Toad's Grow


Active Member
Ok, Boys and girls, I am in this contest...I just started my grow and have 4 indica type plant sprouts. I am using two, for now, 23 watt CFL clip lamps ..and unlike alot of people in theis contest...I am a total NOOB, but i have read a ton, and am hoping that will pay off:blsmoke:
My grow medium is a grow cor, coconut compressed soil, and and a peat/potting soil mix...
My room temp flucuates between 70 and 75 degrees
My water, is aged tap water that i sit out for 48 hours before use, with a PH of 8.0 My soil has a PH of 5.8, so i am hoping they offset
Since my plants are sprouts, I am using no nutes yet, but i am going to try miracle gro when the time comes and go from there
My setup is currently my computer room desk, since we don't get alot of visitors here:)
Currently, I use a 24/0 light schedule, since my sprouts wilted when i tried to turn off the lights
I water 1/8 of a cup tops, every 3 days



Well-Known Member
Well, I can tell you as of now :

2 CFL's wont cut it for more than 1 Plant.

Id say 3 CLF's at minimum for each plant.

but for now it will work till it starts developing more.

Subscribed to your thread, you could do the same :)


Active Member
Not much to report, one of my plants is crazy ahead of the others tho, man i hope it's not a male lol...I gave one plant 1/8 cup of water, all other condions are the same...I have 6 sprouts now, so my y adapters, CFL bulbs and clip lamps better hurry the hell up and get here:) Yea, I know my 2 CFL lites with 6 sprouts is well, weak, but i put the sprouts in a window sill to help offset my light issue, at least for now, till they get to big lol. I put a small fan in the room, and it blows lightly on the babies as well. I will post more pix tomorrow, kinda pressed for time tonite lol


Active Member
Got some new pics of the babies today while they were in enjoying natural sunlight in the window...I had to use part of a bamboo skewer to hold up one, she is getting so tall, but i still use the fan trying to strengthen the stems on my other ones.My room temp. is 75 degrees still, I am still using grow coir peat mix, and still "NO NUTES NO NUTES" ok bad joke lol.I watered one new sprout with 1/8 cup of water today, her soil was bone dry, I may start using 1/4 cup of water, they get thirsty sitting under the lights with my 24/0 lite and sun schedule.I am still WAITING imaptiently for the 12 CFl, 4 y adapters, and 6 clip lamps i ordered so i can set up proper light. I am using soft white CFLs i got from the grocery store and they are too warm, and too few for 6 little ones lol. I uploaded a pic of my high tech germination system, I kept the sponge moist but not soaked, set it on the tray and put the black carry out container in a cuboard with a heating pad set on low. I got 100% germination, 100% sprouts:) It took 72 hours total for all seeds to crack, but 2 cracked in 16 hours



Well-Known Member
Good for you with the fan. I didn't do that, and regret it. I try to blow on them but it just scatters the light soil... I guess I'm giving them Carbon Dioxide, eh? Maybe when Singstar comes out for ps3 May 20 I'll sing to them oops wrong forum


Well-Known Member
I feel you man, I learned quickly that warm light is not good in this stage. And I had a lot of drying, too-- they say noobs tend to overwater, but man that shit was dried out!

I agree about light, I cannot believe how light-hungry these little babies are.

I'll be watching your thread, but from your pics I can see you have a better start than me.

Well, live and learn, as the man say...

Got some new pics of the babies today while they were in enjoying natural sunlight in the window...I had to use part of a bamboo skewer to hold up one, she is getting so tall, but i still use the fan trying to strengthen the stems on my other ones.My room temp. is 75 degrees still, I am still using grow coir peat mix, and still "NO NUTES NO NUTES" ok bad joke lol.I watered one new sprout with 1/8 cup of water today, her soil was bone dry, I may start using 1/4 cup of water, they get thirsty sitting under the lights with my 24/0 lite and sun schedule.I am still WAITING imaptiently for the 12 CFl, 4 y adapters, and 6 clip lamps i ordered so i can set up proper light. I am using soft white CFLs i got from the grocery store and they are too warm, and too few for 6 little ones lol. I uploaded a pic of my high tech germination system, I kept the sponge moist but not soaked, set it on the tray and put the black carry out container in a cuboard with a heating pad set on low. I got 100% germination, 100% sprouts:) It took 72 hours total for all seeds to crack, but 2 cracked in 16 hours


Active Member
Thx bro, I appreciate the kindness...Yea the red lights suck and the ones i ordered are taking forever to get here lol, when i wake up in time i always put em on the window sill...since they are small and out my fenced backyard window, security isn't an issue, yet lol..My soil mix is mostly coc fiber, with a bit of potting soil, i do the "finger" test to check moisture and only water with aged tap so far lol


Active Member
Not much goin on today, still using all the same stuff i was before...STILL waiting on all my lights and fixtures...Didn't add any water because they are all still pretty moist and i don't want to over-water em..Overslept, so they missed the window light grr lol. The internet is taking forever to ship out my stuff, i sure wish they would hurry the hell up:roll: I have learned so far, that this lil hobby is expensive to get all the stuff ya need, gotta a shopping cart full of 200 bux worth of supplies for the next phase of my grow lol..and i only have 6 plants:blsmoke:I am going to go with ionic nutes since they say they are formulated for use in my coco fiber medium, and from what i have read, not alot of peeps are fans of the miricle grow houseplant stuff If anyone has any opinions, I would love to hear em, peace:mrgreen:


