Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member
Don't play naive. You put a comment that contained a reference to the Torah in it next to that picture to draw the conclusion that somehow Judaiism condones harming children/innocents.

You and I are in agreement on the issue at hand, but playing shocktag with Kynes does not give you the highground. It simply lowers you to his level.

And if you honestly believe that Jews are by definition violent due to their faith, how is that any better than someone making the same kind of broad assertions about arabs/Muslims?

Of course the pic bothers me, but more importantly the message behind it's posting. I would be an unfair and bias observer if I were to condemn Kynes for that kind of stuff and then not say something to you for doing essentially the samething.
You don't get my meaning. It's cool, It must be unclear.

I quoted Kynes claiming that the torah is a historical document. I added a picture showing the results of that kind of thinking.


Active Member
I completely disagree with your view that all religions are designed to foster respect for man. Particularly in this case, as the "promised land of milk and honey" was "given" although it was "inhabited by descendants of the wicked nephilim" to "God's" "chosen" as "covenant" which Solomon broke by worshiping other "gods".

I understood your intentions, I just don't care for the method of delivery you choose to use.

You can logically articulate a position without resorting to that kind of stuff.


Well-Known Member
the Arabs need no reason for war other than the Qu' it.
if you beleave that then your has stupid has the extreamist muslims doing the dumb shit..... not all muslims are terrosists, just how not all black people are gang members, ect....


Well-Known Member
Wipe the sand out of your vagina. Seriously.

I wasn't trying to pick shit with you dude, but how can anyone take the point you're trying to make seriously when you are clearly so bias in one direction?

People who bluster and make alot of noise without actually taking time to explain their positions are why others choose to drown out what you're saying. It's not that the message your bringing isn't true or important, it's that you don't deliver it in an effective manner. It drives me nuts, because then I get to listen to douchebags talk about how everyone who favors peace and a progressive outlook of governance is just some "mindless liberal quotemachine".

MSNBC and Fox News aren't that much different in the end. Neither are you and Kynes if all you have to say is "Israel is bad. Fuck Israel." Quit trying to beat people over the head with shit and actually try to convince them. That way when they come to the conclusion in the end, you can be see as someone who promoted understanding rather than simply someguy who chose to prolong the arguement.

You want the Palestinians' to have peace, well doesn't that also extend to the Israelis? Can't have one without the other.
You are severely misled if you think Israel is not the aggressor.

Your point about MSNBC and Fox is also BS, both are skewed in support of Israel.

It's clear we have an obvious underdog here and that is the Palestinian people.

Primary Israel targets are buildings where journalists and press are covering the plight of the Palestinians.

So yes, I am biased, because I do not believe that Israel is in a plight.


Active Member
You are severely misled if you think Israel is not the aggressor.
I have said from start-to-finish that I blame Israel for this current flare up, because that's who started it.

But both sides have blood on their hands. For you to sit there and try to say otherwise puts you on the otherside of the Kynes-coin. Fact.

I'm trying to get you, someone with whom I agree on the topic at hand, to present a better arguement so that you don't detract from the conversation by simply throwing a lot of pictures and 1-liners in peoples' faces like it's an episode of CSI.


Active Member
You do what you do because you do it.

The self-perpetuating cycle of ignorance is something you should be aware of.

Because sooner or later, your life is going to start looking alot like that Bill Murray movie "Groundhog Day". Same shit, different day. Different day. Different day. Etc.

You can't get up here and bitch about how horrible it is for Palestinians' to be dying and then support the deaths of Israelis.

Sorry bud, it just doesn't work that way. You either want peace or war. There isn't too much of a gray area between life and death, regardless of whose doing the killing and whose doing the dying.


Well-Known Member the deaths of Israelis...
I never said that.

I support the peaceful dissolution of the Israeli government, since everything about it is illegitimate, although I accept the fact that it will never occur. I use subtlety to point out things like, Israel is a terrorist state that America negotiates with, while maintaining brutish posture in my use of memes and brief arguments. You don't have to like the way I argue, I don't like the way you argue, fuck political correctness. I'm passionate and I pick a fuckin side. Then I offend and poke and prod and anger and generally annoy. That's how I roll. I like to get high too.

We cool tho.


Active Member
I never said that.

I support the peaceful dissolution of the Israeli government, since everything about it is illegitimate, although I accept the fact that it will never occur. I use subtlety to point out things like, Israel is a terrorist state that America negotiates with, while maintaining brutish posture in my use of memes and brief arguments. You don't have to like the way I argue, I don't like the way you argue, fuck political correctness. I'm passionate and I pick a fuckin side. Then I offend and poke and prod and anger and generally annoy. That's how I roll. I like to get high too.

We cool tho.
I think you need to look up subtlety, because the way you conduct yourself here is anything but.

Blunt but uninformative would be a more accurate description.

You're not offending anyone, you're not annoying anyone, you're just cheapening the arguement. You think you're some kind of provocateur, when in fact your just like every other kid at every other UC school who knows how to use Google picture search.

Try making a real arguement and see if people don't actually give what your saying some thought. Rather than simply writing you off as a loudmouth.

I have a very clearly defined stance here. I want a 2-state solution, peaceful cohibitation. And what do you want? To dissolve the Israeli government and then what? Ask the Jews to find someone to part the waters' again and tell them to start walking towards Miami?

Seriously, you even said it yourself that what your aiming for is not a realistic option. So what is the end result then?


New Member
I never said that. I support the peaceful dissolution of the Israeli government, since everything about it is illegitimate, although I accept the fact that it will never occur. I use subtlety to point out things like, Israel is a terrorist state that America negotiates with, while maintaining brutish posture in my use of memes and brief arguments. You don't have to like the way I argue, I don't like the way you argue, fuck political correctness. I'm passionate and I pick a fuckin side. Then I offend and poke and prod and anger and generally annoy. That's how I roll. I like to get high too. We cool tho.
i just donated to APIAC in your name. Now let the tanks role in those ignorant ragheads in gaza never learn. It may take killing up to half of them since there so stupid.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to look up subtlety, because the way you conduct yourself here is anything but.

Blunt but uninformative would be a more accurate description.

You're not offending anyone, you're not annoying anyone, you're just cheapening the arguement. You think you're some kind of provocateur, when in fact your just like every other kid at every other UC school who knows how to use Google picture search.

Try making a real arguement and see if people don't actually give what your saying some thought. Rather than simply writing you off as a loudmouth.

I have a very clearly defined stance here. I want a 2-state solution, peaceful cohibitation. And what do you want? To dissolve the Israeli government and then what? Ask the Jews to find someone to part the waters' again and tell them to start walking towards Miami?

Seriously, you even said it yourself that what your aiming for is not a realistic option. So what is the end result then?
Two state solution huh, so one of those states is a Jewish state?

Think about that.

Is a Jewish state ok? Or is that apartheid?

Is a white state ok? Is a black state ok? Is a Muslim state ok?

How about one democratic state?

About how I argue, I said I use subtlety to inject a concept while maintaining a brutish stance. I know what I meant and if you think I'm using the word subtlety incorrectly, go read the thread again. Furthermore, I have conveyed concepts and I got you writing, as I got Kynes writing and I am writing, so we're all writing and conveying concepts, and at least I'm entertained.

get the sand out of your vagina...