best flavor.

try it on a sweet italian sausage with a couple tomatoe wedges, chopped onions, and a sprinkle of poppy seeds in a sourdough roll

my homeys call it a GreekTown Dago Dog


Well-Known Member
Real Mediterraneans Rock Like this:

Tzatziki Sauce

16 oz plain yogurt
2 large cucumbers peeled seeded and diced
2 tablespoons unfiltered olive oil
1/2 lemon, juiced
3 cloves garlic, diced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
1 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

In a food processor or blender, combine yogurt, cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, dill and garlic. Process until well-combined. Transfer to a separate dish, cover and refrigerate for at least one hour for best flavor.

try it on a sweet italian sausage with a couple tomatoe wedges, chopped onions, and a sprinkle of poppy seeds in a sourdough roll

my homeys call it a GreekTown Dago Dog
Or if you're feeling all "rebellious" you can swap out the lemon for lime and give it a zingier flavour.

Yeah we'ze rollin' hardcore like that.


Active Member
SEEMS theocratic?? SEEMS!??!

and yeah 25000 jews. kept as dhimmis. down from over 700,000 before the "glorious islamic revolution" when every jew who copuld, fled to israel, the US, and wherever else they could get to. they had been victims of pogroms before, and they knew hopw the wind was blowing so they packed up their shit and bailed.

also, the "tehran alone" comment is specious and implies there are more than ONE jewish enclaves in iran.

the iranians boast about their "generosity" with their jewish dhimmis, and proidly proclaim that they have TWO jewish butcher shops and THREE hebrew schools (which are run by, and staffed with moslems, and most of the curriculum is delivered in farsi, not hebrew)

and kim jong il can show the western press the super awesome department store full of incredible consumer goods that the people of north korea can enjoy...

brace yourself for schmaltz.

further, khameni, the "ayatollah supreme" is curently cracking down on the baha'ia for their wicked and anti-islamic beliefs, like respect for differing faiths, and even atheism. those bastards!

you seem to love to pick a side, and then blindly declare them to be faultless and perfect even when their pimples, and herpes wounds are obvious to all.

iran, and in fact most of the islamic world's religious and political authorities are pox ridden whores, the israelis may not be perfect, but they are not evil, backwards and vicious. many arabs (christian and moslem too) live within israel, as full citizens with the vote, religious freedom, and economic liberty. the same can not be said of jews christians, coptics, hindus, or any non moslem is most moslem nations.

i encourage you to look into the history of india and pakistan's manumission from the british crown. there are many paralells.

in areas of india where moslems were the minority, many packed up and moved to pakistan, in areas of the land which became pakistan, where moslems were the majority, hindus chrisitans and buddhists fled in droves, were forced out, or simply killed.

the chaotic chinese fire drill in the partition of pakistan from india had violence on all sides, but the violence was EPIDEMIC in what is now pakistan, and merely sporadic in india. even today india has a large population of moslems and many mosques. pakistan has very few christians, and hindus. (pakistan is 95% moslem, the remaining 5% split between christians hindus, sufi, jains baha'ia, and many others, by comparison india is 13.7% moslem.)

the facts are plain, when moslems are in the majority in a nation, they nearly always institute a theocracy or a rigid theocratic monarchy, followed by oppression of non-molems, and everybody else flees. other peoples, societies and cultures do NOT generally impose similar restrictions on moslems. moslems live and worship in EVERY free nation on earth. only the socialist dictatorships and a few madcap non-moslem theocracies oppress moslems.

Turkey is the only moslem majority nation i can think of which is not an oppressive theocratic or autocratic dictatorship, and the only moslem nation i can think of where non-moslems are treated as well as moslems (lately). historically though, turkey was pretty much Iran Version 1.0, with awesome REAL genocides, which racked up a MUCH higher bodycount than 137 dead in a breif and violnet struggle to eliminate rocket batteries. the aremneians could tell you a thing or two about what genocide looks like when put into full swing. the ottoman turks were even more efficient than the germans in their extermination program.

