Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


Well-Known Member
and on iwo jima the US marine corps "only" lost 4 men for every 25 japanese killed.

4/25 = battle
1/25 = genocide.

if the pallies were armed equipped and led like the japanese imperial forces israel would be in for a real fight, but the pallies being unorganized, poorly equipped and poorly led doesnt make them any less a military force, nor any less a threat to israel.

if the situation were reversed, the israelis would be the ones getting massacred, and hamas would tell world opinion to pound sand. and historically that how it has gone in the arab/jew wars since islam first became a force in the region.

conversely, if the pallies were to, as you suggest, adopt a ghandi style non-violence approach, the israelis would not be killing anybody. and you can take that to the bank.
however, if the israelis adopt non-violence under hamas occupation, hamas would simply take this oportunity to eliminate all jews in their power. history has shown this over and over again.
You see, I think my vision is clouded somewhat by a belief that there's an underlying goodness and genuine desire for peace in everyone.

Palestinians should still get a State tho man, look at Southern and Northern know the history and now noone cares about sectarianism, etc (bar the obvious nutjobs that'll ALWAYS exist).


Well-Known Member position has now changed to:

Fuck both sides for making me dedicate so much brain-processor time to their bullshit.

I hope they both start getting a 1 to 1 kill ratio on each other tho.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You see, I think my vision is clouded somewhat by a belief that there's an underlying goodness and genuine desire for peace in everyone.

Palestinians should still get a State tho man, look at Southern and Northern know the history and now noone cares about sectarianism, etc (bar the obvious nutjobs that'll ALWAYS exist).
pure agreement i have for you. but sadly jordan doesnt want the west bank back and if israel simply withdrew and left the west bank to create a nation for themselves the entire territory would be a bloodbath, and that blood bath WOULD once again spill over into israel, as the extremists claim israel is ALSO occupied by zionists and thus the entire nation of israel is actually palestine.

it is impossible to portion off a part for the pallies without that action being used to support the claim that israel itself is the property of the pallies. thats wht machmoud and hamas mean when they discuss "regime change" in israel. the "illegitimate occupation regime" of israel becoming the "islamic state of plaestine, no jews allowed".

the two state solution is a futile attempt to find compromise between two groups that are utterly incompatible.

israel claims that they have a right to exist, even if it must be within the pre-1967 borders, the pallies' political leaders insist israel must exist within the pre-1948 borders which is "wiped off the map" (or if you wish, lifted/cleansed from the pages of time).

thats the real bone of contention, the pallies insist their "state" is all of israel, as well as gaza and the west bank. shockingly the israelis dont think much of this idea.


Well-Known Member
pure agreement i have for you. but sadly jordan doesnt want the west bank back and if israel simply withdrew and left the west bank to create a nation for themselves the entire territory would be a bloodbath, and that blood bath WOULD once again spill over into israel, as the extremists claim israel is ALSO occupied by zionists and thus the entire nation of israel is actually palestine. it is impossible to portion off a part for the pallies without that action being used to support the claim that israel itself is the property of the pallies. thats wht machmoud and hamas mean when they discuss "regime change" in israel. the "illegitimate occupation regime" of israel becoming the "islamic state of plaestine, no jews allowed". the two state solution is a futile attempt to find compromise between two groups that are utterly incompatible. israel claims that they have a right to exist, even if it must be within the pre-1967 borders, the pallies' political leaders insist israel must exist within the pre-1948 borders which is "wiped off the map" (or if you wish, lifted/cleansed from the pages of time). thats the real bone of contention, the pallies insist their "state" is all of israel, as well as gaza and the west bank. shockingly the israelis dont think much of this idea.
One could once have said Irish and English people were "entirely uncompatable". Now they're just like "pussy" versions of us and we all good "Holmes"...did I say that right? ;p

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Umm Israel stole its land. That land was gone to the jews for thousands of years. The Torrah ends like a tragedy with jewish disporia for their not sucking God's dick properly. So the jews in Israel are being wicked sinners against G*d. Fuck religion!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
One could once have said Irish and English people were "entirely uncompatable". Now they're just like "pussy" versions of us and we all good "Holmes"...did I say that right? ;p
ireland had a much simpler and less difficult history with their occupation.

plus anglicans didnt have a basic tenet of their religion being the elimination of all catholics. (except cromwell, but he was a cockbag)

you may notice that to this day a portion of eire is still held by foreign usurpers. the key is paddies arent raised with a burning desire to strap on a bomb vest and run into a british checkpoint.

if the british tried to ban whisky i assure you the entire issue would erupt again, and this time there would be no prisoners.

