CIA Operators Denied Help During Benghazi Attack

Not anymore... We're seeing the same in Syria.

Why the Benghazi Consulate Attack Will Blind the U.S.

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So what the REpublicans are after is an admission that the consulate (read ordinary house) in Benghazi was nothing but a CIA operation?
Or are they on the attack because the administration cant breach opsec and admit that there wasnt enough security because they didnt want it to look like a CIA operation?
Just what are the Republicans up to?
So what the REpublicans are after is an admission that the consulate (read ordinary house) in Benghazi was nothing but a CIA operation?
Or are they on the attack because the administration cant breach opsec and admit that there wasnt enough security because they didnt want it to look like a CIA operation?
Just what are the Republicans up to?

republicans, democrats, just remember your cheesyness, they are wings of the same bird.

There is only one government, if there is wrong done by the government, it is just that, the governments fault. Blame a party or a faction or whatever you think will make you feel good about your "side" of government, because the reality of it is, it stinks, every government around the globe stinks and nothing will change that.


republicans, democrats, just remember your cheesyness, they are wings of the same bird.

There is only one government, if there is wrong done by the government, it is just that, the governments fault. Blame a party or a faction or whatever you think will make you feel good about your "side" of government, because the reality of it is, it stinks, every government around the globe stinks and nothing will change that.



How about the security of America?
Dont you think that if the end game of the Republicans is to embarass the president but the side effect is to endanger Americans and our operations overseas. That maybe that is treasonous?
How about the security of America?
Dont you think that if the end game of the Republicans is to embarass the president but the side effect is to endanger Americans and our operations overseas. That maybe that is treasonous?

No, I do not think anyone is going to do anything that will bring any more shame or disdain on this president as it has on any before him. You are so wrapped up in trying to pinpoint blame on a completely and utterly disfunctional organization that you cannot see the forest for the trees. Government is corrupt and broken, all of it, as a whole. Quit picking straws.


I read the article
It confirms what I have always suspected. The consulate in Benghazi was a CIA operation. It was attacked. So should the president acknowledge what it's actual mission was and put more CIA assets in danger just to answer the attacks from the Republicans?
I read the article
It confirms what I have always suspected. The consulate in Benghazi was a CIA operation. It was attacked. So should the president acknowledge what it's actual mission was and put more CIA assets in danger just to answer the attacks from the Republicans?

We all KNOW it was an agency op. Former military guys were only there to protect the targeters and collectors. People within the white house have confirmed it and he doesn't need to confirm anything - his administration leaks like a sieve and his own people leak shit to discredit him.

Don't think this will get better either - as baer commented this will cripple the agencies collection activities in the area and at a time when we really need eyes/ears on the ground, especially in Syria.

Don't think this is an isolated incident either - reckless Mideast policies from both sides of the isle led up to Benghazi.

The mission, in this case, is irrelevant imo as the country was/is in turmoil and the CIA is a foreign intelligence agency, their job is to be there and many years ago it was a given that state was an extension of the agency.
I read the article
It confirms what I have always suspected. The consulate in Benghazi was a CIA operation. It was attacked. So should the president acknowledge what it's actual mission was and put more CIA assets in danger just to answer the attacks from the Republicans?

Attacks from republicans?...How about attacks from the parents of the dead people....Did you miss that part about the dead peoples mothers and fathers and there right to know why there kids got shit on....
I read the article
It confirms what I have always suspected. The consulate in Benghazi was a CIA operation. It was attacked. So should the president acknowledge what it's actual mission was and put more CIA assets in danger just to answer the attacks from the Republicans?

That seems to be it. I watched it all on CSPAN3. No commercials, no talking heads.

It looks like a fuckup, SNAFU, FUBAR from the start. But, nothing more. IAC, business as usual for our great Republic. Was it treasonous to go after Nixon? No. It is the system. This public part, anyway. Everyone knows what happened, but it is Classified. So, we are given self aggrandizing stories, for politics....from both side....CONSTANTLY, on ALL topics.

