Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


New Member
and the sick thing, is that according to a poll, 25% of us feel they have no right to defend themselves. nuts. 99% of middle east are just animals. need to be gotten rid of. if they just kept to their own miseralbel lives, it would be differnet. but they seek and destroy anyone who isnet like them. sort of like our liberals of late, but worse. using violence to get their way. all the while claiming tollerance is the way. what a joke. nuke em.
Agreed with the exception of Israeli there all animals. Perhaps we need to combine the rest into one state maybe in Africa or better yet Antartica with just enough oil to keep from freezing.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
No, I think you like to bandy about like somehow Islam is by definition a more violent World religion than Christianity or Judaiism.

I'm providing biblical passages of evidence that all major religions carry in them some harshly worded teachings. For you to try and distinguish "Oh well, these guys are FAR more violent than THESE GUYS" is to ignore the fact that blood has been spilled in the name of every God.

But more importantly, there are innocent people of every faith. I'm not for peace at any cost. I just feel that calling for death should be a last resort. For you to argue differently means you're lazy or stupid, because you would rather take the easy way of killing rather than the long road to diplomacy.

Bridges of bone will not stand the test of time. Because only through a mutual understanding and respect will the people of this region be able to enjoy peace.
no, yourself, islam IS NOW more violent and aggressive than judaism or christianity. this is the midddle of the moslem dark age. if they can pull themselves out of it maybe they can joint the rest of the world in the 21st century.

but that is pretty unlikely since the iranian ayatollah supreme just had half the iranian assembly's reform minded politicians arrested on charges of "witchcraft and conjuring djinn" no shit. and you think that shit isnt backwards, regressive, and violent?

this latest flareup between the pallies and the israelis is just the latest in a long string of breif and one-sided struggles that the pallies at once decry as horrible atrocities, and claim and glorious victories, despite the restrained, measured and deliberate asswhooping they received. 137 killed? given the past record, about 30% of those will fall off their funeral bier and then obligingly climb back on to continue the funeral procession with much wailing and crying for the media's cameras, or will turn up alive and well someplace else in the west bank or gaza in a few weeks.

only a moron would launch a couple hundred rockets at israel, then be shocked that israel would come in and bust up their rocket batteries. the pallies did not launch the rockets in "retalliation" for israel blowing up one of hamas' top leaders, the israelis blew up the hamas top asshole because he was a top asshole in hamas, and thats a dangerous position to be in if you arent clever enough to hide from the mossad. that asshole was asking for it.

your entire disjointed rambling argumentation in this thread has done nothing but show you to be a smug post-modernist who holds EVERYTHING in disdain for the sole purpose of displaying your lack of bias to the world.


Well-Known Member
no, yourself, islam IS NOW more violent and aggressive than judaism or christianity. this is the midddle of the moslem dark age. if they can pull themselves out of it maybe they can joint the rest of the world in the 21st century.

but that is pretty unlikely since the iranian ayatollah supreme just had half the iranian assembly's reform minded politicians arrested on charges of "witchcraft and conjuring djinn" no shit. and you think that shit isnt backwards, regressive, and violent?

this latest flareup between the pallies and the israelis is just the latest in a long string of breif and one-sided struggles that the pallies at once decry as horrible atrocities, and claim and glorious victories, despite the restrained, measured and deliberate asswhooping they received. 137 killed? given the past record, about 30% of those will fall off their funeral bier and then obligingly climb back on to continue the funeral procession with much wailing and crying for the media's cameras, or will turn up alive and well someplace else in the west bank or gaza in a few weeks.

only a moron would launch a couple hundred rockets at israel, then be shocked that israel would come in and bust up their rocket batteries. the pallies did not launch the rockets in "retalliation" for israel blowing up one of hamas' top leaders, the israelis blew up the hamas top asshole because he was a top asshole in hamas, and thats a dangerous position to be in if you arent clever enough to hide from the mossad. that asshole was asking for it.

your entire disjointed rambling argumentation in this thread has done nothing but show you to be a smug post-modernist who holds EVERYTHING in disdain for the sole purpose of displaying your lack of bias to the world.


"The evil Muslims deserve to be slaughtered."

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

"The evil Muslims deserve to be slaughtered."
no more true than claiming you believe the israelis deserve to be slaughtered.

peace is a fine thing, but if only one side in a conflict wants peace, there will be none.

and as far as i can tell, its hamas, with the inacurate katuscha rockets thats starting trouble, not the israelis. israeli rockets hit their target, hamas rockets just sorta land on whatever gets in their way, and half of them are duds.

the smart money would either get better rockets, or stop starting rocket fights.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
When did I say that?

I support the dissolution of the Israeli regime. Why does that always read as "destruction of Israel"?
dissolution of the "israeli regime" leads to:

moslem domination of the land formerly known as israel, which leads to:

a moslem theocratic state. which leads to:

pogrom on the jews.


Well-Known Member
Doc,I made this former American Jewboy cry on another forum. I got banned.He was moaning how the evil Allah devils must all get exterminated and Israel,where he lived,was too soft and they shame G*d.So as you can see,jews can be the same hate filled fucks.
Nothing worse than a rabid Zionist.