fuck, gaza 2007 would be like a bouncy castle in comparison.

also, it is "we is all good, Homes". not Holmes, Homes, like Homie. an individual who resides in the same neighborhood as oneself. and it is NEVER "are" it always be "is". fo shizzle.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Umm Israel stole its land. That land was gone to the jews for thousands of years. The Torrah ends like a tragedy with jewish disporia for their not sucking God's dick properly. So the jews in Israel are being wicked sinners against G*d. Fuck religion!
"palestine" has been occupoied by a foreign invader since the philistines got their asses kicked in around 1000 bc. the various occupiers of the land have been:

the jews
the assyrians
the baylonians
the romans
the persians
the ottomans
the british
and now, the jews again.

before the british relinquished their rule over the region and CREATED the modern states of jordan, iraq, and israel they were all simply a big useless desert under the rule of one group or another, and they were largely irrelevant to everyone's interest except as the piece of dirt you have to control to gain access to a more valuable piece of dirt on the other side.

till somebody found oil...

the actual piece of dirt that is israel used to be part of the jordanian "kingdom" which was only a kingdom by ottoman, and british sufferance. when britain sliced off the LEAST valuable parts of transjordan (the west side of the jordan river) and gave it to the jews everybody though that was a great idea, except the islamic extremists who hold that any place once part of dar al islam, is forever part of dar al islam (including span and almost all of eastern europe up to the east gates of vienna) and then, trouble. the current vogue among the white guilt posse is to blame the israelis for everything, it's all their fault and they should just surrender. and thats a load of crap coming from assholes who dont have to live under the proposed new islamic state of palestine's jurisdiction.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Doc,I made this former American Jewboy cry on another forum. I got banned.He was moaning how the evil Allah devils must all get exterminated and Israel,where he lived,was too soft and they shame G*d.So as you can see,jews can be the same hate filled fucks.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Doc,I made this former American Jewboy cry on another forum. I got banned.He was moaning how the evil Allah devils must all get exterminated and Israel,where he lived,was too soft and they shame G*d.So as you can see,jews can be the same hate filled fucks.
yes. but the jews hate filled fucks are not top ranking members of the knesset, and they do not gernally have a policy that demand all pallies be pushed into the sea.

you can find assholes, fucktards and dimwits in any group, even among potheads we got dinks like abandonconflict and echelon who scream about peace at any cost, as long as they aint the ones paying the price, and who throw around inflammatory comments like "israeli apartheid" and "israel's holocaust/genocide against the pallies" they know its all bullshit, if these narratives were even half true, the al aqsa mosque would have long ago been torn down and a synagogue or even a temple would be standing on site now.

only by conflating the "plight" of the self-segregated "refugee camps" and the occupied territories with ALL moslems living within the area controlled by israel can they even pretend that there is apartheid, and the genocide story is entirely fictional.

inside israel proper, many moslems live work and worship as full citizens of israel, and theres a shitload of mosques. only within the occupied territories do the people face the problems faced by EVERYONE living under military occupation including in cyrprus, tibet, kosovo, darfur, afghanistan, east timor, waziristan, chechnya etc etc etc.


Well-Known Member
before the british relinquished their rule over the region and CREATED the modern states of jordan, iraq, and israel they were all simply a big useless desert under the rule of one group or another, and they were largely irrelevant to everyone's interest except as the piece of dirt you have to control to gain access to a more valuable piece of dirt on the other side. .
I don't understand the westerner mentality that I created you and if you make me look bad I dam will destroy you . * Snapple Fact * Notice Iran has been there from the beginning, and was a close ally with the British rule.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I don't understand the westerner mentality that I created you and if you make me look bad I dam will destroy you . * Snapple Fact * Notice Iran has been there from the beginning, and was a close ally with the British rule.
the actual land that britain gave to the new nation of israel was empty desert and scrub, wiht no value. the entire area was the property of the british crown, except for a few small holders and some absentee landords who held a small fraction of the territory that became israel, and the owners wer paid very well for their little peice of sand and they were quite happy with their sale (which was voluntary, not a siezure) the only "palestinians" who got screwed on the dal were renters and squatters when the jews showed up to turn the desert into a nation.

the shape israel took was determined by the LACK of habitation in the area they received which is why israel takes such a wired and ungainly shape. the west bank and gaza regions were deliberatly excised from the land grant from the british crown to the jews because these areas had arab populations. the rest of the land that became israel was empty arid desert with nothing to recomend it, save that the jews used to live there and they wanted it back.

were it not for the religious and historic association between the jews and the historically MUCH larger land of israel, the jews could have been settled anyplace, the southwest US, northern mexico, the sahara desert, the gobi, basically anyplace that nobody lives because it's fuck all hot and as dry as mitt romney's man-pussy.

the jews worked hard as fuck to make israel into a garden, and now the pallies need to decide if they will keep trying to suckerpunch the jews and steal their shit, or if they will finally recognize that it just aint gonna happen, and they decide to shut down their wacky factions and deal with the jews like people instead of a vermin infestation.