Please provide your source for the numbers you're quoting so vehemently. Because they all sound like bullshit to me.

You still didn't answer me about Anders Breivik and the LRA though, aren't they Christians?

How about the KKK and the Westboro Baptists? Don't they believe in Jesus too?

You sight the Arab World as this chaotic mess and yadda yadda yadda. Well, what do you expect when you have a region that up until very recently was almost entirely under the yoke of colonial powers and the entrenched regional monarchies they used as bulldogs? These people have been given nothing by the Western world except condemnation, imaginary borders and death because they practice a different faith. Look at the modern portrayal of Muslims in our culture and you will see a huge discrepancy in the way the media covers stories. This flare up in Gaza was instigated by an Israeli strike. Israeli bombs killed almost 200 people and wounded hundreds more. And yet now, people are proclaiming it was Israel who brought peace.

Peace on the tip of a missle is not going to work for very much longer.

And you mentioned the massacres in Turkey. Those were, and are, some of the most underdiscussed attrocities to ever scar the face of this Earth. But they also happened quite awhile ago. I thought when I went back and referenced Hitler it was "too far removed" but now you go deeper in? I have no problem conversing in all things historical with you Kynes, but make up your damn mind about the parameters of this debate that you wish to follow and actually stick to them.

Because it's getting a little convoluted.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Please provide your source for the numbers you're quoting so vehemently. Because they all sound like bullshit to me.

The 25000 jews in iran number comes straight from irans propaganda ministry. ~
"On the eve of the Islamic Revolution in 1978, the Jewish community in Iran numbered around 80,000 with 60,000 living in the capital, Tehran." ~
which would be more than the 70,000 i stated before. population reduced by half? sounds like a genocide in progress to me, just a fairly inefficient one.
the population percentages on moslems hindus and other religions in india and pakistan comes from the CIA World factbook.

You still didn't answer me about Anders Breivik and the LRA though, aren't they Christians?

anders breivik was NOT a christian. he was a wanna be freemason. as was answered before.
the "lords resistance army" which you bring up here for the FIRST TIME is also not christian in the slightest. they are a neo-marxist insurgency complete with insane witchdoctor voodo style beliefs, kidnapped child soldiers, and a sex slave ring.

How about the KKK and the Westboro Baptists? Don't they believe in Jesus too?

the KKK is first and foremost a HATE organization, their hate is reserved for catholics, jews negroes, and to some extent irish, italians, asians, and pretty much anybody who is not of Angle or Saxon extraction.
the westboro baptist dipshits are a tiny "congregation" of around 12, all from the same family, and like the Klan are primarily a hate group, not a religious group.
these are Strawman arguments.

You sight the Arab World as this chaotic mess and yadda yadda yadda. Well, what do you expect when you have a region that up until very recently was almost entirely under the yoke of colonial powers and the entrenched regional monarchies they used as bulldogs?

the arab world IS a chaotic mess. they are in the midst of their own private Dark Age. just like the christian dark age, they made this mess themselves and will wallow in it until they decide to climb out. and just like the christian dark age, they will probably have to burn a few of their own reformers at the stake before they can figure out that their own religious authorities are the ones making their lives miserable.

These people have been given nothing by the Western world except condemnation, imaginary borders and death because they practice a different faith.

No. they have "imaginary borders" because when you get right down to it all national borders are imaginary. in 1948 when israel was first createed by the biritsh mandate, the jordanians haggled with the Jewish Authority, and negotiated a deal where they got to simply annex the "west Bank" when the british pulled out because the Jewish Authority decided it was waorth it to have peace with jordan. the jordanians broke the deal. thus the "west Banlk" and it's arab population became an "Occupied Territory" the brits likewise gave control of Gaza to egypt because it too had a large arab population. egypt wen to war, and they lost gaza. it would have been returned to them with the OIL RICH sinai desert, but egypt didnt want it back. so israel was stuck with it. a irritating ungovernable territory full of militant arabs eager to form a 5th column within israel's defensive lines.

you really dont know anything about the history of the jerwish state's creation do you?

