Was that a great debate or what?


Well-Known Member
Where do you see that?
Uncle Buck is a good example. For sure on the left. He used to live or die by the polls until they started showing Romney in the lead. Now "they are all skewed" and rigged in Romney's favor. So there you go.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Gallup is a joint venture between Bush, Pastor Ted Haggard and Rupert Murdoch, Bain Capital. Didn't you all know that? How much more biased can you get than that. But they can't lie about Romney winning by too much or it'd get obvious.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Huzzah, you're just using conservative talking points against Padwan. Stop being a fucking totally asshole racist. You should be ashamed and convert to the true religion of peace, Islam, and one true God, Allah,peace be upon him.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck is a good example. For sure on the left. He used to live or die by the polls until they started showing Romney in the lead. Now "they are all skewed" and rigged in Romney's favor. So there you go.

I don't see anything in the news from the left about the polls being fixed. I haven't seen UB say anything about it either except perhaps in jest.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck is a good example. For sure on the left. He used to live or die by the polls until they started showing Romney in the lead. Now "they are all skewed" and rigged in Romney's favor. So there you go.
i am mocking what you guys were doing when obama was out in front.

add sarcasm to the list of things you don't get, right along with non-viagra induced erections, sex with women less than 400 pounds, and sex with women without first buying them a buffet dinner at the local chinese food joint.


Well-Known Member
If someone told me she wasnt a meth head, I wouldnt believe them. She had the exact look of a long time meth user.
Several of us have commented on her meth-head appearance. Not saying she is a meth-head, but she sure looks like one, or perhaps a crack-head.


Well-Known Member
Gallup is a joint venture between Bush, Pastor Ted Haggard and Rupert Murdoch, Bain Capital. Didn't you all know that? How much more biased can you get than that. But they can't lie about Romney winning by too much or it'd get obvious.
Sorry, you're going to have to back up that claim. It sounds ridiculous on it's face


Well-Known Member
Seriously? You put up a Huffington Post example? Why not just post something from the DNC?
Do you see where it says "currently tracking 518 polls", dipshit?

That chart and those numbers are an average across the board, from all 518 different polls combined.

Goddamnit you people are stupid.


Well-Known Member
Do you see where it says "currently tracking 518 polls", dipshit? That chart and those numbers are an average across the board, from all 518 different polls combined. Goddamnit you people are stupid.
An average of polls selected by the Huffington Post. You propose your source is unbiased, when even most Liberals accept they are not. Some of those polls are over a week old, hardly relative.


Well-Known Member
Do you see where it says "currently tracking 518 polls", dipshit?

That chart and those numbers are an average across the board, from all 518 different polls combined.

Goddamnit you people are stupid.
You don't get it do you? Combining all the bullshit polls with the accurate polls will lead you to an inaccurate average. Huffington does that to favor Obama while at the same time trying to appear non partisan. Normal people don't read the Huffington, I'd recommend getting your news from somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
You don't get it do you? Combining all the bullshit polls with the accurate polls will lead you to an inaccurate average. Huffington does that to favor Obama while at the same time trying to appear non partisan. Normal people don't read the Huffington, I'd recommend getting your news from somewhere else.
Like where?
-fox news
-vangaurd news network (LOL it's the white supremacist's very own network)


Well-Known Member
You dummies can't even handle a .2 lead, holy shit!

What will you do when he wins the election!? Shit your pants and eat some cheerios?


Well-Known Member
You don't get it do you? Combining all the bullshit polls with the accurate polls will lead you to an inaccurate average. Huffington does that to favor Obama while at the same time trying to appear non partisan. Normal people don't read the Huffington, I'd recommend getting your news from somewhere else.
did you not notice that even rasmussen and fox news polls are included, kiddy diddler?

i always wondered how you amassed so many crayons. now we have the answer. you're a kiddy diddler.