Active Member
and on iwo jima the US marine corps "only" lost 4 men for every 25 japanese killed.

4/25 = battle
1/25 = genocide.

if the pallies were armed equipped and led like the japanese imperial forces israel would be in for a real fight, but the pallies being unorganized, poorly equipped and poorly led doesnt make them any less a military force, nor any less a threat to israel.

if the situation were reversed, the israelis would be the ones getting massacred, and hamas would tell world opinion to pound sand. and historically that how it has gone in the arab/jew wars since islam first became a force in the region.

conversely, if the pallies were to, as you suggest, adopt a ghandi style non-violence approach, the israelis would not be killing anybody. and you can take that to the bank.
however, if the israelis adopt non-violence under hamas occupation, hamas would simply take this oportunity to eliminate all jews in their power. history has shown this over and over again.
Stop hiding and answer my 3 questions from earlier, Kynes. I didn't forget about you.

Unless that is, you already know your answers are going to expose you for what you really are.

In which case I will accept your continued avoidance/silence as proof of pants-pissing.


Active Member

Answer these 3 questions for me if you would please.

1) Do you support the United States adopting a set of laws that adhere more to a Biblical point of reference?

2) If China were to come and invade California successfully, then claim it as their own, would you recognize that claim because it was "in China's interest" to take it and part of the geopolitical evolution-throuh-conquest you mentioned? Or would you be one of the people calling for some Red Dawn-style action, even though that would be going against part of that concept of Nation's bettering their position through occupation you were speaking of..

3) The deathtoll stands at 94-3, with the Palestinians obviously comprising the larger toll. 24 confirmed civilian casualties in the last 48 hrs. Do you still really believe Israel is defending itself? If so, that says all I need to hear. Because if you can look at those numbers and still think this is not an offensive you must be on drugs.
Here they are, so you don't have to go all the way back and be embarassed by your previous posts'. The only difference now is there are 10 more dead Palestinians' AT LEAST, since I originally posed those questions to you.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Answer these 3 questions for me if you would please.

1) Do you support the United States adopting a set of laws that adhere more to a Biblical point of reference?

Again, dipshit, i am not a christian, nor am i a jew, i have no interest in or affiliation with the bible, and vewry little use for the torah outside it's historical relevance to the matter at hand.
Further, the US is not a theocracy, and i would oppose any move in that direction, whether the religion favoured were chrisitanity, judaism, buddhism or even marxism.

2) If China were to come and invade California successfully, then claim it as their own, would you recognize that claim because it was "in China's interest" to take it and part of the geopolitical evolution-throuh-conquest you mentioned? Or would you be one of the people calling for some Red Dawn-style action, even though that would be going against part of that concept of Nation's bettering their position through occupation you were speaking of..

this moronic statement disguised as a question is rhetorical masturbation at it's lowest. presumably you think the phrasing quite clever, but youre wrong. China HAS invaded Tibet, and their control of Tibet is a Fait Accompli, in the parlance of international law. in some distant time, the Tibetans may overthrow the chinese yoke, or china may collapse inward again freeing Tibet from their domination, but until such time as that happens, Tibet is OWNED by china. all the bitching moaning and protest rallies wont change that fact. If the Chinese decide to eject the llamas and reinstal the ancient Lhasa kings, and then declare Tibet to be the Free and Sovereign Nation of Ancient Lhasa, then theres fuck all we can do about it. some might even say thats a good thing. complaining about the game of thrones and nations doesnt change the facts, or the rules of the game.

3) The deathtoll stands at 94-3, with the Palestinians obviously comprising the larger toll. 24 confirmed civilian casualties in the last 48 hrs. Do you still really believe Israel is defending itself? If so, that says all I need to hear. Because if you can look at those numbers and still think this is not an offensive you must be on drugs.