Look at the modern portrayal of Muslims in our culture and you will see a huge discrepancy in the way the media covers stories.

and in the 1920-1950 region the preferred villains in films television and radio were germanic accented megalomaniacs. and before that, sinister inscrutable asian masterminds, and before that, greedy land/oil/cattle barons...

This flare up in Gaza was instigated by an Israeli strike. Israeli bombs killed almost 200 people and wounded hundreds more. And yet now, people are proclaiming it was Israel who brought peace.

granted. this particular flareup was caused by the termination of a hamas terrorist leader. the hamas terroist leader should have either hid better, or had the courtesy to make himself a target in an unoccupied region, where his shrapnel would not endanger the populace.

Peace on the tip of a missle is not going to work for very much longer.

actually it hasnt worked yet. or have i missed the peace and prosperity years in the occupied territories? and FYI, they use Rockets, not missiles. missiles have a guidance system for flight control, katuschas are just really big bottle rockets with small warheads.

And you mentioned the massacres in Turkey. Those were, and are, some of the most underdiscussed attrocities to ever scar the face of this Earth. But they also happened quite awhile ago. I thought when I went back and referenced Hitler it was "too far removed" but now you go deeper in? I have no problem conversing in all things historical with you Kynes, but make up your damn mind about the parameters of this debate that you wish to follow and actually stick to them.

orly? when did i say hitler was too long ago, and not relevant, cuz that doesnt sound like me. im ALWAYS up for a Godwin. ALWAYS.

Because it's getting a little convoluted.
thats the hazards of discussing this region and it's many problems. conbvolution is always a danger.


Active Member
There is not a single person on here who has called for killing of Jews directly in the same fasion that you've been argueing for the extermination of Muslims.

You keep claiming the Muslims are by and large the only violent religion. That's complete horseshit, as i've already cited examples such as Anders Breivik who was a Christian. Or how about the Lords Resistance Army in Africa? They also proclaim themselves Christians' and they undertake shit everyday that is beyond words. Where do they fit into your narative about Modern Religion? Or have you decided to solely focus on Muslims?

And as far as this latest offensive goes, you really need to pay better attention. Because Israel initiated this by assasinating a member of a Hamas paramilitary brigade in a planned strike. It was not a retaliation, nor a coordinated defense of the border. It was an overt act of aggression, carried out without provocation and that culminated in the lose of many innocent lives.

You can't play defense and offense at the sametime Kynes, it doesn't work that way.
thats the hazards of discussing this region and it's many problems. conbvolution is always a danger.
Kynes- You're either lying or you can't read.

Anders Breivik undertook a campaign to rid Europe of Muslim influence, he claimed to be a member of a group calling itself The Knights Templar (in reference to the old Christian order). He murdered men, women, but mostly CHILDREN, all because he wanted to protect the "Christian identity" of the region. Grow up and stop hiding Kynes, facts are facts. The LRA also founds part of it's sick ideology in christian fundamentalism. They do employ all those horrendous tactics you mentioned, and they do it with a cross around their necks. Point being, there are violent people of all faiths and for you to ignore them is reminiscent of the ostrich with his head in the sand. You look funny and you accomplish nothing.

The difference between THESE imaginary lines is that they were created by rich white men thousands of miles away who sought to exploit the region for their own materialistic and strategic reasons. They cobbled together in many cases people who had no unifying history, language, custom, or religion and expected them to fall in line with puppet monarchies who before then had no bearing. Read your histories.

I was speaking of Israel's missle systems when I mentioned the diplomacy line. But once again, because you didn't have any valid points and you're still mad that I made fun of you for your "football injury" you tried to be snarky. Oh well. More proof that your beliefs are steeped in doublestandard, disinformation, and a lack of sympathy for the plight of suffering humanbeings the World over.

What am I Thankful for? That I am not cursed with your shitty World outlook, or your lack of comprehension/ability to change it for the better.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Kynes- You're either lying or you can't read.

Anders Breivik undertook a campaign to rid Europe of Muslim influence, he claimed to be a member of a group calling itself The Knights Templar (in reference to the old Christian order). He murdered men, women, but mostly CHILDREN, all because he wanted to protect the "Christian identity" of the region. Grow up and stop hiding Kynes, facts are facts. The LRA also founds part of it's sick ideology in christian fundamentalism. They do employ all those horrendous tactics you mentioned, and they do it with a cross around their necks. Point being, there are violent people of all faiths and for you to ignore them is reminiscent of the ostrich with his head in the sand. You look funny and you accomplish nothing.

The difference between THESE imaginary lines is that they were created by rich white men thousands of miles away who sought to exploit the region for their own materialistic and strategic reasons. They cobbled together in many cases people who had no unifying history, language, custom, or religion and expected them to fall in line with puppet monarchies who before then had no bearing. Read your histories.

I was speaking of Israel's missle systems when I mentioned the diplomacy line. But once again, because you didn't have any valid points and you're still mad that I made fun of you for your "football injury" you tried to be snarky. Oh well. More proof that your beliefs are steeped in doublestandard, disinformation, and a lack of sympathy for the plight of suffering humanbeings the World over.

What am I Thankful for? That I am not cursed with your shitty World outlook, or your lack of comprehension/ability to change it for the better.
alraight mister high and mighty,

Explain to me EXACTLY where i said "exterminate the moslems"

explain EXACTLY how a "member (actually the LEADER) of a Hmas paramilitary group" transmutes into a "victim" in the moments before his airstrike reaches it's climax?

Explain EXACTLY how the leader of a hamas paramilitary brigade is any different from an al quaeda leader surrounded by his henchmen, or a white supremacist gang holed up on an island in puget sound.
(note: these guys were all killed by targeted explosive detonations)

Explain EXACTLY why these individuals should NOT be exterminated by whatever means comes to hand.

Explain EXACTLY why anders breivik (lone nutcase) becomes the standard bearer for chirstianity, but the supreme ayatollah of shia islam is "non-representative" of that religion.

Explain EXACTLY why a radical fringe group condemned by EVERYBODY WORLD WIDE! also gets to be the standard bearer of christianity but Osama bin Laden (royal prince, and lionized hero of sunni islam) is "non-representative" of his faith.

Explain EXACTLY when i said "Israel is Blameless"

Explain EXACTLY when i claimed "Islam is the only violent religion in the world"

Explain EXACTLY how the colour of the line drawer (also, turkey, and the ottomans, lulz) is germane to the nature of national borders.

Explain EXACTLY how you can make your "rich white men" claim in the light of the fairly successful partition of pakistan from india, and jordanian hashemites from arabs.

Explain EXACTLY why you feel these "puppet monarchies" are invalid, but the iranian Supreme Ayatollah, and the Hamas militants are somehow legitimate.

Explain EXACTLY why random inaccurate rockets from hamas hezzbollah and the al aqsa brigade are acceptable, but accurate targeted israeli missiles are an atrocity.

Explain EXACTLY how stuffing explosives in a retarded kid's backpack and sending him off to say hello to the israeli checkpoint is OK, but building a fence to keep hamas out of israel is Apartheid.

actually i got a pretty good grounding in history, and world affairs, despite being a evil white man. and i have plenty of empathy for people, but ZERO empathy for GROUPS that scream about their militant criminal bosses getting snuffed while they TRY TO KILL CHILDREN DELIBERATELY. and im speakin literally, not figuratively so im talking about hamas. not israel.


Active Member
alraight mister high and mighty,

Explain to me EXACTLY where i said "exterminate the moslems"

explain EXACTLY how a "member (actually the LEADER) of a Hmas paramilitary group" transmutes into a "victim" in the moments before his airstrike reaches it's climax?

Explain EXACTLY how the leader of a hamas paramilitary brigade is any different from an al quaeda leader surrounded by his henchmen, or a white supremacist gang holed up on an island in puget sound.
(note: these guys were all killed by targeted explosive detonations)

Explain EXACTLY why these individuals should NOT be exterminated by whatever means comes to hand.

Explain EXACTLY why anders breivik (lone nutcase) becomes the standard bearer for chirstianity, but the supreme ayatollah of shia islam is "non-representative" of that religion.

Explain EXACTLY why a radical fringe group condemned by EVERYBODY WORLD WIDE! also gets to be the standard bearer of christianity but Osama bin Laden (royal prince, and lionized hero of sunni islam) is "non-representative" of his faith.

Explain EXACTLY when i said "Israel is Blameless"

Explain EXACTLY when i claimed "Islam is the only violent religion in the world"

Explain EXACTLY how the colour of the line drawer (also, turkey, and the ottomans, lulz) is germane to the nature of national borders.

Explain EXACTLY how you can make your "rich white men" claim in the light of the fairly successful partition of pakistan from india, and jordanian hashemites from arabs.

Explain EXACTLY why you feel these "puppet monarchies" are invalid, but the iranian Supreme Ayatollah, and the Hamas militants are somehow legitimate.

Explain EXACTLY why random inaccurate rockets from hamas hezzbollah and the al aqsa brigade are acceptable, but accurate targeted israeli missiles are an atrocity.

Explain EXACTLY how stuffing explosives in a retarded kid's backpack and sending him off to say hello to the israeli checkpoint is OK, but building a fence to keep hamas out of israel is Apartheid.

actually i got a pretty good grounding in history, and world affairs, despite being a evil white man. and i have plenty of empathy for people, but ZERO empathy for GROUPS that scream about their militant criminal bosses getting snuffed while they TRY TO KILL CHILDREN DELIBERATELY. and im speakin literally, not figuratively so im talking about hamas. not israel.
1) Time and again, you have asserted that you believe muslims to be inferior in nature due to a proclivity for violence. You've argued that they are in a "Dark Age" and inhabit it alone. Well? I've called bullshit and have cited examples of modern religious violence perpetrated by people of other faiths besides Islam. Examples you tried to ignore, lie about, or twist around. The fact remains, people of all walks can and are killers. For you to try and pick 1 as more violent than another, is to show you are a biased and unfair observer.

2)The Hamas leader was murdered. He was not killed as part of a unilateral military action. Why should Israel be recognized as a respectable World power if they conduct themselves in such a manner? They have to adhere to the standards' of the international community. They cannot simply point to past transgressions as justification for continued hostilities. At some point blood no longer begets blood and you have to stop and reevaluate the situation. Unless you want them to kill themselves down to the last man. Which it kind of sounds like you do.

3) You never use the words "Israel is blameless", but you systematically ignore the plight of the Palestinian people and deride them all as terrorists. You constantly assert that Palestinians' and by extention all muslims and arabs are somehow predisposed to violence, and focus only on Israeli casualties. That is pretty much the exact samething as absolving the nation of Israel of all guilt in this conflict.

4) Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, pretty much the entire continent of Africa. These are all prime examples of colonial power's fucking up a region by establishing principalities founded on nothing more than convenience and willingness of local powers to play ball.

5) Osama bin Laden doesn't represent Islam, Anders Breivik doesn't represent Christianity. Hamas and Al Queda do not represent Islam, the LRA and the KKK do not represent Christianity. What they DO represent is radical assholes who embrace religion as a way to endoctrinate people and stray from the true practices of the faith. This is what i've been trying to tell you the ENTIRE TIME.

6) I view the Iranian governments' legitimacy with great suspicion. That does not justify or conceal the fact that for almost a century the region was a chessboard upon which Western powers played. How many examples are there of countries being installed with a farce of a government whose only job was to glad hand executives and sign exploratory permits.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
1) Time and again, you have asserted that you believe muslims to be inferior in nature due to a proclivity for violence. You've argued that they are in a "Dark Age" and inhabit it alone. Well? I've called bullshit and have cited examples of modern religious violence perpetrated by people of other faiths besides Islam. Examples you tried to ignore, lie about, or twist around. The fact remains, people of all walks can and are killers. For you to try and pick 1 as more violent than another, is to show you are a biased and unfair observer.