Well-Known Member
dissolution of the "israeli regime" leads to:

moslem domination of the land formerly known as israel, which leads to:

a moslem theocratic state. which leads to:

pogrom on the jews.
Before the Occupation of Israel there were many Jews living peacefully and coexisting in Palestine.

Iran seems to be theocratic, not as bad as the Taliban regime or Saudi but theocratic in many ways nonetheless, yet Jews don't have to hide at all, actually there are 25,000 of them in Tehran alone.


Active Member
no more true than claiming you believe the israelis deserve to be slaughtered.

peace is a fine thing, but if only one side in a conflict wants peace, there will be none.

and as far as i can tell, its hamas, with the inacurate katuscha rockets thats starting trouble, not the israelis. israeli rockets hit their target, hamas rockets just sorta land on whatever gets in their way, and half of them are duds.

the smart money would either get better rockets, or stop starting rocket fights.
There is not a single person on here who has called for killing of Jews directly in the same fasion that you've been argueing for the extermination of Muslims.

You keep claiming the Muslims are by and large the only violent religion. That's complete horseshit, as i've already cited examples such as Anders Breivik who was a Christian. Or how about the Lords Resistance Army in Africa? They also proclaim themselves Christians' and they undertake shit everyday that is beyond words. Where do they fit into your narative about Modern Religion? Or have you decided to solely focus on Muslims?

And as far as this latest offensive goes, you really need to pay better attention. Because Israel initiated this by assasinating a member of a Hamas paramilitary brigade in a planned strike. It was not a retaliation, nor a coordinated defense of the border. It was an overt act of aggression, carried out without provocation and that culminated in the lose of many innocent lives.

You can't play defense and offense at the sametime Kynes, it doesn't work that way.


Ursus marijanus
Before the Occupation of Israel there were many Jews living peacefully and coexisting in Palestine.

Iran seems to be theocratic, not as bad as the Taliban regime or Saudi but theocratic in many ways nonetheless, yet Jews don't have to hide at all, actually there are 25,000 of them in Tehran alone.
A Thomas Wolfe quote seems appropriate here: You can't go home again. The Palestine of the 30s is a memory at best. cn


Well-Known Member
A Thomas Wolfe quote seems appropriate here: You can't go home again. The Palestine of the 30s is a memory at best. cn
That doesn't make Kynes' premise valid. That Muslims are tolerant even in nonsecular Islamic nations is demonstrable, therefore there is no justification for aparthied in Israel.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't make Kynes' premise valid. That Muslims are tolerant even in nonsecular Islamic nations is demonstrable, therefore there is no justification for aparthied in Israel.
Their is no valid reason for apartheid in Israel
Just as there is no valid reason for Muslim religious agression anywhere


Well-Known Member
Their is no valid reason for apartheid in Israel
Just as there is no valid reason for Muslim religious agression anywhere
So fixated.

Nobody says aggression anywhere is valid. Except maybe Kynes and some people who never made a worthy enough impression here to be remembered.

How hard is this to understand?

here, I'll put it in bold:



Ursus marijanus
That doesn't make Kynes' premise valid. That Muslims are tolerant even in nonsecular Islamic nations is demonstrable, therefore there is no justification for aparthied in Israel.
I was not concerning myself with Kynes' premise. I was addressing your reminiscence of Jews living peaceably in old Palestine. Too much has happened for that to be the case again. "Do over!" has a poor record in history.
Also, if you want to argue that nonsecular Muslim nations are tolerant. I submit the example of Iran. They have a Constitutional mandate, (similar to an article in our own Bill of Rights) declaring religious tolerance to be the law of the land, since since early days Persia was a multireligious culture. Lately however, this has been treated more and more cavalierly, even though the law has not been overturned. If the trend continues, the legal protection of non-Muslims will be a hollow shell of abstract law.
As for the toleration of Jews by the core of Islamic nations, that has been rather spotty. cn


Well-Known Member
So fixated.

Nobody says aggression anywhere is valid. Except maybe Kynes and some people who never made a worthy enough impression here to be remembered.

How hard is this to understand?

here, I'll put it in bold:

Then stop trying to portrat Hamas as victims


Well-Known Member
I was not concerning myself with Kynes' premise. I was addressing your reminiscence of Jews living peaceably in old Palestine. Too much has happened for that to be the case again. "Do over!" has a poor record in history.
Also, if you want to argue that nonsecular Muslim nations are tolerant. I submit the example of Iran. They have a Constitutional mandate, (similar to an article in our own Bill of Rights) declaring religious tolerance to be the law of the land, since since early days Persia was a multireligious culture. Lately however, this has been treated more and more cavalierly, even though the law has not been overturned. If the trend continues, the legal protection of non-Muslims will be a hollow shell of abstract law.
As for the toleration of Jews by the core of Islamic nations, that has been rather spotty. cn
It hasn't been within lightyears of what the west is guilty of.

Now before I am berated for using the very tactic I criticized Chesus for using, I have to point out that I am trying to overcome the nearly universal viewpoint that "Israel is defending itself from terrorists".The west as well would have the world believe it is defending its existence from terrorists hellbent on destroying her way of life, out of hatred for her freedoms.

This is why I am sick of having people remind me to fairly insult Hamas along with the Israeli occupiers of Palestine.

There are no "good guys". There are aggressors and victims. Fighting back against aggression is not terrorism. The terrorist's weapon of choice is the drone.