CIA Operators Denied Help During Benghazi Attack

Taxpayers are folks, Al-Quida are folks, Rich people are folks, The military are folks, poor people are victims. And on and on he goes. Folks, folks, folks Folks, folks, folks Folks, folks, folks
Taxpayers are folks, Al-Quida are folks, Rich people are folks, The military are folks, poor people are victims. And on and on he goes. Folks, folks, folks Folks, folks, folks Folks, folks, folks

Why dont you just call Obama a nigger and get it out of your system already?
My support for Obama isnt founded on racism
But obviously your posting history shows your opposition to him is

Go fuck yourself cheesy....

Your racist delusions do not apply to me.

The guy isnt even black... Regardless of what Madonna says.... Dumbass...
There was a C130 in the area but no one qualified to call in the "Rain". That is a job handled by CCT "Combat Controllers" from USAF 24th Special Tactics Squadron or trained JTACs from conventional units.

You have to be specially trained and posses the right comms gear to even make contact with a spectre let alone call in accurate fire.
I already told you. How come you're not listening? We had CIA operatives a mile away. VERY well trained for combat situations. Also you must not know about the AC-130. Why don't you do your homework, and then if you still have questions about crowd dispersement designed aircraft you get back to me.

The CIA operatives were analysts and case/field officers. They are not trained for combat situations. They are information gatherers. The average case office gets 3-4 months of paramilitary training at the farm before being stationed to a post for the first time. This training is not equal to the training or experience an individual would receive in a special operations role. No where near in fact.

CIA guys are babysat by operators from JSOC. The JSOC guys bring the firepower, effectivlely providing security for the case officer in the field.

Shit in a combat situation, once your heartbeat exceeds 145 bpm you lose all control of fine motor skills so you could'nt shoot straight if you tried. The CIA blokes would've been a liability unless they were from the SAD. SAD guys come from JSOC, they would'nt have sat by and let the SEALs fight it out alone.
all night you been whining about everything but what you say is a lie
yet you fail to cite any evidence what you say is the truth

Fact and bottom line is

You are trying to exploit the unfortunate deaths of americans overseas for political gain.
That makes you a serious shit stain on the fabric of american society

You mean "Bottom Line Up Front" not "Fact and bottom line"
There is no need to say anything more

And you support the cocksucker who "exploits the death of americans for political purposes"

You should be ashamed of yourself. I hope ninjas visit you in the dead of the night!

I agree in the heat of the battle your comrades are in distress and you are able to help and are ordered to stand down. I believe I recently saw a soldier on the daily show saying he was in a situation where a group close to him was in a heavy fire fight and they asked permission to assist and were denied. The reason was the risk of more casualties was very likely. I think he ended up disregarding orders and gave fire support pulled some of his buddies to safety. The commander that miles away was making these calls.

So if you think about bengazi and this soldiers story, you wonder how often these soldiers are denied to help there comrades in battles. Personally I think if the generals told obama it makes sense to send in support, I am sure he would have done it. Imagine if we found out they approved support and obama denied it. Or if the generals opposed support and obama overrode that opinion and called for added support, and what if you have 10-15 casualties now. What would the right say? Not saying obama's hands are completely clean in this, but we have to wait until a investigation is done.

I agree in the heat of the battle your comrades are in distress and you are able to help and are ordered to stand down. I believe I recently saw a soldier on the daily show saying he was in a situation where a group close to him was in a heavy fire fight and they asked permission to assist and were denied. The reason was the risk of more casualties was very likely. I think he ended up disregarding orders and gave fire support pulled some of his buddies to safety. The commander that miles away was making these calls.

So if you think about bengazi and this soldiers story, you wonder how often these soldiers are denied to help there comrades in battles. Personally I think if the generals told obama it makes sense to send in support, I am sure he would have done it. Imagine if we found out they approved support and obama denied it. Or if the generals opposed support and obama overrode that opinion and called for added support, and what if you have 10-15 casualties now. What would the right say? Not saying obama's hands are completely clean in this, but we have to wait until a investigation is done.


LOL!!! The investigation is bullshit... There are maybe 30 people in the chain of command. You could sit them down and get the answers in a day or less. In fact, they already have the answers. This is not a murder mystery it is a coverup made to protect the president and his poll numbers to get him through the election.
LOL!!! The investigation is bullshit... There are maybe 30 people in the chain of command. You could sit them down and get the answers in a day or less. In fact, they already have the answers. This is not a murder mystery it is a coverup made to protect the president and his poll numbers to get him through the election.

So what are you saying? I'd love to understand your frustration. Is it Obama himself denied back up, when it was requested? What cover up are you implying. That the administration was uncertain in the hours/days after the attack weather it was from the video or a planned attack? I agree there are question that need to be answered, but according to you we have all the answers already and the investigation is bs. Sounds to me if we had all the answers and the president was at fault, then it would be all over the news. Talk to me brother. :)

So what are you saying? I'd love to understand your frustration. Is it Obama himself denied back up, when it was requested? What cover up are you implying. That the administration was uncertain in the hours/days after the attack weather it was from the video or a planned attack? I agree there are question that need to be answered, but according to you we have all the answers already and the investigation is bs. Sounds to me if we had all the answers and the president was at fault, then it would be all over the news. Talk to me brother. :)


What exactly would you say they are *investigating*?? Again, this isnt a murder mystery where the criminal needs to be sought out.

We have video in real time from the attack. We have all the people in the administration. You ask them who did what and when.

The administration already KNOWS who denied support for the Ambassador and other civilians. The 2 navy seals that repeatedly asked for backup managed to rescue 30 civilians during that 7 hour period when the battle was taking place.

There is really nothing to investigate. We were attacked, someone in the administration denied repeated requests for assistance and people died because of it.

How long do you realistically think it takes to investigate? What do you think they are "investigating"??

The "news" has conveniently glossed over the Bengazi issue for the most part. The mainstream media is covering for Obama by not putting it on the front page. I am pissed because this administration is the least transparent and most arrogant in my lifetime. They work for us, not the other way around.
say what you may of romney, he is still more presidential than obama.

and joe has imitated just about every animal in the zoo while on the campaign stump..

And when the dust settles and we know all of the time line i surmise all O will
be able to do is to continue to hang his head in shame, along with his minions.