ORLY? inferior? wow. i must be RACIST!!.your skill with the straw man is really lamentable.
the moslems ARE in a dark age, technologically, socially and religiously. and this dark age is there's alone, just as the Christian Dark Age was not a burden on the moslems who did quite well for themslves while Christendom was tearing itself apart. the chinese had their dark age too, but it was brief, and directed INWARD (which was a refreshing change) and we call it the "Cultural Revolution". see different societies have their golden and dark ages in their own time and on their own terms.
your specious straman arguments regfarding breivik and the LRA are STILL failures. much in the way Mark David Chapman does not represent everybody who reads books, and Charlie Manson does not represent aspiring songwriter or hippie.
HERES how you make the argument you are so desperately trying to build:

For MANY years cardinal ratzinger reassigned, promoted, and protected priests who were known boy-touchers and pederasts. he did this as part of his position on the cardinal's council on defense of the faith. now he is Pope and the protection continues. ergo, the catholic church SPONSORS and SUPPORTS pederasty and child rape. while this conclusion is sadly factual, and the charges are factual, this STILL does not mean all catholics are boyhungry pedophiles. it means the vatican is fucked up. this does not give license to anyone for the murder of innocent catholics.

see how easy that is. now you try.

2)The Hamas leader was murdered. He was not killed as part of a unilateral military action. Why should Israel be recognized as a respectable World power if they conduct themselves in such a manner? They have to adhere to the standards' of the international community. They cannot simply point to past transgressions as justification for continued hostilities. At some point blood no longer begets blood and you have to stop and reevaluate the situation. Unless you want them to kill themselves down to the last man. Which it kind of sounds like you do.

Murder is the wanton taking of life without cause. his being a mass murderer, plotter, assassin, kidnapper and leader of an organized criminal gang means he was not an innocent victim. he was a legitimate target based on his personal and voluntary involvment in attacks against israel. if he were to have been found in the US he would have been arrested, tried and convicted on multiple counts of terrorism, or extradited to israel. eithyer way. his career would be over. he hid in the lawless west bank/gaza no-man's land under the porotection of the palestinian authority. much like Osama bin Laden hid out in pakistan under the protection of the pakistani government. will you argue that Oasma was an innocent victim too?

3) You never use the words "Israel is blameless", but you systematically ignore the plight of the Palestinian people and deride them all as terrorists. You constantly assert that Palestinians' and by extention all muslims and arabs are somehow predisposed to violence, and focus only on Israeli casualties. That is pretty much the exact samething as absolving the nation of Israel of all guilt in this conflict.

the palestinian plight is championed by many. i dont have to say "shit's fucked up yo, maybe they need a hand getting their shit on track" the facts are plain to all, and mouthing the words doesnt fix shit. the problem is, too many are forgetting that the Palestinian Authority IS HAMAS, and thus Hamas cannot claim they are victims since they are in fact a militant organization with a demand that israel be destroyed enshrined in their founding documents. they are much like the mafia in sicily, deeply entrenched, protect4ed by the populace by the population's sympathy to their goal, or by intimidation. only by extraordinary measures can the italian government bring sicily's mafiosos to justice, and likewise, israel with hamas. the palestinian people could better their owen bargaining position by electing non-radical, non-militant leaders, or adopting passive resistance ghandi style. if they did that israel wouldnt be able to fart in proximity to gaza without international condemnation and the elimination of foreign aid. but thats not gonna happen.

4) Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, pretty much the entire continent of Africa. These are all prime examples of colonial power's fucking up a region by establishing principalities founded on nothing more than convenience and willingness of local powers to play ball.

iran didnt set their own borders? really? look it up.

saudi arabia isnt the land ruled by the house of saud? really? look it up. ibn saud conquered his neighbors to establish hegemony on the arabian peninsula.

iraq was a british fuckup. they should have made 3 countries not one. kurds in the north, sunnis in the center, and shias in the south. hindsight.

