Toad's Grow


Active Member
thx whorable and crackbaby, i did some reading and yall are dead right, i raised the ph of all my water to 6.8 I have not watered them yet, but they are doing a lil better, prolly getting over the shock of the repoting


Active Member
They are slowly getting better, and i think they will pull through, I added no water today, but checked the ph of all my water and made sure, it was 6.8 to 7.0 I am also going to make real sure they are nice and dry before watering them, wanna makes sure i am not overdoing it..Hopefully my clip lamps will get cut tonite, so i can add more 42 watt cfls, i am convinced there is no such thing as too much light.Once they completely recover i will start back with 1/4 strength miricle grow, but not until then:blsmoke::hump:


Active Member
Slowly but surely my plants are getting better, I have new growth on top, but my bottom leaves are still yellowing and dying...I raised my whater ph to 7.6 and am still adding no nutes to try to help them recover. I am going to be ordering a floro tube growlight and 3 gallon pots on friday, so hopefully that will help out. Here are the latest pics:spew:



Well-Known Member
Make sure the lower leafs are getting efficient light, if they dont they tend to die.

I would say maybe give them some Foliar feeding with a small ammount of nutes in the water and see what happens, dont put any in the soil, just spray and mist it with a fine misty mist mist misty misty mist action.


Active Member
thx, i will be sure to try that, i have more lights comming on friday, because they are getting too big for the box now lol


Active Member
My plants are doing alot better finally, and the yellowing is going away..They are growing like mad an about to outgrow the box...I have a floro tube grow light comming on friday, so I can move everyone outta my box settup and use that for my future cloning area..I am also using it to clone, (no shit) tomato plants..I am going to be also starting vermicomposting with worms as a way to recycle my soil and re juvinate it after harvest...Worm bins are cheap and easy to make, and provide cheap soil encrichment vs buying the casings everytime. Plus it will also allow me to get rid of any evidence after harvest hee hee:mrgreen:


Active Member
AAAWW:( Dam bro i am so sry, just was able to get back on after visiting with some seeds from nirvana mebbe? helll, i dunno i bought my seeds from a diff site in amsterdam obviously, but i got lucky and actually got em, but who is to say i don't have have 5 fuggin males...keep at we can smoke our shit when we we get lucky and grow rite:D From all the pics i saw you have the growin part down great


Active Member
Wow, FINALLY, I am back on lol...We had inlaws visting over the long weekend, so i had to hide my babies in a storage closet for 3 days, I was worried sick the whole time, but luckily i was able to leave them with at least some light and stack em on boxes. I pulled em out today and watered them with my weak miricle grow mix and my proper ph 6.8 water, for me personally, miracle grow is great in the veg state, if ya go real easy with it:mrgreen: The problem i had earlier was nute lock from too low ph so i learned to be careful with that. The only drawback i had was some minor elongating because the light outta the standard floro tube was too low lvl...but it is over now and no more havin to hide em:roll: I was able to get a lamp hood cut today so i now have 5 42 watt cfls in the potbox, still waiting on my 3 gallon pots and grow light..once that happens, the box will be my new cloning area within the next month...well, enuff are the pics



Active Member
I got my floro tube grow lights and my 2 tall babies are loving it....I put CFL fixtures on the sides as well to eliminate that pesky bottom leaf dyin off...I spread out my smaller plants in the potbox so the3 plants in there now have 5 42 watt cfls.....I STILL use 1/2 strength miracle grow common houseplant fert, and my plants in veg are growin like mad, even after all the MG debate lol...Hey, pot is well, a WEED lmao, the plants under the floro tube grow light are on a 18/6 timer, and i dunno why, but they seem to grow faster once they get older than the 3 i have on 24/, i think older plants in veg should roll with an 18/6 schedule, but my side lighting cfls are on 24/0 so i am still testing the theory..all i know is my babies are green and mean, and i will be posting new pics tomorrow:mrgreen:4 months till smokie treat time:blsmoke:


Active Member
Well technically they are like day 28 but oh well lol...Miracle grow houseplant works great at 1/2 strength, anymore and the plants will be nute burned...I have 2 grow stations set up, and will be ordering yet more floro grow tubes in a couple of weeks:mrgreen:The room is getting too hot upstairs so we will be installing our window AC units tomorrow. The lights, even CFL ones get hot in close quarters, my vermicomposing soil renewal project is going great, hey, i am not the proverbial tree hugger, but my as well be "green earth" , because we all share the planet lol, and recycling the coco fiber with soil based worm compost just makes sense...I am gonna show off my new set ups, and when we build the bloom room in a few weeks i will be posting pics of that as well:hump:IF you use floro tubes, make sure you use CFLs on the sides, because if not, the lower leaves will die off, which sux, because when ya harvest you can use em to make hash:blsmoke:I believe in wasting nothing, especially since i have 4 months to go before i can smoke em':peace:



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HUGE day in the garden today....Watered my plants for the last time with MG houseplant...I am switchin them over to ionic next water, and gonna try out some shultz plant food as well, later on. Worm composting is going great, hoping some will be ready to use by the time i get my last 3 gallon transplant in..."Topped" and and am gonna try cloning one of my taller plants, because it is real tall and prolly a male lol, but it will give me the opertunity to practice my cloning. I use 6 oz clear plastic cup, WEAK nute water, and of course, cloning root gel, I put a zipplock baggie over the top to keep the humidity in, I am just hoping it roots lmao...:mrgreen: I am planning the bloom room, have a freind who grows helpin me so it will be fun:blsmoke:I learned about mylar today, and will be putting some up tomorrow


Active Member
Big day today, transplanted the 2 plants my buddy gave me into 3 gallon pots, i think they are skunk strain if i remember right...Watered my plants with 1/4 tsp per gallon of ionic nutes, and added worm compost to the new transplants...I learned a very important lesson about miracle grow, thx to my buddy and i posted it in that thread as well, but i want to add it here..MG houseplant food is noo good for plants because the nitrogen ratio is waayyy to high..basically, it burns yer leaves and turns em i got to flush ALL 5 of my plants and now am using the ionic stuff, hey, live and learn lol my plants are slowly but surely getting better tho:mrgreen:Here are the pics..i included some of the sick plant so yall can see what even a weak MG solution does to a plant:blsmoke:I have come to the conclusion that my plants grow in spite of me, not because of me:peace::joint:



Active Member
Busy day today, topped and cloned the big plant my buddy gave me, so that it would fit under my light without starving the others...Got in my shultz plant food today, but i am laying off the nutes till my ladies recover, so i flushed em with aged tap water again:neutral:It is real hot in my room, but i am hoping my AC gets put in tomorrow, so i can cool everyone down. I have all my lights on 17/7, the older plants benefit from the rest i think..I took ph of my water commin out of my soil and it was waayy acidic so i am no longer adjusting my ph down..My buddy just uses shultz and his plants are WAY doing better than mine, so live and learn, I will flush em with aged water again tomorrow and keep my fingers crossed..i am not sure one is gonna pull through, but at least i have a clone of it that is rooting, My clone method is real easy, plastic cup with weak nute water, growth hormone, and to make the humidity dome, i use a plastic ziplock sandwich bag over the top of the cup:blsmoke:I have had 100% success so far lol:hump: