Let's see, we have talking points changed to purposefully mislead the public before an election. The SoS tells parents of the killed that they need not worry, we'll get those responsible for that hateful video. We have the admin claiming they were saying it was terrorism the entire time (like Susan Rice was just a crazy rebel acting on her own). Troops in tripoli were ordered to stand down. Requests for increased security were turned down even while other countries were pulling out because of the danger. We have witnesses on the ground that were intimidated and demoted for trying to tell the truth. We embarrassed the Libyan president and undermined his ability to help with an investigation by calling him a liar, it was just a video, which also hampered the FBIs abilities to investigate. Like the Ft. Hood "work place violence" this admin has shown the only terrorists they are willing to admit to is the tea party.
But I fear you are right, nothing will come out of this. People like you would rather lie to the public than admit you suck and the media will do what they can to help. Most likely if Bush had done it the retarded on the right would be just as defensive as Bucky and the retarded on the left are now.
Our government fucked up, it shouldn't matter which party is in charge before we decide if we care or not.
i guarantee this kind of thing happens every time there is an embassy attack under every president: demotions, political positioning, confusion, reciting of talking points which may not turn out to be true.
the only difference this time is that your savior tried to use the deaths of americans as political fodder.
you remember that, right? the smirking disaster? remember?
you numbnuts are complete zombie automatons for romney STILL. it is pathetic. and transparent.
nothing will come out of this because there is nothing out of the ordinary. the only thing overblown here is your fake outrage.
never a peep when dozens of others died in embassy attacks, never a word about the GOP cutting embassy security. just fake outrage.
it's pathetic, it's cheap, it's transparent, it's petty.
but pathetic really is a step up for you right wing tards lately, especially after the skewed polls nonsense, the crying wold about the constitutionality of the PPACA, being wrong about the auto bailouts, nearly driving us to default on our debt, and so much more.
you guys have gone off the fucking cliff. you guys are fucking jokes.