5) Osama bin Laden doesn't represent Islam, Anders Breivik doesn't represent Christianity. Hamas and Al Queda do not represent Islam, the LRA and the KKK do not represent Christianity. What they DO represent is radical assholes who embrace religion as a way to endoctrinate people and stray from the true practices of the faith. This is what i've been trying to tell you the ENTIRE TIME.

no, youve been making excuses. hamas did X because the jews did Y, and because the evil white man in the west did Z 50 years ago, and it's not their fault, it's everbody else's fault except hamas.

6) I view the Iranian governments' legitimacy with great suspicion. That does not justify or conceal the fact that for almost a century the region was a chessboard upon which Western powers played. How many examples are there of countries being installed with a farce of a government whose only job was to glad hand executives and sign exploratory permits.
and this explains why hamas, hezzbollah, al quaeda, abu saif, islamic jihad, the al aqsa brigade, the PLO, fatah, the grey wolves, and so many others hijack airliners, machinegun french preschools, bomb embassies, chop the heads off journailsts, murder shoolgirls, rape reporters, bomb embassies, stab dutch filmakers, put out hit contracts on authors, and launch random inaccurate rockets in the general direction of neighborhoods and hospitals.

you might wish to note for future reference the inaccuracy and randomness of the katuscha rocket is NOT a mitigation, it is part of thei design. the randomness is intended to inspire fear in those who are "targeted" since you never know quite where it's gonna hit. it's a weapon of fear, as intended when stalin approved the basic design in the 1930's.


Well-Known Member
and this explains why hamas, hezzbollah, al quaeda, abu saif, islamic jihad, the al aqsa brigade, the PLO, fatah, the grey wolves, and so many others hijack airliners, machinegun french preschools, bomb embassies, chop the heads off journailsts, murder shoolgirls, rape reporters, bomb embassies, stab dutch filmakers, put out hit contracts on authors, and launch random inaccurate rockets in the general direction of neighborhoods and hospitals.

you might wish to note for future reference the inaccuracy and randomness of the katuscha rocket is NOT a mitigation, it is part of thei design. the randomness is intended to inspire fear in those who are "targeted" since you never know quite where it's gonna hit. it's a weapon of fear, as intended when stalin approved the basic design in the 1930's.
Clearly the religion is not to blame for this dark age they are experiencing, since as you say, they had an age of enlightenment. I wonder what would drive a small fringe within a third of the world's population to such barbarity, certainly it could not be the result of oppression designed to keep them in 3rd world conditions in order to maintain first world conditions for itheir oppressors. Who could those oppressors be? Who lives in first world conditions? Which nation hoards over a fifth of the world's wealth so that it's top 2% can live with fabulous excess? Why are you so content with scraps from the table of this extreme group of oppressors?


Active Member
and this explains why hamas, hezzbollah, al quaeda, abu saif, islamic jihad, the al aqsa brigade, the PLO, fatah, the grey wolves, and so many others hijack airliners, machinegun french preschools, bomb embassies, chop the heads off journailsts, murder shoolgirls, rape reporters, bomb embassies, stab dutch filmakers, put out hit contracts on authors, and launch random inaccurate rockets in the general direction of neighborhoods and hospitals.

you might wish to note for future reference the inaccuracy and randomness of the katuscha rocket is NOT a mitigation, it is part of thei design. the randomness is intended to inspire fear in those who are "targeted" since you never know quite where it's gonna hit. it's a weapon of fear, as intended when stalin approved the basic design in the 1930's.
We are the only reason the House of Saud still stands. That and OPEC pull.

Iran was controlled by the West until their revolution. Not saying I agree with who they ended up with, but you can't deny foreign coercion had a hand it their governance before and was part of the reason why they reacted like they did. Oil was king.

They didn't have their physical borders shaped, but their political destiny was and is being influenced by Western powers. You can't deny that, or try to act like a backlash to that interference is outlandish.

