Well I am not sure. depending on the situation I would guess investigations can be long and complex or short and simple. Seems congress can't get anything done quick. I thought the investigative committee did question some people about what happened. Didn't they ask any of the people you are referring to?
The *INVESTIGATION* the white house is referring to is an internal investigation and has nothing to do with the investigation congress is conducting.
Why are you asking me? The administration is the one dodging the questions and saying they will let us know after the investigation. And that is AFTER Obama came out and said that the facts were being given to the country as fast as they were being discovered which is a total lie because all the facts are being leaked out from the intelligence community which is pissed off at the administration for their stonewalling.
My point is and continues to be that there is an extremely short chain of command that has to be investigated. And that would take a few days not over 2 months...
This investigation is going to take over 6 more days which conveniently takes us past election day and any information that might help us make a decision on the next president.
You dont think something is fishy about that?