Yes. ever since the war in '67, israel has been in sporadic conflict with "non state actors" in the occupied territories. claiming this offensive/counteroffensive/police action/whatever you want to call it is the beginning and end of this conflict is retarded. history did not begin yesterday, and bombs, assasinations, kidnappings, rocket attacks, murders, and other such unpleasantness has been going on for SOME TIME. Both Sides have been hit, and both sides claim they are mearly retaliating. Both Sides have a reasonable claim that the other side is at fault. Only ONE SIDE is held accountable for their actions. and thats Israel. every suicide bomber, rocket brigade, machinegun swinging synagogue visitor, and kidnapper on the hamas side is "acting alone" or is a "civilian" when he gets nailed by the mossad, the IDF or his own fellow palestinians from a rival group, but they are never the fucntionaries of the hamas/hezzbollah organizations. israel acts in the light of day, they do not hide their actions, unlike hamas and hezzbollah.
The IDF also does not set up their military bases, checkpoints and weapons installations on the roofs of hospitals, or the playground of a primary school.
The IDF and Mossad also do not stuf retarded kid's backpacks with explosives and send the kid off towards a molsem school.
The IDF and Mossad never hijacked a cruise ship, or airliner from a foreign land, and then demanded the victim nation take action against hamas or hezbollah.
facts is facts.


Active Member
facts is facts.
And lies are lies, Kynes.

You say you're not a Christian, but then you ramble on and on and on about how imporant state religions' are here. Well, truth is they aren't. Because thankfully, we as a nation have moved to a point beyond catering to any specific religious sect and embrace/respect all people. We are a multi-cultural society, for good or ill. You try and argue against the seperation of Church and State, and yet swear up and down that you aren't some kind of fundamentalist whacko. Please fill me in on that one.

Don't try to run and hide behind some diatribe about Tibet bud (even though that is another fantastic example of deplorable international bullying conducted by a regional superpower on an ethnic minority ill-placed to defend itself), answer the question. If China were to come in and invade US soil, regardless of where, what would you think? Even if they had the means to keep and retain that territory for an extended timeframe and brought in a bunch of people and infrastructure, what would you say? "Ok China, that's cool. Enjoy LA!"? I doubt it. I think you, like any other American, would be outraged and ready to fight. I have said before I recognize that due to timespent, the Israeli claim is now legitimate too because you can't easily ask people to simply give up the area theyve called home for so long. But for you to act as if the Palestinians' have no right to be there and are completely out of line for being angry, is beyond foolish. You need to scale down your "DEFEND ISRAEL AT ALL COSTS" stuff and look at the deathtolls. Overwhemingly, it's not Israeli blood being spilled.

Stop trying to use big fonts and shocktactics like "retards with backpacks" man, it does not add to your arguement and only serves to show a genuine lack of compassion on your part for both the victims and the unfortunate HANDICAPPED child that was killed. Just because the Palestinians' can't afford Blackhawk gunships and Predator Missles, doesn't mean that the way they conduct themselves is any less dirty than the Israelis. Look at the death toll, I think even you can realize one of those numbers is multiple times larger than the other.


Active Member

Shocktactics are unappreciated from either point of view.

Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but we still have to be mindful of what we're saying.

Posting a comment about the Torah next to a pic like that is no better then baiting people.

All major religions are, at their core, designed to foster in people a respect for man and the world around them as both are a creation of "God". So, just because men of all religious denominations decide to stray from that for their own ends', does not mean we should indulge them by trying to deepen the divide.


Well-Known Member

Shocktactics are unappreciated from either point of view.

Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but we still have to be mindful of what we're saying.

Posting a comment about the Torah next to a pic like that is no better then baiting people.

All major religions are, at their core, designed to foster in people a respect for man and the world around them as both are a creation of "God". So, just because men of all religious denominations decide to stray from that for their own ends', does not mean we should indulge them by trying to deepen the divide.
What comment about the Torah? Kynes considers it a historical document.

I completely disagree with your view that all religions are designed to foster respect for man. Particularly in this case, as the "promised land of milk and honey" was "given" although it was "inhabited by descendants of the wicked nephilim" to "God's" "chosen" as "covenant" which Solomon broke by worshiping other "gods".

Does the site of a child in the ghetto called Gaza bother you? it sure bothers me.


Active Member
Don't play naive. You put a comment that contained a reference to the Torah in it next to that picture to draw the conclusion that somehow Judaiism condones harming children/innocents.

You and I are in agreement on the issue at hand, but playing shocktag with Kynes does not give you the highground. It simply lowers you to his level.

And if you honestly believe that Jews are by definition violent due to their faith, how is that any better than someone making the same kind of broad assertions about arabs/Muslims?

Of course the pic bothers me, but more importantly the message behind it's posting. I would be an unfair and bias observer if I were to condemn Kynes for that kind of stuff and then not say something to you for doing essentially the samething.