Toad's Grow


Active Member
Not much happening today, just flushed my plants again with aged tap water...i put up pics of my sick plants so others can learn from them lol, I have been told to "start over" on some, but i got a good supply of smoke, so i am gonna ride it out and see if i can nurse em back to health and learn in the process:mrgreen:the first 2 pics are the plants my bud gave me, and they are growing like weeds lmao prolly gonna have to 12/12 at least one of them around the first of august, i want em to 'veg out" and get real bushy so i will have some big buds bongsmilie:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
I dont mean to laugh Toad, but my first grow log went up before your journal, and that turned out to be a male. I know youve seen my new journal, but my plant is already bigger than your plants and alot healthier. I think you should start over, if my short term memory is correct youve been in this for a good 2-3 months now and you should atleast have some flowering females.

I think you should start over with some quality seeds, and use your quality knowlegde you have gained. Or, start some new ones right now, so that if your plants eventually fail or turnout to be some bunk weed than youll have another ready for harvest soon after.

Goodluck Toad, sorry once again, its just wierd to see my plant 'Lapping' you and you put so much time into it all.


Active Member
yea, no doubt lol, i think i will prolly start some new plants, but i got some clones i am werkin with too, plus, i finally got enuff connections to keep in i will keep the old ones too lol luckily my bud bailed me out with 2 plants he couldn't keep soo come october i will still be smokin...:) Hell, it's a journey..and i am baked and enjoying the ride lmao


Active Member
Setting up my "bloom room" I decided to use an old wardrobe instead of adding the closet to my room. i am using a 250 watt halogen bulb and 4 23 watt CFLs in there..the area is 2 by 2 and 6 foot tall and the color inside is naturally reflective. I will be posting more pics as we finish it, i want to coat it with mylar and ventilate it before i go 12/12 so the plants in there now are on an 17/7 timer and veggin...Watered all the other plants and added real weak ionic grow to all of em...i have 2 clones going, one has roots and the other has only been started for 3 my bet is this.....since all 5 of my original plants are sick, will the clones lap them? i am keeping optimistic for now, and betting no:mrgreen: but then again i am baked so my judgement is impaired they say:bigjoint::joint:Check out these plants:blsmoke:they are the ones my bud gave me

