Was that a great debate or what?


Well-Known Member
I actually fell asleep during the first debate, but I have to say it was much more interesting this time. Obama actually showed up for this one, he just phoned in the first one. The two combatants (yeah, you heard me) really put up a good fight. They were right up unto each others faces. Both nearly told Kattie Crowley to shut up. They came close to blows tonight. It was sort of like a Korean Parliament meeting, except without anyone leaving on a stretcher. Who won? I can't say either way, but us fight fans sure did.
I was irritated when Romney went on and on overtime. Although it turned out Obama still managed to score an extra 3 minutes out of 90 minutes.
I think it was like 1 1/2 minutes, but both overran their allotted time on just about every question or response. Frankly, I think more time should have been allotted.
I was irritated when Romney went on and on overtime. Although it turned out Obama still managed to score an extra 3 minutes out of 90 minutes.
So, since in fact, Obama went over more than Romney, does the fact that you were more irritated with Romney maybe give you a little self-insight on how bias can alter your perception of reality?
So, since in fact, Obama went over more than Romney, does the fact that you were more irritated with Romney maybe give you a little self-insight on how bias can alter your perception of reality?

I plan on voting for Romney..

How is bias altering my perception?

I expect Obama to go overtime...
I plan on voting for Romney.. How is bias altering my perception? I expect Obama to go overtime...
I don't know. But something seemed to alter your perception. What do you think it was? Just bad judgement of time? Perhaps assuming bias was mistaken. If so, I apologize. Was Romney just irritating and that made it seem longer than it was? If you support Romney, that doesn't seem likely.
Yeah I loved it both came to play, when they got in each others face I was like oh shit. Obama made some good points but didn't like his answers or lack of on increased energy prices and a break even recession recovery. Romney really looked more knowledgeable on foreign trade, cooperation requirements, and currency manipulation and employment and business in general. Obama has a weak spot in that area and it stood out tonight and it made his plans not sound as appealing.
I thought Romney did very well, but kind if felt it was closer to a tie if I accounted for my preference. It would be nice to see the polls showing he did as well as I perceived.
[h=1]When MSNBC viewers call it for Romney, You know Obama is toast! MSNBC Live Poll[/h] [h=2]Q: Who won tonight's debate?[/h] President Obama 44% Mitt Romney 56% Total Votes: 8348 When MSNBC viewers call it for Romney, Obama is toast! http://ed.msnbc.com/_news/2012/10/03/14208898-poll-who-won-tonights-debate?lite
Wow, I found that hard to beleive, so I checked and you are correct. Could it be that Obama the Savior is losing ground big time? I noticed most the comments were pro Obama tho. Most of them seemed somewhat retarded.
I don't know. But something seemed to alter your perception. What do you think it was? Just bad judgement of time? Perhaps assuming bias was mistaken. If so, I apologize. Was Romney just irritating and that made it seem longer than it was? If you support Romney, that doesn't seem likely.


one star for the stormfront snitch. see my sig.