Toad's Grow


Active Member
sweet, thx for the encouragement, yea, my moniter is old skool, but it works like a champ lmao they gonna grow outta the box fast tho lmao


Active Member
First off, i just received my copy of the book "BUds for Less"I know this is a shameless plug...but ya gotta buy this book, just the little bit i have read has showed me and taught me a ton, I had noo idea how big a role water ph played in growing, and now i know, i can't wait to read the rest of it as my grow progresses, garden knowm, you will prolly never see this grow journal, but you are the shit bro:) Sooo, after ph testing my water and bringing it to the proper ph, i thourly watered all of my plants, the goal here is to get them all on a 3 day schedule, so i won't underwater them lol, i know overwatering is a prob, but i am doin the opposite lmao. I added a very weak miracle grow houseplant solution to my 2 biggest plants, I will be watching them closely, the other 3 are not well enuff established for it yet. My "potbox" got too hot, so i had to rearange lights and swap out 42 watt sfls for 25 watt ones, it sux, but there are still 4 of em in there so i think they are getting enuff light. each plant has 2 lights facing it, so i will have to watch that as well..Tomorrow i will be posting new pics, feel free to comment, or point out mistakes:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol, I hate reading text, especially when its not formatted in Essay dialaoge. Ahahah, atleast im honest! :)

Anyways, Pictures are worth a million words, so get us some new ones Toad ;)

Im still going strong, waiting for that sex to show up. Im gonna be so fucking happy if I get a female. I might even try to bust a clone if its a she.


Active Member
As promised, i have posted pictures, side and top veiws of my 2 biggest and of a couple of the smaller ones, these things are growing like mad, and my big gal is gonna outgrow the potbox, and her pot soon:) So far, no negative results from my weak miracle grow solution, i added no water today, because they got quite a soaking yesterday..hope yall enjoy the pics:mrgreen:



Active Member
oh yea, i am using VERY small quantities rite now lol, and watching carefully...did ya ever notice the directions on the bottles are like fish food containers? they always say to feed waaaayy more than ya should, and then remove uneaten food after 10 min lmao


Active Member
Had to water my 3 lil gals in there 3 inch pots, they get thirsty setting under the lights, the 2 bigger ones i added small amount of miracle grow plant food to are doing good, i am just noticing tho that the bottom true leaves are turning a more pale green and the leaves that first showed when it sprouted are turning yellow...hope this is normal..I am keeping a very close eye on it, in case i gotta flush em, but they are showing no signs of burn..well i will take more pics tomorrow, peace:)


Active Member
Not much goin on today, i adjusted the ph to the proper lvl and my plants are adjusting to it, i have some minor yellowing and 2 tiny brown spots on the lower leaves, i am watching it closely, hope it gets better..The fuggly plant in the pictures is a gal that got stuck in her seed pod..i am letting the soil completly dry out between waterings to try to spread my roots out so they don't get bound



Active Member
Yea, be careful grabbin cfls, to tweak, grabbed one of my 23 watt ones, and broke it lol no werries i got plenty more, watered al my gals with 6.4 ph pure water, will add nutes, later lol, let the water run into the the saucers, make sure they are wet, but only water on the third day:mrgreen: Otherwise, my gals are doin great:):peace:


Well-Known Member
Watch out Toad, I think some CFL's have mercury in them which wont be good for plants or you in general, make sure you cleanup really nice, wear a hazmat suit lol :)


Active Member
Sry it has been a couple days since i posted, i wasn't feeling well, but i am great now:) My water is holding strong, i redid my lights to add 2 more 42 watt cfls, pretty soon the big gals are gonna be transplanted and move outta the potbox lol:joint:I will prolly be transplanting and moving them tomorrow, so I will post new pics after they are set up:mrgreen:Here are some pics as of now tho



Active Member
Busy day today:mrgreen:Re-potted all my gals into bigger pots, and made a bigger potbox outta the one my clip lamps came in:) I redid my lights as well, and now have a total of four 42 watt cfls in the bigger box. After i replanted, each one got about a pint of water, at a ph of 6.2..There will be no more nutes for at least a week, so they can get over the transplant shock...All of them had great root balls, so i think i transplanted just in time..Here are the pics of the new setup, which is only gonna be good for a few weeks at this rate:blsmoke:



Active Member
Well, the plants are slowly but surely adjusting to transplanted life...I have some yellow leaves, but at least they are perking back up..Unfortunatly, they will have to be repotted into their 3 gallon pots in a couple weeks...My adjusted PH is 6.2 and my soil PH is the same as well, at least that is what the bag says, I have no soil ph test kit yet..I am going to post some pics, maybe someone can please tell me what i am doing wrong, because ever since i put the water from 8.0 to 6.2 I have had yellow leaves, and brown spots I am not using ANY nutes right now, I want them to get better first:confused: i am getting worried, I live in a tiny town, and if i ever wanna smoke again, these plants gotta live:blsmoke:I have 3 42 watt CFLs and 2 23 watt CFLs and after i cut the domes off 3 clip lamps i am hoping to add at least 2 more 42 watt cfls, and get rid of the 23 watt ones, If my leaves stay yellow, i am gonna put my ph back up, because before i brought it down, they were fine



Well-Known Member
Maybe the PH of the soil is changed after the water goes thru it, this could make your PH lower and could be suffering from Nute-Lock-Out rather than an overdose. Usually the soil will decrease PH, you could try a water of about 6.8 and maybe youll see an improvement.

Sorry to hear that good buddy, dont know what to tell you.


Well-Known Member
Nice journal so far toad! Keep up the good work. If you post some pics in the plant problems section you should get some good advice about the yellowing. I would say flush them with 6.8 water, but I am a newby so get better advise.