Don't try and play linguistic musical chairs with me Kynes, you WILL lose. Just because you didn't say the word inferior doesn't mean your points aren't summerized by it. You constantly rant and rave about how bad Islam is while ignoring Christianity has it's flaws too. I didn't bring up the molestation cases because I thought mentioning mass murderers like Breivik and the LRA was enough, but apparently you have a soft spot for pedophiles and wanted to discuss it. Weird.

People of all faiths are killers; that is not an easy position, it's the truth. You are the one who tries to hide an entire side of the story.

So stttttaahhhhhhp it.


Ursus marijanus
I'll inject a minor cavil. Murder is not "the wanton killing of humans without cause". It is "the killing of humans with malice aforethought" and without the usual exemptions, such as soldiering. cn


Well-Known Member
I'll inject a minor cavil. Murder is not "the wanton killing of humans without cause". It is "the killing of humans with malice aforethought" and without the usual exemptions, such as soldiering. cn
You have described First Degree or Capital Murder here my friend. Neither Second nor Third Degree Murder have the requirement of "malace aforethought".

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You have described First Degree or Capital Murder here my friend. Neither Second nor Third Degree Murder have the requirement of "malace aforethought".
ok, so the IDF and mossad did a second degree murder, a crime of passion, cuz they just LOVE watching terrorist leaders blow up.

or maybe a third degree or manslaughter... perhaps they just meant to fuck up his car. he was an accidental victim of their hatred for 4 door sedans.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
We are the only reason the House of Saud still stands. That and OPEC pull.

Iran was controlled by the West until their revolution. Not saying I agree with who they ended up with, but you can't deny foreign coercion had a hand it their governance before and was part of the reason why they reacted like they did. Oil was king.

They didn't have their physical borders shaped, but their political destiny was and is being influenced by Western powers. You can't deny that, or try to act like a backlash to that interference is outlandish.

Don't try and play linguistic musical chairs with me Kynes, you WILL lose. Just because you didn't say the word inferior doesn't mean your points aren't summerized by it. You constantly rant and rave about how bad Islam is while ignoring Christianity has it's flaws too. I didn't bring up the molestation cases because I thought mentioning mass murderers like Breivik and the LRA was enough, but apparently you have a soft spot for pedophiles and wanted to discuss it. Weird.

People of all faiths are killers; that is not an easy position, it's the truth. You are the one who tries to hide an entire side of the story.

So stttttaahhhhhhp it.
wow. just .... wow.

also when i play musical chairs, it's full contact. and i never loose.

so heres what ill say. you feel free to run around beating your breast and weeping on everyone's robes, just to prove how un-biased you are, and ill sit over here with the facts and eat my victory strudel with my homeys in the real world.

and the gribbnes and schmaltz. aww fuck yeah.


Ursus marijanus
You have described First Degree or Capital Murder here my friend. Neither Second nor Third Degree Murder have the requirement of "malice aforethought".
I distinguish between murder and manslaughter. Second-degree murder also includes the malice aforethought component. A homicide of passion is generally considered "voluntary manslaughter". The definitions surrounding "third-degree murder" are not consistent. cn


Well-Known Member
Murder: Law . the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder), and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder).
... Happy Thanksgiving ;)


Active Member
wow. just .... wow.

also when i play musical chairs, it's full contact. and i never loose.

so heres what ill say. you feel free to run around beating your breast and weeping on everyone's robes, just to prove how un-biased you are, and ill sit over here with the facts and eat my victory strudel with my homeys in the real world.

and the gribbnes and schmaltz. aww fuck yeah.
Full contact?

What happened to your "football injury"?

Sounds like you're just a draftdodging commie to me, boy.

Scared of Saddam and his boys back when so ya gotta beat your chest now to compensate.

It's all very clear now.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
that generalization makes absolutely no sense and i bet the author would not admit to being wrong

super fail FTW

that way of thinking is entirely back ass backwards and invalidates any learning . . .

and is entirely circumstantial and conditional

at whatever point in whatever argument no matter background or context the first to say na uh is wrong . . .give me a break

a fools argument relies on the counter opinion being wrong-me some guy from washington