CIA Operators Denied Help During Benghazi Attack

there was no sitting by for 8 hours.

there was one attack, and then, 7 or so hours later, there was a second attack.

in neither case did they have 8 hours to be "sitting by".
Of course you have no idea how long a typical firefight lasts because you've never been in one... Yet you wanna sit back and tell those of us that have how things are - pathetic.
over 8 hours from the start of the first attack and still no help sent despite the begging for it. It doesn't get any more anti American than that commie fool.

now you're just spouting nonsense.

you also changed the goal posts from "sitting by" to "begging for help".

bullshitters like you always change your tales. and then you pretend to be all mad about it when you think someone else does it, but only if it's obama, as clearly the dozen other attacks i listed received no such response from empty-skulled carnival barkers like yourself.

go sit in the corner, you drooling specimen of partisan hackery.
Truth is, Benghazi was allowed to happen - it's that simple. It's not just someone fucking dropped the ball - someone wanted these people dead, for whatever reason.
now you're just spouting nonsense.

you also changed the goal posts from "sitting by" to "begging for help".

bullshitters like you always change your tales. and then you pretend to be all mad about it when you think someone else does it, but only if it's obama, as clearly the dozen other attacks i listed received no such response from empty-skulled carnival barkers like yourself.

go sit in the corner, you drooling specimen of partisan hackery.

Let me reiterate for your easily confused little brain. Obama and Hillary sat by and did nothing while Americans begged for help. They then enlisted Susan Rice to help them lie about it and to cover it up. These are the indisputable facts.
No its not the end of the world but certainly Americans should expect to see Hillary and Susan Rice exiled and stripped of citizenship. Certainly you would agree they should be dropped by parachute in to Libya so they can start assimilating with people in a more appropriate country for them.

i like it, never liked hilary
Let me reiterate for your easily confused little brain. Obama and Hillary sat by and did nothing while Americans begged for help. They then enlisted Susan Rice to help them lie about it and to cover it up. These are the indisputable facts.

if they are "indisputable facts", then why do they only circulate in the most retarded and conspiratorial of right wing blogosphere bullshit? and why do only the clearly batshit retarded right wingers on this site pout and moan about it when it becomes politically relevant?

you are all just dancing monkeys. the GOP puts on a show and pouts and fusses and blows up its lungs and you guys buy it and get obama derangement syndrome for a while.

it's so fucking amusing, let me assure you.
id just like to add , did anyone really think they didnt know what happened . . and that what they spit out of the white house on a offical letter head is the truth

when sheep wake up

is what they should call this thread
demonize CBS as the liberal lame stream media one day, tout them as the harborer of indisputable facts the next.

your consistency is dizzying.
i don't need to watch the news to figure out how much there was never a peep from you guys about any other embassy attacks, and i don't need the news to see how in sync you guys are with the manufactured political outrage about this.

nothing will come of this in the end besides right wing circle jerking and unhappy endings all around.
Well bucky I watched the dead victims parents and the parents of the dead heroes who helped and all of there outrage about the lies told to them and the cover up of there childrens deaths and it was certainly not manufactured.
i don't need to watch the news to figure out how much there was never a peep from you guys about any other embassy attacks, and i don't need the news to see how in sync you guys are with the manufactured political outrage about this.

nothing will come of this in the end besides right wing circle jerking and unhappy endings all around.

Let's see, we have talking points changed to purposefully mislead the public before an election. The SoS tells parents of the killed that they need not worry, we'll get those responsible for that hateful video. We have the admin claiming they were saying it was terrorism the entire time (like Susan Rice was just a crazy rebel acting on her own). Troops in tripoli were ordered to stand down. Requests for increased security were turned down even while other countries were pulling out because of the danger. We have witnesses on the ground that were intimidated and demoted for trying to tell the truth. We embarrassed the Libyan president and undermined his ability to help with an investigation by calling him a liar, it was just a video, which also hampered the FBIs abilities to investigate. Like the Ft. Hood "work place violence" this admin has shown the only terrorists they are willing to admit to is the tea party.

But I fear you are right, nothing will come out of this. People like you would rather lie to the public than admit you suck and the media will do what they can to help. Most likely if Bush had done it the retarded on the right would be just as defensive as Bucky and the retarded on the left are now.

Our government fucked up, it shouldn't matter which party is in charge before we decide if we care or not.
I assume your worried of course this rules out Hillary becoming president.

It should but it won't. I remember Clinton hammering on Obama's associates pointing out he couldn't receive high CIA clearance because of them if he weren't president. It was an undeniable truth that Obama tried to avoid by saying his associates were just some guy in the neighborhood and even though he sat in the same church for 20 years he didn't really listen. After the primaries Clinton said never mind, just all in good fun.

20 years from now the surviving Boston bomber will be teaching at Columbia and advising the president and those in his party will downplay it or justify it.

I don't see Biden using the Benghazi card during the debates though but somebody surely will. She'll lie again and make up excuses and blame somebody else while saying the buck stops with her. "the buck stops with me, but it was his fault" seemed to work for Obama, it will work for Clinton. It's her turn.
Better get ready for 3 more years of trying by the Republicans to drag Clinton through the mud. Their backs are going to so fucked up, they won't be able to stand at her Inauguration.
I assume your worried of course this rules out Hillary becoming president.

What!?!?! This makes her a hero.....didn't you watch the entire thing on CSPAN3? The entire thrust on the Dem side of the committee was to make sure there was no blame to fall on her.

She is the one who stood up the the crazies in Congress. The Pubs will have to do better than that....a lot better.
Let's see, we have talking points changed to purposefully mislead the public before an election. The SoS tells parents of the killed that they need not worry, we'll get those responsible for that hateful video. We have the admin claiming they were saying it was terrorism the entire time (like Susan Rice was just a crazy rebel acting on her own). Troops in tripoli were ordered to stand down. Requests for increased security were turned down even while other countries were pulling out because of the danger. We have witnesses on the ground that were intimidated and demoted for trying to tell the truth. We embarrassed the Libyan president and undermined his ability to help with an investigation by calling him a liar, it was just a video, which also hampered the FBIs abilities to investigate. Like the Ft. Hood "work place violence" this admin has shown the only terrorists they are willing to admit to is the tea party.

But I fear you are right, nothing will come out of this. People like you would rather lie to the public than admit you suck and the media will do what they can to help. Most likely if Bush had done it the retarded on the right would be just as defensive as Bucky and the retarded on the left are now.

Our government fucked up, it shouldn't matter which party is in charge before we decide if we care or not.

i guarantee this kind of thing happens every time there is an embassy attack under every president: demotions, political positioning, confusion, reciting of talking points which may not turn out to be true.

the only difference this time is that your savior tried to use the deaths of americans as political fodder.

you remember that, right? the smirking disaster? remember?


you numbnuts are complete zombie automatons for romney STILL. it is pathetic. and transparent.

nothing will come out of this because there is nothing out of the ordinary. the only thing overblown here is your fake outrage.

never a peep when dozens of others died in embassy attacks, never a word about the GOP cutting embassy security. just fake outrage.

it's pathetic, it's cheap, it's transparent, it's petty.

but pathetic really is a step up for you right wing tards lately, especially after the skewed polls nonsense, the crying wold about the constitutionality of the PPACA, being wrong about the auto bailouts, nearly driving us to default on our debt, and so much more.

you guys have gone off the fucking cliff. you guys are fucking jokes.