Active Member
WOW...Big day today.....My LIGHTS finally came in:mrgreen: I am still waiting on my fixtures and y adapters tho...but as it stands now i have 8 42 watt cfl's (175 watt equiv.) and 7 23 watt cfls (100 watt equiv) all full spectrum 5100k...So, 3 babies were dry and received 1/4 cup tap water apiece, and i put the red lights away till blooming and redid my set up. Because I only have 3 clip lamps so far, I used 2 42 watters and one 23 watter over my 6 seedlings.I run a fan all day to strenghten stalks, and turn it off when i go upstairs to play on computer.My room temp is still staying at 75 and I haven't started using my weak miracle grow solution, i am prolly gonna wait a week on that, based on everything i have read. I ordered ionic nutes, but it will take em at least a 2 weeks to arrive lol. I ordered their grow, bloom and burst, so i can't wait to see how they work and how it will all turn out. My plants all seem to be healthy, but one plant has it's first set of true leaves pointed upward and closed, it does not appear to be wilting or unhealthy tho, but in todays pics i posted one of it, in case someone can tell me if they have seen this before and what causes it. I also posted a pic of my poor deformed seedling that got stuck in her shell husk..and of course i posted pics of my good plants, and my temporary grow area:) :joint: IF anyone can offer some advice on anything i am screwin up on, please let me know:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Hey, if you have anymore of those Clamps for you CLF, you have that one Clamped to you cupboard, but I think you should change the angle of the bulb.

The focused tip of the bulb dosnt release as much light as the Sides, so take those Reflectors off and have the bulbs show there sides to the tops of the plants, that will help alot. Do that to all of the lights if you can.


Active Member
man, i wish i could, they are ceramic, can't pull the domes off of em, but i did redo em so they are all pointing down and raised up the plants...I will be posting more pics tomorrow so you can check it out and tell me what ya think, i am following your grow journal as well:)


Active Member
I redid my lights today, so hopefully more lite will reach my babies...My biggest one was bone dry and took 1/4 cup of water, being under all the lights we use really drys em out, so in addition to overwatering, i gotta watch that too lol..I am still waiting on my 6 clip lamps and 4 y adapters, once they arrive, my lighting issue will be much easier..Otherwise, nothing new, i will be posting more pics tomorrow, please keep the input comming, i need all the help i can get:mrgreen:


Active Member
Not alot to report, my babies were thirsty today tho, 3 of em got 1/4 cup of pure water..still holdin off on my weak miricle grow for houseplant solution till next week lol...My one that has it's first set of true leaves pointed up is hurtin for sure, and my one with the deformed leaves from being stuck in her pod has her 2nd set of leaves turning yellow grrrr...I took some new pics, i got my y adapters but was only able to usem on one fixture, man i hope my new clip lamps arive soon...I am adding ph down to my aged tap water for next time i water, maybe that will help out my weaker babies:-|I took a pic of my new temp grow setup, i think i got enuff light finally lol, if not or if i am screwin up in anyother way, please tell me, i openly admit i am a newb grower:mrgreen:



Active Member
Re-did my grow sytem and i now have a "pot Box" It is a carboard box i modified, to keep the lights from blinding me on my computer..In the process of moving everone, my bigest plant touched the bulb and got some leaf burn:( it is mild, so i am hoping she will be ok. I will post pictures of my contraption tomorrow, and i have a thermometer in there to moniter the temp...My babies get real thirsty..3 took 1/4 cup of water, seems like i am watering them every 2 days, but they are bone dry when i water them..Still holding of on nutes till monday lol:joint:They are growing like, well, weed lmao:mrgreen:


Active Member
Well, as promised, I have uploaded pix of my 0 dollar contraption, known as the "potbox" Basically, what i did was take a medium sized cardboard box, and cut all the flaps off it with a utility knife..then i used duct tape to attach one flap on top, so it would swing free, like hinges, then i gently put 2 other flaps inside, while i am on the computer, the result is now 0 glare, the only thing i have to do is watch the temp, but i have a thermometer inside of it, and a low fan blowing into it.....please note, the back of box must be open or it will get too hot, even with cfls:) Then when i am done on puter, i pull the flaps out and swing the top open:)Hey, it werks:mrgreen: Other than that, 3 babies got watered today, and my one bagseed gal is dying:( But i still have 5 others so i guess it had crappy genetics, she was born praying and yellow, and i can't snap her out of it, and the other 5 are thriving:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Lol, Nice Monitor. That thing is like really old school, I remember watching my Uncle play DOOM for PC back when I was small child on a Monitor just like that.

Everything is looking decent, that one plant that is tied up is Fking Tall! ;)


They'll start to produce more and more canopy as they grow in the next week, more leaves equal more energy stored equals more growth, hold on to your britches :)