I read the article
It confirms what I have always suspected. The consulate in Benghazi was a CIA operation. It was attacked. So should the president acknowledge what it's actual mission was and put more CIA assets in danger just to answer the attacks from the Republicans?
That seems to be it. I watched it all on CSPAN3. No commercials, no talking heads.
It looks like a fuckup, SNAFU, FUBAR from the start. But, nothing more. IAC, business as usual for our great Republic. Was it treasonous to go after Nixon? No. It is the system. This public part, anyway. Everyone knows what happened, but it is Classified. So, we are given self aggrandizing stories, for politics....from both side....CONSTANTLY, on ALL topics.
- It was some shoddy diplomacy as we confused our new friends, trying to run Libya.
- It was a CIA front that didn't rise to the standards of Mission
- The cover story for Stevens even being there on 9/11, is thin, but holding. (to give it more credence, with less security??) (Hicks said, 9/11 was just business as usual)
*****WHAT ??? this is why I know the lie. When the Ambassador is in an unsecured location on 9/11, 600 miles out on the limb, conducting secret business with the Turks, with no security detail...... NOT business as usual....a lie on its face.
So, still some questions.....or not.
- Col. Griffin told to stand down by SoCOM (Pentagon confirmed yesterday)
- Never a video or demonstration reported
- Ambassador was there on a secret mission that is remaining secret
- Contradicted, by Susan Rice, the Libyan Pres, slow boated the FBI investigation
- Mr Hicks. went from hero to goat, overnight when he questioned the political top cover...the Rice story.
- The Accountability Review was the Fox saying the Hen House door was broken, but not by who.
It was a carefully crafted, re-election tap dance, that worked.
What I saw was the pubic part of the system. One hearing in 8 rails of Freedom. Good civics, if that term was not such an oxymoron.
People think politics is everything. HA. No way.
Politics is everything they are willing to say. Mostly lies and lies about that. Always the same. Remember? "I can't remember Iran or Contra....wait, where is Contra, again?"
Why the tap dance, then? Considerations beyond our need to know and simple, classic, fuck ups in self rule, seems to me. No foul. No smoking gun. No scandal. The Pubs could not cook up a scandal, even if Hillary threw off all her clothes.

They would probably rush to cover her....from behind...wink, wink...