- It was some shoddy diplomacy as we confused our new friends, trying to run Libya.

- It was a CIA front that didn't rise to the standards of Mission

- The cover story for Stevens even being there on 9/11, is thin, but holding. (to give it more credence, with less security??) (Hicks said, 9/11 was just business as usual)

*****WHAT ??? this is why I know the lie. When the Ambassador is in an unsecured location on 9/11, 600 miles out on the limb, conducting secret business with the Turks, with no security detail...... NOT business as usual....a lie on its face.

So, still some questions.....or not.

- Col. Griffin told to stand down by SoCOM (Pentagon confirmed yesterday)

- Never a video or demonstration reported

- Ambassador was there on a secret mission that is remaining secret

- Contradicted, by Susan Rice, the Libyan Pres, slow boated the FBI investigation

- Mr Hicks. went from hero to goat, overnight when he questioned the political top cover...the Rice story.

- The Accountability Review was the Fox saying the Hen House door was broken, but not by who.

It was a carefully crafted, re-election tap dance, that worked.

What I saw was the pubic part of the system. One hearing in 8 rails of Freedom. Good civics, if that term was not such an oxymoron.

People think politics is everything. HA. No way.

Politics is everything they are willing to say. Mostly lies and lies about that. Always the same. Remember? "I can't remember Iran or Contra....wait, where is Contra, again?"

Why the tap dance, then? Considerations beyond our need to know and simple, classic, fuck ups in self rule, seems to me. No foul. No smoking gun. No scandal. The Pubs could not cook up a scandal, even if Hillary threw off all her clothes. :) They would probably rush to cover her....from behind...wink, wink...
The Republicans are soo afraid of Hillary in 2016, they are trying everything & anything to discredit her.
She'll be President soon enough! Good luck with this lame cover-up BS!
That seems to be it. I watched it all on CSPAN3. No commercials, no talking heads.

- Col. Griffin told to stand down by SoCOM (Pentagon confirmed yesterday)

And by the time the Military arrived, what would of been left to defend or rescue?

Was the remaining team and staff evacuated by air out of there?
The Republicans are soo afraid of Hillary in 2016, they are trying everything & anything to discredit her.
She'll be President soon enough! Good luck with this lame cover-up BS!

Hillary is a lying POS...She is discrediting her self by being a story teller...IMO
Hey Buck...

I thought she was going to win the last time she tried...I will never be scared of her, I just don't like lier's, and that includes her half impeached husband.....just my opinion...

remember when you guys were outraged about all of these?

anuary 22, 2002. Calcutta, India. Gunmen associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami attack the U.S. Consulate. Five people are killed.

June 14, 2002. Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al-Qaida attacks the U.S. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.

October 12, 2002. Denpasar, Indonesia. U.S. diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of “Bali Bombings.” No fatalities.

February 28, 2003. Islamabad, Pakistan. Several gunmen fire upon the U.S. Embassy. Two people are killed.

May 12, 2003. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Armed al-Qaida terrorists storm the diplomatic compound killing 36 people including nine Americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.

July 30, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacks the U.S. Embassy, killing two people.

December 6, 2004. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Al-Qaida terrorists storm the U.S. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. Nine people are killed.

March 2, 2006. Karachi, Pakistan again. Suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Consulate killing four people, including U.S. diplomat David Foy who was directly targeted by the attackers. (I wonder if Lindsey Graham or Fox News would even recognize the name “David Foy.” This is the third Karachi terrorist attack in four years on what’s considered American soil.)

September 12, 2006. Damascus, Syria. Four armed gunmen shouting “Allahu akbar” storm the U.S. Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. Four people are killed, 13 are wounded.

January 12, 2007. Athens, Greece. Members of a Greek terrorist group called the Revolutionary Struggle fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the U.S. Embassy. No fatalities.

March 18, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Members of the al-Qaida-linked Islamic Jihad of Yemen fire a mortar at the U.S. Embassy. The shot misses the embassy, but hits nearby school killing two.

July 9, 2008. Istanbul, Turkey. Four armed terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate. Six people are killed.

September 17, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the U.S. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including RPGs and detonate two car bombs. Sixteen people are killed, including an American student and her husband (they had been married for three weeks when the attack occurred). This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.

yeah, neither do i.

your guys' fake, manufactured outrage is goddamn laughable and pathetic. laughable and pathetic seems to be what you GOPers are going for nowadays though.

just fucking sad and embarrassing.
remember when you guys were outraged about all of these?

anuary 22, 2002. Calcutta, India. Gunmen associated with Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami attack the U.S. Consulate. Five people are killed.

June 14, 2002. Karachi, Pakistan. Suicide bomber connected with al-Qaida attacks the U.S. Consulate, killing 12 and injuring 51.

October 12, 2002. Denpasar, Indonesia. U.S. diplomatic offices bombed as part of a string of “Bali Bombings.” No fatalities.

February 28, 2003. Islamabad, Pakistan. Several gunmen fire upon the U.S. Embassy. Two people are killed.

May 12, 2003. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Armed al-Qaida terrorists storm the diplomatic compound killing 36 people including nine Americans. The assailants committed suicide by detonating a truck bomb.

July 30, 2004. Tashkent, Uzbekistan. A suicide bomber from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan attacks the U.S. Embassy, killing two people.

December 6, 2004. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Al-Qaida terrorists storm the U.S. Consulate and occupy the perimeter wall. Nine people are killed.

March 2, 2006. Karachi, Pakistan again. Suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Consulate killing four people, including U.S. diplomat David Foy who was directly targeted by the attackers. (I wonder if Lindsey Graham or Fox News would even recognize the name “David Foy.” This is the third Karachi terrorist attack in four years on what’s considered American soil.)

September 12, 2006. Damascus, Syria. Four armed gunmen shouting “Allahu akbar” storm the U.S. Embassy using grenades, automatic weapons, a car bomb and a truck bomb. Four people are killed, 13 are wounded.

January 12, 2007. Athens, Greece. Members of a Greek terrorist group called the Revolutionary Struggle fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the U.S. Embassy. No fatalities.

March 18, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Members of the al-Qaida-linked Islamic Jihad of Yemen fire a mortar at the U.S. Embassy. The shot misses the embassy, but hits nearby school killing two.

July 9, 2008. Istanbul, Turkey. Four armed terrorists attack the U.S. Consulate. Six people are killed.

September 17, 2008. Sana’a, Yemen. Terrorists dressed as military officials attack the U.S. Embassy with an arsenal of weapons including RPGs and detonate two car bombs. Sixteen people are killed, including an American student and her husband (they had been married for three weeks when the attack occurred). This is the second attack on this embassy in seven months.

yeah, neither do i.

your guys' fake, manufactured outrage is goddamn laughable and pathetic. laughable and pathetic seems to be what you GOPers are going for nowadays though.

just fucking sad and embarrassing.

I guess your post is supposed to make BarryO and Hillarys fairy tale story line seem like it was no big deal to lie to the dead peoples parents?...BarryO and Hillary along with susan rice all lied to the nation including the parents of the dead people in person with a straight face...Now that is something to be embarrassed about....Hicks said he was embarrassed when he heard the lies on TV from susan rice......Buck you should look for some better roll models because once people start lying at this level the lies only get bigger....IMO
I guess your post is supposed to make BarryO and Hillarys fairy tale story line seem like it was no big deal to lie to the dead peoples parents?

no, it's actually to demonstrate what a transparent bunch of douchebags all you righties are being with your manufactured outrage.
So why did the GOP vote to cut embassy security? And if we are so concerned about blame, why didn't they hold hearings about 9/11 and the failures of the Bush regime? I mean they did fail everyone and over 3000 people died because the Bush regime let 9/11 happen under their watch. If the Obama administration is responsible for the Benghazi attacks, than the Bush regime must be responsible for 9/11. I am sure the Conservatives must agree.